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Not that I disagree with your larger point, but is there any reason to think that GOTV efforts in July are any more reliable than polling in July? To be completely honest, there might be some effect in trying to mobilize your opposition’s unreliable voters in July to make them sick of the postcards
If Biden’s lost a step it’s not on the stuff that’s dominating the news. It’s that he’s the head of the Democratic Party who has undeniably been a skilled politician, so he really ought to be able to exercise some leadership over dem messaging and strategy - and he just hasn’t been able to.
Spent the first 22 years of my life there and my family is still in Ohio. It’s not as backwards as the rest of the country thinks, but it’s working on getting there My anecdata is that white working class Catholics who were center right socially and center left economically have taken a hard right
An n=1 study found that whether outdoor exercise or indoor exercise has greater positive effects is directly correlated to whether opening the front door feels like walking into an armpit. We propose the armpit coefficient, which characterizes the relative benefit of indoor exercise. p<0.00001
I think it’s fair to say the article should specify that nature walks likely have effects common to many similar self care practices. But also, I don’t think you have to read this as studying whether nature walks are the platonic ideal of self care. And studying “self care” as a genus is hard
Why? Am I wrong, or isn’t there pretty good evidence that “just get up and do something” measurably improves at least mild depression—not as in it’s a cure, but you feel better. Nature walks have the added bonus of “get outside,” “exercise,” and at for some “hobby”, such as birding
Or is the skepticism that “nature walk” isn’t any more efficacious than “go to the gym”?
On policy, Trump can’t do fear w/o hatred. But thats his only management trick. The whole GOP is so scared of getting a mean nickname that they’ll compromise on everything to remain in his good graces.
I know the media has long been criticized for covering the horse race, but this really feels different. Maybe it’s just that everyone already knows what these guys stand for, but there’s basically zero policy coverage. It’s just wall-to-wall campaign vibes stories.
Isn’t that more of a West/Texan thing? I’m a native Ohioan, and “nearby” towns were less than an hour and a half away. (More like 45 min) The thing about Ohio is that there are a lot more cities than you think. They’re not big or prosperous, but except for the SE you’re less than 2hr from a city
Here’s NPR on Springfield, OH, before the recent influx of Haitian immigrants “Median incomes fell an astounding 27 percent in Springfield between 1999 and 2014, more than any metropolitan area in the country, according to the Pew Research Center.”
Springfield, Ohio: A Shrinking City Faces A Tough Economic As it transitions away from manufacturing, Springfield relies more on lower-paying service jobs. For many, a middle-class life is out of reach. But some see signs of hope for the local economy.
That may be true for Ackman and Sacks. But Musk and Thiel want the power of the state to come down on their enemies and anyone they view as undesirable more than they want lax regulations.
Just like they assess coronary patients with a bacon cheeseburger
What’s newsworthy about a cabinet secretary saying “You really think he’s gonna — he can’t run again like this”? How many Trump cabinet members have come out against him? Probably some Obama cabinet members didn’t think he could survive immediately after the 2010 beating. Same for Clinton in 94
But this isn’t new! The MSM was never as far left as Rush et al liked to pretend, but were at least not manufacturing scandals for Obama. They were largely dismissive of the SBVFT, and if anything should have been more critical of B. Clinton and Edwards They were elitist and anti-black then too
Never forget, this is the outlet that wanted you to put peas in your guac - so when they come to stir the crap guacamole, it’s really, really crappy guacamole
The criticism is just incredibly sloppy in mixing electability concerns with policy concerns. If you truly think “independent” voters decisions are calcifying because of a June debate you need to explain how you got there, and you can’t do that without making the story about pundits and journalism
Honestly, how did the right manage to exploit media’s insecurities(?) over being perceived(?) as partisan causing them to wildly overcorrect and why isn’t/can’t the left’s criticisms have a similar effect?
Here the regs use NOx, but defines NOx as nitrogen oxides, which presumably would include N2O.
I read this and the whole mudbloods thing as “oh, wow, even magical society has aspects that really suck,” when it turns out that Joanne was really trying to say is “actually, Dolores Umbridge is the hero.”
I feel like we need to explore the fact that Chuck is defending his territory, almost as if Bluesky were a window containing a strange bird that is always there when he looks, always chirping,chirping, chirping
It’s smiling! You’ll never forget it!
Do they issue him 4 different jumpsuits, so he can layer them?
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Nothing to lose? Just think of what the New York Times editorial board would have to say.
Thomas - I concur that the president can arbitrarily direct prosecutions, also appointing Jack Smith to conduct an independent investigation of Trump was unconstitutional.