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Reposted byAvatar Arctem
Charity is a means of control, which is why conservative monsters absolutely love it.
A homeless shelter wrote an amicus brief in the Grant’s Pass case. They argued SCOTUS should let the city arrest the homeless because, and I am not shitting you, the ban on doing so meant less people were willing to abide by their “two church services a day and no sex” requirement to sleep inside.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
Jailing people for being homeless is a classic American policy: stupid, brutal, and very expensive.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
NYT has comment sections for every Wordle and yesterday's Wordle was "MANGA"
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
When we talk about "taxing rich people" there's folks who think we're talking about Aunt Edna who has the second summer home. The astronomical levels of "rich" that now exist are almost unfathomable to people. It's the stuff of vast empirical dynasties. We're talking about taxing emperors.
The ultra-wealthy will often take whole fleets of cars with them when they travel, loading vehicles, along with motorbikes and other toys, onto chartered cargo aircraft that follow their private jets. This is how they do it:
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
Literally happened minutes ago: a truck driver killed a cyclist at an intersection that will be within the congestion pricing zone. Could we get a more stark and timely reminder of why congestion pricing is not just about the revenue? It's about making our STREETS SAFER.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
Studies repeatedly show that congestion pricing's popularity is lowest *right before it gets implemented,* recovering and quickly becoming popular once citizens start to see the benefits of it, so of course NY Dems are committed to staying in that "almost implemented" period as long as possible
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
June 1, 2020 In one of the most notorious days of the Trump presidency, police suddenly advanced on peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park across from the White House, clearing them away with batons, flash-bangs and tear gas. Trump then strode through the park and held up a bible for photographers.
My proudest moment at Google will forever be when Waymo lawyers told me to take down a meme, I told them to fuck off, and they never bothered again. I'm just very glad I wasted their time over something so pointless.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
The Google AI isn’t hallucinating about glue in pizza, it’s just over indexing an 11 year old Reddit post by a dude named fucksmith.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
An innocuous start to May 18th on this account following Mount St. Helens 44 years ago in real time
6:30 a.m. 🧵 The rising sun bathes Mount St. Helens in soft light. Some are awake, such as Gary Rosenquist at Bear Meadow, while others sleep. At Coldwater II, David Johnston chats with colleague Bob Christensen back in Vancouver, reporting clear conditions and brisk temps.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
2010 Google top result: the website you’re looking for 2018 Google top result: an ad related to the website you’re looking for 2024 Google top result: a computer tells you that Snoop Dogg is the President
I cannot get over how indifferent people are to AI's inability to deliver reliable information. Stop giving these things responsibility for telling people stuff!
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
i'm Still Mad that google could have nipped the whole generative-text spam thing in the bud like, 2 years ago, by saying "yo, we have An Algorithm to detect AI text, and if your site is found to be using lots of AI-written text, we'll treat that as a signal to lower the ranking of your site"
the only thing I want AI to do is give me something that will block all the other AI
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
One thing I always forget about BAND OF BROTHERS is how, right when they're doing the horror movie setup for the Battle of the Bulge, one of the most suspenseful and frightening parts of the war, Jimmy Fallon shows up.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
this shit would be so easy for me. it would be kindergarten for babies
With Jack’s departure, we are searching for a new board member for the Bluesky public benefit company who shares our commitment to building a social network that puts people in control of their experience. More to come!
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
shoutout to for finding a couple urbanist memes from 1939. "death begins at 40" is a god-tier slogan for a campaign to lower speed limits, why aren't we using it
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
"In 2022, cars killed 7,508 pedestrians, the equivalent of 18 fully-loaded Boeing 747s crashing with zero survivors. That means a pedestrian died roughly every 70 minutes, with no breaks in the tide of fatalities for weekends or holidays."
Pedestrian Deaths Are An Emergency. We Need To Start Acting Like With 7,500 pedestrian fatalities in America every year, we must consider the safety of people outside our cars.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
Worth mentioning the great scene in Dracula A.D. 1972, when Peter Cushing as Van Helsing fills an ashtray with butts as he struggles to figure out the connection between Alucard and Dracula.
*meeting a guy named Alucard* He seems nice. And his many similarities to Count Dracula are probably just a coincidence
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
“The family killed in West Portal was doing what more people in San Francisco should. They sold their car and chose to [use] the city’s robust public transit network to get around. The fact that they were killed by an SUV while waiting for a bus is an especially cruel irony."
What Paris can teach San Francisco about safe streets in aftermath of West Portal After the death of a family of four in West Portal, San Francisco is on track to surpass the 25 traffic-related fatalities it had last year.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
I spent way too much time making this shit
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
Katie Tightpussy, welcome to The War on Cars.
"cities are loud" is a statement repeated ad nauseum by proponents of suburban sprawl, but the truth isn't that CITIES are loud; CARS are loud. cities that are designed with walkability and pedestrians given priority are QUIET. cities have never been more quiet than during covid lockdowns. 🚫🚗
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
Cool how if you want to install an ADA-mandated elevator inside a subway station you have to do years of community input and environmental reviews justifying it, but if you want to fill the same subway station with guys holding M16s doing constitutionally-dubious searches its just "i've got a hunch"
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
whoops meant to open my weather app instead. sorry
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
maybe a hot take but cops in the united states have never been good at "solving murders" - they solve the ones that have obvious culprits and are helpless in the cases that don't - and the clearance rate is mostly a function of the composition of homicides between those two categories.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
At PC Gamer we've been talking about how to convey the scale of 16,000+ game devs being laid off in a year, without forgetting that number represents individual people with their own stories. This is our first attempt: 16,000 dots, alongside voices of those affected.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
important to remember that "teens might be encouraged to transition when they don't need to" will always resonate to these people more than "teens might be prevented from transitioning when they need to" because to them the latter category doesn't exist because they don't think trans people are real
You might think that an article about kids being fast-tracked into hormones and surgery would include a single example of a kid being fast-tracked into hormones and surgery but nope!
Opinion | As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Trans activists have pushed an ideological extremism by pressing for an unproven treatment orthodoxy.
It's like drivers are all in a collective arms race to get their cars into the most unbelievable crashes possible.
Reposted byAvatar Arctem
SF Bay Area Counties compared to similarly sized states. These counties still have 200,000 more people than the states combined. This is 14 Senate seats and the Bay Area has to share 2 with the rest of California