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goated with the sauce
I'd feel personally attacked if my music wasn't from the 90's
>Called Apple CEO Tim Apple Who hasn't?
Crazy how big 3 inches sounds now
My problem with "Biden go" is that it didn't start until the debate. Like it makes me actually angry. Supporting genocide was fine but a shitty debate performance against a traitor is where we're drawing the line?
I just don't understand. Dude funds genocide and barely anyone says he should step aside and let someone else run. Does a half-assed job in a debate and suddenly he's the worst possible candidate? I can't believe I have to live here.
In act 3 of #baldursgate3 and I still don't know how to take screenshots 😬
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im a cis ally. just so long as they dont force it on kids
I didn't get to vote for my county sheriff because a Democrat didn't run. How do I sue a state?
I stfg if the ap publishes another article on biden's debate performance I'm emailing everyone on staff the videos from Jan 6. Trump literally tried to overthrow the government but Biden had a shit performance at the debate so we're running with that? Fuck.
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Writing for the majority, Justice Alito said: "Thank you for your service, we've got it from here boys"
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Everybody freaking out about extrajudicial killings is going to lose it when they find out about the existence of cops.
How is a coup as a lame fuck an official act but getting an intern to blow you in the oval office not?
gotta keep that propaganda flowing
Crazy that you've gotta be the president to take a nap on a park bench
Reposted byAvatar zaph
Lmao. So? The SCOTUS just made law school and being a lawyer obsolete. Trump has the worst legal team around AND did everything he's accused of and somehow that guy isn't in prison.
NEW YORK (AP) — Rudy Giuliani is disbarred in New York as court finds he repeatedly made false statements about Trump's 2020 election loss.
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Reposted byAvatar zaph
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
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maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not
Reposted byAvatar zaph
Just checked in on twitter and -
Reposted byAvatar zaph
Remember that just yesterday there was an attempted military coup in Bolivia which the citizens thwarted. And later that day the leader of the coup was arrested. We have so much to learn from our brothers and sisters in the Americas about safeguarding democracy.
Reposted byAvatar zaph
This is fucking nuts. This country is dogshit. This kind of shit used to end careers. The difference is we're post-Trump. The media allowed the Office of the President to normalize being a vindictive name-calling monster and it not cost him one damn vote, financial support, or a fawning press.
People who are much older, are busy oogling shrimp jesuses and big boobied centaur women on facebook. People who are much younger, only know 3 or 4 walled gardens and only maybe 1 has died on them so far.
Reposted byAvatar zaph
Posting this randomly and not for any recent headlines or whatever
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Individuals who received the $1,000/mo or $500/mo payments were more likely to find a stable, full-time job than before they received the basic income. Results showed 45% of participants secured housing, while $589,214 was saved in public service costs. "It's freedom. It's freedom from poverty..."
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
That don't sound legal
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms.