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internet dipshit, i am way better than you!!
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Found a festival for some of you
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
logging onto bluesky:
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
get in
if you want to destroy my cybertruckkk mist it lightly as i drive awayyyy
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Donald Trump: “We want all remaining Bitcoin to be made in the USA” I think it may be time to move this man into hospice care
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
half-life 2 porno but the g-man still says "this is where i get off"
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Climate change impacts are nonlinear
This chart shows annual hours of smoke-filled skies in Calgary from 1953 to 2023. As the first wildfire smoke of the 2024 season blew in this week, it's hard to convey the sadness it elicited in a lot of folks. There's a growing realization this is our new reality. And a genuine sense of mourning.
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Sphere execs doing the math and realizing that banning people who smoke weed from a venue that is booking every jam band known to man might be bad for business
MAJOR TWIST: Spokeswoman for the Sphere says the ban against the bong enjoyer at the 4/20 Phish show was issued in error and is not in effect, blames "a breakdown in our process" for the letter he received. Story has been updated.
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Windows Recall has me seriously looking into Linux.
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
the thing about the frog-in-boiling-water allegory is that in real life the frogs in that experiment had their brains removed; frogs with intact brains quickly jumped out of the hot water. which actually makes it somehow more illustrative of people who write or are persuaded by 3-3-3 court pieces
Every year or so, a thinkpiece comes along that tries to convince people that, actually, the Supreme Court isn’t as out of control that those hysterical liberals make it out to be. With graphs and empirical tools and such. This is the latest version of that. www.politico.com/news/magazin...
Opinion | Using Math to Analyze the Supreme Court Reveals an Intriguing Patternwww.politico.com The conservative wing isn’t always aligned, and that leads to some surprising outcomes.
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Free Gaza spotted in Ottawa, Canada
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
half of bluesky: we want this feature devs: ok, we're adding it other half of bluesky: no! that feature sucks!
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
"[A]nything you post on any of these platforms can and will be used for profit. It's just a matter of time until all your messages on Discord, Twitter etc. are scraped, fed into a model and sold back to you." www.tomshardware.com/tech-industr...
Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPTwww.tomshardware.com Stack Overflow is overflowing with salt.
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
yeah I know about the trolley problem the problem of the automobile industry killing off municipal trolley networks in the 1950s
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
I hope one day all of Florida can get as much healthcare as this fish
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
wore my Sia wig to the Met Gala and i keep getting hair in my mouth and walking into the backs of chairs
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Need a slashdot style system where you can tag something as a troll but still rate it as a positive contribution
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
why don't you take a long suck off a short dick
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
hiring a trust and safety team means protecting germans, not minorities. brilliant move everyone, we bullied the devs into making this place twitter
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Every body panel is discolored in it's own unique way
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
Droppin a few woims in the Baitreon
Reposted byAvatar AyesC
friday nights on bluesky