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Wasn't this episode in 96?
Maybe they should look for them in a diner in Ohio?
This is essentially your Bernie/Leftists voter. A total liar that when confronted with facts just continues to lie. Explain to me how he's any different than a Trump MAGA person? They both just lie continually no matter what.
They definitely have
So after being confronted with facts, you just lie.
More like a month. Most of them will still not shut up about this. I guess we'll see how the interview goes on Friday.
For the love of god, people need to cancel their subscriptions.
Let me know when you find a Republican who votes based on what Dems tell them to do. I'll wait.
This is such a joke I'm surprised people keep pushing this. Republican voters have agency. THEY HAVE AGENCY! They do not pick their candidates based on who Dems think is craziest. I repeat, they do not listen to Dems.
This isn't a hypothetical; Dems specifically fund far-right candidates in GOP primaries to give themselves a better chance in the general
They'd be giddy knowing the Republicans would lose by switching candidates that late in the game.
I swear to god there was a Facts Of Life episode that dealt with that.
Adams was going to win without RCV. People don't want to admit it, but it's easy to scare NYers about crime into voting for someone like Adams.
They will "not that woman" Whitmer 100%.
You guys keep pushing these lies that are as stupid as MAGA freaks claiming the 2020 election was stolen. Voters had 100% agency in 2016 and 2020 in picking the nominee. The DNC doesn't run state elections nor did they change votes.
There's nothing like a BLT with fresh tomatoes in the summer.
My latest is up now in Slate. It’s an election year where crime is an issue, so essential to raise this issue sooner than later: THE 1994 CRIME BILL DID NOT CAUSE MASS INCARCERATION. It didn’t. It. Just. Did. Not.
Joe Biden’s Most Infamous Law Still Haunts Him. For All the Wrong Reasons.slate.com Thirty years after it passed, it’s still totally misunderstood.
There is a lot of cosplaying as poor people online.
Unless I'm wrong, it's weird a lot of media outlets aren't all up in arms over a presidential candidate trying to keep one of their own hostage longer. But let's talk about Biden's age more...
That's how I thought that story was going to end.
This is so highly specific I imagine Peter Hook personally calling him a cunt at he was thrown out.
Josh Marhsall at TPM had a good post about how most British journalism is essentially a cess pool of sketchy behavior and crossing all sort of ethical lines and that's from the prestige papers.
Very on brand for New York. From what I've read, she got calls from Jeffries and Schumer asking her to kill it for fear of not being able to flip some house seats.
He looks like his grandfather.
They're too busy moving the goal posts to respond. Wait for an excessive amount of "appeal" tweets.
people really like the "homes kept deliberately empty" theory because its a "solution" to the housing crisis that doesn't require them to do anything or any tradeoffs but it's unfortunately not accurate.
So we're living in the alternate 1985 timeline after all.
Really it had nothing to do with your Hamas apologia?
Typical hysterical lib /s
A whole bunch of people who told me back in 2016 after the election that I was crazy and a liar when I said this would eventually begin happening as a *direct result* of Trump's judges owe me an apology.
No honey, that's you because you seem to think it;s 2020 and Covid is killing a million people a year.
You are literally claiming attempted murder. You should take a step back and realize just how utterly stupid that sounds. And yet, you put it out on the internet for everyone to see.