
The students at my school did this. They negotiated for it, they got it, and they're disbanding their encampment now that they're done. Not one arrest. No police. The first campus in the UC system to do it.
Are the countries listed other than Israel related to student demands or something else?
It's all of the "Global Programs" they do, including the one in the US, which is a bit weird
I'd be interested in hearing more about that
I have no inside information, but my guess was requiring even existing programs to go through the new ethics process.
That then makes sense, thank you!
That part confuses me. Why discontinue that program?
Likely a "we will not single Israel out" kinda thing.
I'm going to assume it's attempting to insulate from litigation that just doing Israel does, given the complex governance that the public university system has in California (UC San Diego alum here) I am assuming this is a very marginal program given study abroad stuff goes through other things.
Almost certainly the School of Business has found it's global programs aren't profitable, and this seemed like a good excuse to dump the whole thing at once.
this is my guess too. the programs were shuttering anyway
That and/or somebody was like “well, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, (they’ll never go for shutting them *all* down!)” “sure, fair, they’re all cancelled. we good?”
I don't really understand what you mean, can you clarify? just curious -- I also googled these programs and it's one business prof who leads the program and I see no dedicated admin staff. Programs that depend solely on One Faculty Member are notoriously unsustainable.
lest I seem overly negative I also want to add I think the specifics around the described task force are more encouraging than less, though a commitment to a vote on the recommendations of their report by a specific date would have been better. But I wish we could get half this at my uni.
My step son spent 6 months in Vietnam with a UC program, surprised to see that on the list.
Yeah, throwing Vietnam and Cuba in with Israel feels fucked up.
What’s up w/the hummus?
their company funds the golani brigade
Truly a weird fuckin Neil Stephenson-ass timeline we live in where food products are sponsoring military units like they're kids softball teams like what the absolute shit, everyone. How'd you guys fuck up to satirical proportions here.
The company is 50% owned by the Strauss Group, which is an Israeli food conglomerate that sends (or sent, not clear to me if it still does) food care packages to IDF soldiers in a sort of patriotic "support the troops" way.
Thank you all for explaining!
Military uniforms should have sponsors like nascar teams
This is what the Zionists are terrified of. The lack of transparency in funding sources.
you mean being exposed?
Getting rid of Sabra hummus is a win for culinary quality, but why the fuck do protesters give a shit about an American brand that pretends it's Israeli?
Read about it above, two people are explaining.
This site lets you link to skeets. You could be helpful and link, instead of … that. Perhaps I’m blocked, but I see no explanation in this parent thread.
Yep, blocked. Can’t see it. Helpful snark, though. You should be proud of your condescension.
Of course your reply doesn’t show up until I post the same thing 🤦🏽‍♂️
Thanks. Blocked though, so can’t see replies in that thread.
Go look in private browsing, the skeet does not require you to log in to view.
"They charity-fund low-income soldiers at Golani and Givati" is about the weakest-ass explanation ever for what is really just discomfort for something that says "hi, we're Israeli" loudly (and isn't - it's made in the US and was only bought by Strauss in the 2000s; Israelis eat other brands).
I get it if people are trying to boycott every Israeli product, but the fixation on Sabra as the one product the university is to reevaluate is so petty. There are tons of Israeli products on shelves, and sometimes BDSers at food coops notice, but somehow this group centered a US brand? Lel.
The thing that makes the UCLA shit WILD is like… you’re just one part of a statewide system! You could have (probably) just negotiated a “we’ll look into it” plan, peacefully ended the protests, and then pointed to “sorry, system, we tried” when the students come back in the fall!
I'm presenting there in a couple of weeks, and this is awesome!
The cynic in me is wondering if this was easy to do because the divestments are a drop in the bucket for the school.
I mean if so, fine! Ask and ye shall receive
You should know that UCR is the most diverse and protest-friendly of the UCs. It’s fine to be cynical, but it is 100% campus culture.
In the UC fossil fuel divestment movement, the first campus to do something like this was followed within days by 2 others, and it was the beginning of the end of that fight. Good luck and thanks for taking the lead!
After all, it was the hummus.
What’s up with killing all those study abroad and Global programs? That seems awful for the students.
Also, that’s the only thing that seems to be definitely happening, as opposed to a “we agree to talk about it” deal. Weird this is being sold as victory.
Good to see! Congratulations to your students and school.