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they/them, migratory bird, secretary bird lover, love movies (especially horror) and games (especially... no true definition)

I also have writings and stuff at
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Cheap Trick had it right: the optimal makeup for a four piece rock group is two pretty members, a schlub, and a goofball
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The reason the Pacific Northwest is so fascinating and eerie to Americans is because it functions as a gateway to an uncanny realm of magic and terror (Canada)
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Queerness is so porous and hard to define sometimes that letting the cishets see themselves in our stories might help them open some doors in their own brains. After all, we've been reading ourselves into their narratives for centuries! The cisgendered heterosexuals may as well return the favor!
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seriously I cannot get enough. cry more. cry harder. understand that as long as people draw breath the opposition to fascism is stronger than you. whatever your reasons for being a fascist, know every time that your gains will be short ones which you'll relinquish in tears every. fuckin. time
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My single most "I am getting old" complaint is I miss when phones had a wired headphones jack. I spend at least half my writing session every day fighting with Bluetooth headphones.
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Here's my summary of the current Ai bubble from next week's newsletter
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if only there was a word for "displacing" an "entire population" of people using "military ground operations"
Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military last week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ground operation, the latest UN figures show.
Almost entire population in Gaza now displaced amid fresh Israeli offensive | Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military this week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ...
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man it's crazy but I've just been actually poor and been a feminist the entire time, weird
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The hustle always wins in the end
Ken Klip going full Glenn “the far right are my friends” Greenwald
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Bitter little rant but it is frustrating how consistently unity and solidarity are given to cis women by trans women and in exchange cis women 9/10 do not give trans women the same degree of solidarity and support lol
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now more than ever, we cannot slap complicated queer art with a regressive label that conservatives would put on us. it's irresponsible and dismissive.
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never Please Explain It To Me In Detail
Have you never heard of the term “lesser of two evils”?
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We could have dresspheres and instead we have this alpha beta sigma bullshit
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YEP. Personally, I think him continuing to support a genocide and publicly stating that he will continue to do so regardless of how voters feel was disqualifying! But I guess I’m just part of the “But Her Emails” Part Deaux conspiracy. Oh well.
A lot of folks have been saying it way before the debate! I seem to see a lot of people ignore all the folks who voted 'uncommitted' in the primaries (tens of thousands of voters in tons of states) and have been calling for him to step down for some time.
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This guy was such a G for telling his evil wizard cyborg boss that his religion is bullshit during a work meeting.
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There’s a New Message for You in MyChart, Charlie Brown
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I’m seeing people talk about “designated protest zones” and “law-abiding protests.” Seriously, what the fuck are we doing here.
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OK so while we argue on this site about who should replace Biden Twitter is burning up with WHY DOESNT THE MEDIA COVER TRUMP SEXUALLY ASSAULTING CHILDREN WITH EPSTEIN we really need to stop the discourse on here being so completely led by a handful of white elite dipshits in ac offices
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According to Mike's Amazing World of Comics, there are 33 comics that came out (in the US), the week I was born, and I own none of them. Although I own multiple reprints of this one. If I ever start going to cons again, maybe I should see if I can collect all 33...
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supreme court press corps nearly as useless as white house press corps not quite, but close
god NPR's supreme court coverage team is great at missing the forest for the trees. One conservative who seems practically incredulous at the shit she's allowed to get away with saying, and 2 liberals whose takeaways are like "it's interesting that Amy Comey Barrett really found her voice this term"
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and the calculus is different and personal for everyone. your library can be who you are now and who you want to be. It can also be a history of who you were. Or a reminder of who you must not become.
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good morning my community, A word of advice. You may be struggling with your feelings of shock with the Neil Gaiman allegations. Now is the time to process that conflict silently, in your own heart—not on the timeline where other survivors have to watch you struggle to believe. Okay.
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when it comes to art I don’t recommend having heroes. you take what you need from this broken world and let go of what no longer serves you.