
how are people still falling for this shit! what do you think, Tesla is suddenly going to have roaming autonomous vehicles that operate as taxis? The very same Tesla who's autopilot keeps killing people? HMMMM????
It's a combination of Uber and AirBnb? So, what, I can get a rideshare but I have to vacuum the seats while I'm in there?
And still get an outrageous cleaning fee, of course
No you live and work in the car now. They charge you $3000 a month and you have to share it with three other wage slaves.
No, when the car catches on fire you have to bring your own extinguisher to put it out
And the owners have “security cameras” under the dash pontes at your crotch. Gotta complete the analogy.
Oh jeez, of course it was here. I've watched Teslas supplant BMWs as the official vehicle of Bellevue-Redmond tech yuppies (speaking as a Bel-Red tech yuppie)
It's a little terrifying to go to Costco on Sundays, in Issaquah, due to all of the Teslas.
The future is decidedly less cool than 8 year old me would have envisioned. Sure we have killer robots and rogue AI, but the robots are overpriced cars and the AI is just trying to scam you.
roaming autonomous teslas is a threat not a business plan
the same company that cant even keep its cars on the road?
Hence the Airbnb part.
Narp. That's the new Tesla drive-through refrigerator.
i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Elon is very good at impressing people who have no idea what they're investing in, beyond the baseline "i was told by other investors Elon Musk is a very smart leader"
love to love in a literally drunken civilization that lurches along from insane thing to thing, driven by the whims of windfall-brained people who Fall For Shit
Silicon Valley venture capitalism applied to the entire world. 99% of it is cons to get money hoping to eventually parlay it into a real product.
I remember "the deal" was supposed to be that your car would be out there earning money for you instead of being parked, and we ate that shit up
Every tech reporter that promotes musk's vaporware absolutely bought a juicero
I asked tech journalism as a field to stop behaving like a forwarding function about 10 years ago and
It's a real shame because the cars are excellent but Musk just won't stop with his shit take visions of the future of the company. He needs to be booted out, they've lost Karpathy, Kirkhorn, Baglino and Viecha among others who were/are big parts of the business' success
I am not so sure about excellent cars either. Removing stalks in favor of touchscreens wasn't a brilliant idea for example.
Most critics of the cars have never owned one, for the most part, they're great. Comparitively cheap to run and keep improving with OTA updates unlike most other competitors. That's without the added environmental benefits etc
You're right, I don't own a Tesla, so can't speak from first hand experience. Just from what I read - and it's not flattering. But even if it was perfect - I'd never buy one now, for obvious reasons.
last i looked it was the third-least-reliable brand, ahead of only jag and landy, who set the bar in hell
I own one and the detractors are right
We have a 2018 S and the quality has gone *massively* downhill since then. Cost cutting has inflicted terrible damage to fit and finish, ergonomics and safety (disabling the radars.)
brand new Model 3 Performance, folks love the specs. "a car that fast under the 55k federal tax incentive price cap?" they put frickin capacitive buttons on the steering wheel for turn signals. capacitive buttons. like the trashy 2011 Chevy Volt center console that caused >0 accidents.
Oh yes, Hertz found them so economical to run they doubled the size of their fleet. *checks notes* wait, that’s actually the opposite of what happened!
The same Hertz that had just exited bankruptcy and promptly gone on a spree to buy 150,000 EVs, a ridiculously cavalier approach and massively high risk that led to the CEO resigning, that Hertz?
I know numerous people who own teslas. I've driven Teslas. Even ignoring Musk, I would never buy one.
Fine, I'm not saying that they're the best car ever or that everyone should buy one. I hope you enjoy whatever you drive
There are major, documented, and consistent problems with the manufacturing, and Tesla has been caught in a number of outright lies about the cars capabilities and specs, there are multiple news stories about this. This is about chronic problems at Tesla, not ignorance amongst its critics.
Is a Tesla actually cheaper to run than an id.4 or Ioniq 5/6? I thought they were about even these days
I wonder what Drew Baglino will do next. I read that he worked for many years at Tesla.
Anything he wants, I honestly thought he'd be CEO. He's a big loss
Of course it won't work. Latency between nodes is a killer. Only an idiot like Musk would comeup with such a stupid idea.
Right? He is constantly making these absurd claims. You'd think more people would realize he's just popping the investing marks.
Is that why the stock is up after a terrible quarterly report? Or are these geniuses "buying the dip"?
A lot of buyers seemed to assume that when Musk said “lower prices vehicles” he meant the “Model 2,” and not the robotaxi. My guess is that a big chunk of the rise is due to Cathie Wood loading up.
She's at like what, quintuple down?
I almost miss the nonsensical bullshit her “analysts” used to post over at Twitter.
If the cars are going to be profit-generators on wheels, why would Tesla sell them and share that money with customers rather than just own them all itself?