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18+ hypnosis related. Will reskeet NSFW. profile pic by @Sleepymaid
Reposted byAvatar Windy
WOMAN WHO SHOULD ALREADY HAVE KNOWN THE LIFE STORY OF J ROBERT OPPENHEIMER BUT IS LEARNING IT FROM THE BIOPIC: sure getting a lot of Breaking Bad vibes from this story about a guy in New Mexico with a hat who admires Heisenberg and really wants everyone to think he’s the most important evil guy
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Good god this is disgusting
You ever go down a Wikipedia rabbithole and discover a really gross piece of knowledge.
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Unfortunately after watching all the new D&D PHB update YouTube videos my algorithm is now full of TTRPG YouTuber white men with titles like "They RUINED Paladins!" Or "NEW WOTC PRESIDENT HIRED, D&D GETS EVEN WORSE" or "ANCESTRIES INSTEAD OF RACES??? WHY??" and I hope they all get acid reflux
Reposted byAvatar Windy
I said on Slate Money this week that everyone is going to know who Curtis Yarvin is shortly because Thiel and Andreessen and Vance all buy into a lot of his theory and he’s no longer a fringe character among techno libertarians. Here’s a sampling of what he believes:
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Nothing will ever top this take for me
Reposted byAvatar Windy
The events of “Parable of the Sower,” a 1993 book about a dystopian future by Octavia Butler, begin today. This is the plot of the book and its sequel:
Reposted byAvatar Windy
chiitan has taken up arms in the pursuit of trans rights
Reposted byAvatar Windy
This exchange on Fox News Sunday, six months before the Jan 6 Trump mob tried to stop the 2020 election verification: Chris Wallace: "Can you give a direct answer that you will accept the election result?" Trump: "I have to see. I'm not just going to say yes. I'm not going to say no."
Trump declines to say he'll accept results of election: "I have to see" "I'm not a good loser. I don't like to lose. I don't lose too often."
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Also the entire selling point of democrats is stable stewardship, an end to the Trump/GOP circus. If it's just a different circus where people are swapped out on a whim, it only adds to the narrative that both parties are the same — one of the most dangerous political myths in the US
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Reposted byAvatar Windy
I’m not going to pretend Biden’s as sharp as he used to be but Seth Moulton is one of the most Just Some Guy-looking people in Congress.
Reposted byAvatar Windy
i respect that he had the presence of mind to crank it one last time
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Deadline dot com asked Anthony Hopkins about how Trump keeps referring to his indelible Silence of the Lambs character.
Reposted byAvatar Windy
The fact they played a video of a guy making monkey sounds at Black people at the fucking convention to hype up the crowd not being front page news across the nation is proof not one of those publications deserves to exist
Reposted byAvatar Windy
You're saying that I got number 306, out of pure random chance, even though it's thousand-to-one-odds, and it just so HAPPENS that 306 was my homeroom in 11th grade?
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Southwest Airlines was spared from today's CrowdStrike catastrophe that grounded or delayed hundreds of flights because they run on Windows 3.1... operating system whose last update was November 8, 1993...
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Reposted byAvatar Windy
The redrawn Red Muscle Ch4 is complete! You can get the complete PDF on now!!
Reposted byAvatar Windy
This is a key point! Plenty of online lefties who one month ago would have described themselves as pro-Bernie and AOC, anti-Pelosi, but who have flipped that entirely on its head because of anti-Biden animus.
Whatever can be said about the Biden administration - and there’s plenty bad to be said about it - I still trust a Biden campaign supported by Bernie and AOC more than I do a united spin campaign coming from Pelosi, the NYT, and JP Morgan
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Superhero-comics artists are possibly the most underpaid people in the creative arts, relative to their importance as R&D for toys, movies, etc The sheer number of multibillion-dollar visual ideas that have their origins in some penniless eccentric’s imagination and peculiar drawing hand…astounding
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Got this incredible message from a guy on IG. This is why I refuse to anglicize my name for print, even tho it would help my career. Having a very Arabic/Muslim name has hindered my employability my whole life, but it might make it easier for kids like Tarik in the future. I really needed this.
Reposted byAvatar Windy
I spent much of my childhood secretly wishing I was named Max. I didn't want to be different. I'll never forget watching Godzilla and the hero was named Goro Maki. His name was even written the same as mine, "牧" The impact it has when kids see themselves reflected in media cannot be overstated.
Got this incredible message from a guy on IG. This is why I refuse to anglicize my name for print, even tho it would help my career. Having a very Arabic/Muslim name has hindered my employability my whole life, but it might make it easier for kids like Tarik in the future. I really needed this.
Reposted byAvatar Windy
Y'know, if we wanted to get really lawyer-brain about stuff, the Electoral College itself is unconstitutional. Bush v. Gore held that the 14th Amendment rendered every form of disproportionate vote counting a violation of equal protection.
It's beyond my legal ken, but see, e.g, this law review co-written by Gary Lawson (lawyer-brain royalty) who argues the Electoral Count Reform Act is unconstitutional, in other words he's laying out the roadmap that Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito would follow
Reposted byAvatar Windy
I think it’s pretty clear that the much of the political press has a story they want to tell about Trump at this point, and they’re so committed to it that mere facts to the contrary are not going to dissuade them.
Reposted byAvatar Windy
I think Trump could've said basically anything at the RNC and gotten positive coverage (because the press wants him to win) but he made the one mistake that he couldn't and made his speech incredibly long. Same phenomenon as the baseball broadcasters whining about games going to extra innings.
Reposted byAvatar Windy
It worries me a lot that Dems seem to be preparing for this mostly by like "we're gonna have the best possible lawyers to do oral arguments" and not like "here's how we change the locks on the supreme court building"
People are really underestimating the chances of the Calvinball Court ruling the entire election illegitimate on some fake-ass technicality.
Reposted byAvatar Windy