
Not having a "comprehensive policy" on reproductive health care six months before a presidential election would, for any other candidate, be a disqualifying characteristic that would make them an absolute laughingstock but once again, the beltway press is all ~ That's Just Donnie, Lol! ~
Former president Donald Trump suggested Tuesday that he is open to allowing states to restrict access to birth control and promised to release a “comprehensive policy” on the issue soon.
Trump suggests he is open to states restricting access to birth When asked if he supports any restrictions on a person’s right to contraception, Trump promised to release a “comprehensive policy” on the issue soon.
Like can just one reporter seriously ask Trump "How do you expect people to vote for you when you repeatedly fail to outline core policies on the most basic issues?" instead of being like "Oh great sure man, we'll keep an eye out for your email"
A proud tradition extending back to Nixon's secret plan to end the war in Vietnam, which boiled down to "elect me and I'll tell you"
To be honest GOB has more of a point that those Republican Presidential candidates
Plus, GOB actually had lots of plans.
If not right away then in two weeks.
To be fair, he couldn't reveal his plan, because part of it was already in progress: keep the war going to make the Democrats look inept.
What people didn’t realise at the time was that you can’t say “extend” without “end”
I'd love it if they pointed out that he has given the "in two weeks" answer countless times and every time it was empty stalling with no policy on the other side.
The fact he’s open to banning birth control should be front page news.
One of the top medical journals, don’t remember which one, always invites presidential candidates to submit their health care platforms for publication. In 2016 Trump didn’t submit one so they ran a blank page beside Clinton’s.
it would be unfair and partisan for news media to treat Donald Trump with the expectations they’d insist upon for any Democratic candidate
Still waiting for the tax returns from 2014 lmao
I think we can imagine how that would go… “Such a rude question! You are fake liberal blah blah blah.”
While I agree, he can and does that because his base do not give a flying fuck about any of his policy. If they did they would be Dems. GOP is vibe based only, it cannot be anything else as they fuck their base and contradict themselves all the time.
The only answer he'd give is "You're being very unfair, very nasty. MSDNC, this is their typical radical liberal agenda, we're going to have the biggest, most beautiful policies you've ever seen. Much better than Sleepy Joe, Sleepy Joe I call him. Very unfair."
I’m feeling a sense of Deja vu.
I always said reporters should simply ask him to define things “What is contraception” for example
I know we play this game a lot but sometimes it is instructive to imagine how the press would react to a Dem Candidate answering very basic policy questions with “uhh I dunno, let me get back to you in a couple weeks”
Remember “HOW ARE YOU GONNA PAY FOR IT?” to every single Democratic candidate at the 2019 debates?
counterpoint: his comprehensive policy on repro care is actually "6-3 SCOTUS, good luck ladies" would a followup that elicits that be too much to ask of Our Media? looks like yes
He will get to it after he finalizes that health plan that’s always 2 weeks out. If anyone didn’t deliver their work by deadline, how many of them would still be working?
He does have a reproductive health care policy ("let my religious wacko guys do whatever they want"), but he also has a policy of lying about what they're going to do.
The thing is that he does though. He knows his policy is "no more reproductive health care", and his opponents know that, and his base either knows that or is in denial about it (mostly the 1st) but the media *pretends* he doesn't have one to bamboozle the "undecideds" because they love a horse race
Trump just attempted a cleanup, posting "I do not support a ban on birth control" but he didn't say "women have rights that I + state legislators + Sup Ct justices are obliged to respect" unless he says women have nationwide rights, the headlines should still be "Trump willing to restrict..."
fwiw I didn't think the headline was too far off, except that Trump is *clearly* open to legislative or judicial restrictions on birth control and abortion hoping Biden campaign goes after Trump as hostile to freedoms across the board, women's rights, labor rights, voting, etc
Every reporter should, in discussing Donny’s policy proposals, include the factual statement that the republican nominee for the presidency is just making it up as he’s going along. In other words he is lying.
The fact that he was not laughed out of DC when he showed Leslee Stahl binders filled with white paper never fails to amaze me.
We'll get his plan for a Medicare replacement after he releases his tax returns, right?
What do Donald Trump and your cat have in common
Not like he hasn't run for president two other times in recent years, either.
Oh! It’s infrastructure week redux!