
bouie is literally the only person on the NYT board who is behaving and responding to the debate like a professional that has followed and covered a presidential election. i mean that seriously, i'm not being snarky.
if you actually get *paid* to write about politics for a living, screaming that the nominee has to drop out after one bad debate *in june* (and one in which the challenger did not do well, either), you are unqualified for your job and your salary
He had freaks melting down in his replies simply from asking “why wouldn’t it be Kamala then?”
Because she polls even worse than Biden. Do you want to win or be politically correct?
Biden steps down. Harris is muscled aside in favor of Andy Beshear. Jim Clyburn and other high ranking blacl Democrats says “wait a sec, why are we elevating Harris?” what happens next?
“buh you just love identity politics” doesn’t get around the fact that parties are coalitions, Harris has a real and influential constituency, and ignoring it could prove a problem.
(also, no real evidence that a non-Harris Democrat would not also be saddled by the unpopularity of the Biden administration)
I’m torn on this question and think you’re making a compelling serious argument. But I will say the one bit of evidence we *do* have that a non Biden D would not be saddled with the unpopularity is that D’s are polling like 5-7 points ahead of Biden in basically every statewide race.
Look, you all can go round and round on this all you want, the people who aren't partisans are not going to vote for the guy who was on stage last night, no matter how absurd Trump is, he looked vibrant and did not seem diminished To casual voters, independents, and undecideds, that will matter
Nah. It’s June. Nobody will care by September at the latest. Calm down.
No one will care by the 4th of July
Certainly by July 11th (Trump's sentencing date). Besides, if it turns out that Biden is really just down with a cold--which might very well be the case, if reports are to be believed--then the debate may not be an accurate indication of his performance.
No no the sky is falling we’re all fucked unless The National Adult emerges from occultation and heals the nation.
I mean, don't get me wrong, in my ideal world, we would've nominated Gretchen Witmer (with maybe Wes Moore as VP) instead of Biden--but the time for that was *last year*, if not earlier.
(Well, actually, in my ideal world, we would've peacefully turned the US into a supranational democratic confederalist association, but you get my meaning)
Yep…and at least 12 months ago, this conversation could have been had with Biden’s camp (and for all we know it was). But once that time has passed, he’s the guy.
And ballots have deadlines, some before the convention. There's no way to pick someone else. We just need to vote knowing Harris could take over ANY day and that's infinitely better than anyone Trump picks.
Yes, absent him standing down (which he is unlikely to do) he is the guy...and we have to deal with it...but that doesn't mean last night didn't set us did
It really, truly, doesn’t. And you’ll see that in time and maybe you’ll feel a small semblance of shame for freaking the fuck out because an old man who stutters had a cold. Grow up.
I’m optimistic about Andy Beshear in a few years. He’s got a lot going for him.
I mean I know GW and am a big fan, would have been fine with that (although I personally think she needs some time on a national campaign first)...but yes, she would be great I am not saying someone can rush in and save the day, I am saying last night was a disaster and it will be hard to overcome
Not even sure what that is supposed to mean Mr. Uncle Dude but I would suggest you go back and check a few moments in Presidential history, start with "Dukakis in the tank" if that doesn't work go check out Gary Hart...when people's fears about someone are confirmed it often leaves a mark
I actually hope I am wrong, that would be, not really worth going back and forth with you (so far your one argument is that political moments are all perishable..okay, not true, but sometimes true)
I just think cowardice and panic are pathetic. 🤷
Love you too brother... I don't know why I am being nice here, you started out being dismissive, you were just insulting, and you have made no arguments to support your perspective...but I will do my best to keep myself together despite the insult Have a great night
Josh, buddy, go outside. It’s a nice evening.
And yet... we have Trump. I wish some of the political fallout would hit him. Howard Dean would like a word.
I mean that would be nice, but he didn't fall into a pit of his own biggest negative last night...I am not saying I am happy about it, quite the opposite
We'll see what happens. One bad debate is not the end of the world. And seriously... how do you debate a non-stop barrage of lies? I'll bet if the moderators had stepped in and actually did their job it would have gone better for EVERYONE.
zzzzzzzzz yes, no one will remember that their number one negative about Biden was confirmed on a stage, on national television, and after months of GOP ads....sure, sounds plausible
also, I believe that there is a word for that...hubris...yup that's the one
Congrats on knowing it. The next step is correctly recognizing it in context. Good luck with that.
Giggle...I can see this is a worthy discussion to have...have a nice night (authentic)...good luck with that magical thinking thing
I’m gonna screenshot this and when everyone’s moved on we can come back here and reevaluate.
He won’t accept it bc he’ll remember. Mr Every Voter.
So we’ll all meet back here Thursday, July 11th, noon EDT, and see if The Discourse is about Biden being old.?
Not sure that would prove much...we will see what happens in the long I have said many times, I hope I am wrong
It's like these people who think the debate doesn't matter I've never heard of a political ad before. "We finally beat Medicare" is going to be on loop across the country for months.
I have no idea what quote you’re referring to but congrats on trying to make it happen with your name
Yes, in my opinion this was, unfortunately, Biden's Dukakis in the tank moment (if you are old enough to remember what happened with those ads)