
Connor Ewing
Connor Ewing
Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto | American Political Thought & Constitutional Development
Jessica Ritchey
Jessica Ritchey
Writer. Patreon: Cold Takes,
Rainesford Stauffer
Rainesford Stauffer
Writer, author (All the Gold Stars & An Ordinary Age), Teen Vogue columnist, supporter of youth journalism, Kentuckian. [email protected]
Nathaniel Rakich
Nathaniel Rakich
Senior editor and senior elections analyst at 538. Don’t call me Nate!
Rachel Holliday Smith
Rachel Holliday Smith
associate editor + explainer-in-chief at THE CITY ( • news if I must, local joy where I can find it • bird enjoyer • tell me something good: [email protected]

📍 fun hell
Dara Lind
Dara Lind
Former journalist, forever immigration explainer.
Deen Freelon
Deen Freelon
Presidential Prof of Communication @AnnenbergPenn. I study digital politics, identity, & computational methods professionally, & pop music for fun.
Daily Mormon
Daily Mormon
Curated images of Mormondom in the wild, delivered daily. DMs open for submissions.
Chris Kenny
Chris Kenny
PhD Candidate in Government @Harvard. Studies redistricting in #rstats.
Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!)
Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!)
NH State Rep. (Merrimack County District 20; i.e. Concord Ward 6). Personal account. Also known as @cooljeanius in certain other parts of the web. egallager on Discord. he/him. #NHPolitics
Civil rights lawyer; democracy warrior, dedicated to racial justice & equality. Fmr President & Director-Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc.
Paul F. Tompkins
Paul F. Tompkins
TV & standup & improv & podcasts, hardly any movies
Worst of the New York Times
Worst of the New York Times
Not affiliated with the New York Times, just a collection of missteps and facepalms. email submissions to [email protected]
Software architect Also music, kids, books, bicycling, and goodness knows what else. Opinions my own. He/him
Mollie Wilson O'Reilly
Mollie Wilson O'Reilly
I am a mortal, and liable to fall. Editor at large for Commonweal magazine; writing at and sometimes other places, too.
Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy
Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy
dumb laws deserve my thoughts on them

i will do your podcast with &
City Saint/Country Saint with
Andrew Mercer
Andrew Mercer
Principal methodologist at Pew Research Center. He/him
Martha Wells
Martha Wells
SF/F Writer - The Books of the Raksura, The Murderbot Diaries, Witch King, and more. Nebula and Hugo Award winner. NYT and Sunday Times Bestseller. (She/her) Agent: Jennifer Jackson
Matthias Döring
Matthias Döring
Associate Prof @ University of Southern Denmark, public administration researcher | passionate gamer | cat owner
Carolyn J Heinrich
Carolyn J Heinrich
Native Wisconsinite (I eat my cheese curds squeaky!), diehard Badger fan, mom and grandma, professor
Alasdair Roberts
Alasdair Roberts
Professor of Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Latest book: "The Adaptable Country." Details at
Zak Taylor
Prof. of public policy at Georgia Tech. My posts don't represent my university or USG. They are random reads & vents that I find interesting or provocative.
Kathleen Bachynski
Kathleen Bachynski
Assistant Professor of public health at Muhlenberg College. History, ethics, epidemiology, sports, injury prevention.
Lisa Koch
Lisa Koch
Book: Nuclear Decisions, available at Oxford University Press. Associate Professor of Government. IR, nonproliferation, foreign policy.
Historian of applied economics

(macro, public, urban, ag, env, design, tractability, computational econ & more)

CNRS & CREST, Ecole Polytechnique
Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.
Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.
Squid biologist
Science communicator
Executive Director of Skype a Scientist
Creator of the SquidMobile
Cooper Lund
Cooper Lund
Is it a crisis or a boring change?
I don't usually actually wear a bowl on my head. Usually.

Mostly food, games, and silliness. Tech sometimes probably.
David Mimno
David Mimno
He teaches information science at Cornell
Shamiran Mako
Shamiran Mako
Assistant professor of IR & polisci, Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University. Research interests: politics of state formation and colonial legacies, ethnic politics, governance in divided societies, institutions
Andrea Grimes
Andrea Grimes
writer / texan / bitch kraken / she/her / 📍atx

📰 newsletter:
📧 email: grimesandrea at proton dot me
✍🏼 clips:
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Nnedi Okorafor, PhD
Nnedi Okorafor, PhD
*THE* Naijamerican PhD-holding, World Fantasy, multi-Hugo, Nebula, Eisner Award-winning, New York Times bestselling rudimentary cyborg writer
Anne Wolf
Anne Wolf
All Souls College, University of Oxford. I work on authoritarianism, Islamist politics, and the MENA region
Maybell Romero
Maybell Romero
McGlinchey Stafford Assoc. Prof. at Tulane Law. I write on crim law/pro, rural legal systems, and sexual assault. #lawtina. #FirstGen Cornell and #BerkeleyLaw grad.
Karl Bode
Karl Bode
💻I write about tech, telecom, media, politics, and consumer rights.🕺🙄🤦‍♂️
Leah Sottile
Leah Sottile
Books: Blazing Eye Sees All (Out March '25), When The Moon Turns To Blood. Podcasts: Burn Wild, Two Minutes Past Nine, Bundyville. Hired hand OPB & High Country News + Freelance. Be a pal, subscribe to Substack
Magnus Johansson
Magnus Johansson
Lic. psychologist & PhD behavior analysis. Research and applied work at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. R package for Rasch analysis:
#openscience, #prevention, #psychometrics, #rstats, #photo
Radley Balko
Radley Balko
Journalist. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Co-author of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist.

ryan cooper
ryan cooper
Managing editor at The American Prospect, cohost and producer of the Left Anchor podcast

Quanta Magazine
Quanta Magazine
Illuminating math and science. Supported by the Simons Foundation. 2022 Pulitzer Prize in Explanatory Reporting.
Sebastian Karcher
Sebastian Karcher
Associate Director Qualitative Data Repository (personal account).
Data, Zotero, Social Science Methods
Asking the hard questions and bringing unique perspectives from across the globe. This is CNN.
Aubrey Hirsch
Aubrey Hirsch
Writer & illustrator of stories, essays and feminist comics. '22 NEA fellow. Work in TIME, Vox, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. Very charming IRL. she/her
Andrew D Thaler
Andrew D Thaler
Deep-sea ecologist investigating how humans shape and reshape the sea floor. Conservation technologist developing open-source tools to understand our changing oceans. Ocean educator creating novel programs to help students interact with marine ecosystems.
Lauren Klein
Lauren Klein
Digital humanities, data science, AI, eating, associate professor of Quantitative Theory & Methods and English at Emory. Coauthor #DataFeminism w/ @kanarinka, PI #AIAInetwork.
Public policy student. I learned a lot about disability and eldercare as a family caregiver and the system made me so mad I went to grad school out of spite. For fun: culture, linguistics, historical architecture and fashion, walkable cities, cats
Swapna Krishna
Swapna Krishna
spaceflight + space science reporter, Ad Astra (YouTube + newsletter + vertical video). occasionally: fast company, wired, science friday, npr. links + sponcon info:
Ed Hagen
Ed Hagen
Professor of Anthropology at Washington State University. Evolutionary medicine with a focus on drug use and mental health. Evolutionary psychology.
Faculty page:
David Kaye
David Kaye
californian. human rights, tech, international law. uc irvine. gni. fulbright. article 19. prior: UN special rapporteur. go bears!