
If you define the lifelong ideologue who devoted his career to destroying the Voting Rights Act as a hair right of center, then the Supreme Court is a surprisingly centrist institution
Remember how during the 1980s the dangerous left wingers held views such as the United States should not be determining who governs in Central America
Redraw this chart with the midpoint as the median of where voters land on the issues and you’ll see how far to the right ACB is
Not that we needed more to mock, but the fact that there are *axes with numbers* on that makes the whole thing even more ridiculous. IANAL, but I know a thing or two about data. And I *really* don't think those things are numerically quantifiable.
They are doing the thing that people do with senate votes where you measure all the votes in relation to each other based on who voted where. So the part where they assign a left vs right is an exterior imposition on the analysis those votes.
That does seem to be what they did, although they didn’t really say so; if only there were some way to put the ideology of the votes in absolute terns, maybe with a baseline of some sort of “precedent” for the Court’s past voting, just a thought
NO! Don't be silly. The way to measure institutionalism is to find a grouping of votes in relation to each other and retroactively decide that's institutionalist, and definitely don't inestigate what those votes are!
They can be quantified in general, but it doesn’t work for something like the Supreme Court for multiple reasons.
I would argue that for a group of 9 individuals, they are not quantifiable. They might be quantifiable in the aggregate for a large group, but you've still got the problem of assigning a number to the "left-ness" of the concept of a living wage.
As I mentioned above, it doesn’t really work for the Supreme Court for multiple reasons. The small number of members is one, the small number of votes is another. You don’t need to assign a number to how “left-wing” something is. The votes themselves are binary.
You have to assign a value to the issue being voted on in order for the vote to have any meaning. Is the assertion that every single issue is 100% liberal or 100% conservative? It doesn't really make sense given that many of the issues have 60-80% polling one way or another.
Yes, for the purpose of doing this type of analysis every issue is treated as one or the other. Even if a position has 80% support, you’ll still know the coding from where that 20% opposed comes from.
Overton window pushing Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson out of doors.
Which dogshit publication is this from?
This is the most made up vibes based graph I've ever seen in my life
Yeah this is a weird ranking (very defensive I think — “it’s really pretty even!” ok boss, no) but I think Barrett has been mildly surprising
Barrett seems to doing some combination of image rehab for the singularly gross way she grabbed her seat and, like, the gendered labor of managing the boys' tantrums
lmao this is just a normalized scale comparing the judges to each other? This is statistical war crime. PragerU graph-without-a-y-axis shit.
What’s up with the x axis being shifted to the right? Why is -.5 not the left edge as .5 is the right edge when Alito is closer to the line than Sotomayor?
It looks like it was done so that 7/9 label heads could be placed to the left of their respective points making the whole court appear even more further left than just the ridiculous notion that Roberts is center would do.
Jesus. Sotomayor and Kagan should be where Roberts is, and Alito should be off the right side of the screen. These fucking people.
Goalposts, Overton windows, axes...
The whole measurement is screwed up.
The 3-3-3 court stuff is nonsense taken on its own terms. The liberal “wins” are all “plaintiff wants to move the law far to the right of the status quo, but some of the conservatives won’t go that far.” It’s a liberal win relative to what otherwise could have been, but not in any meaningful sense.
They wanted to dial it up to -11 but it wouldn't fit.
What they’re doing here — describing the swing-est justice as a moderate, so as to obscure the rightward drift as the swing vote moved from O’Connor to Kennedy to Roberts — is actively deceptive.
See, feel like an ai could do same as this, they just making it up, pattern-matching how they think it should go (and badly)
(A good editor would be best, hope it’s always clear that’s implied)
at first I thought you meant "the same as the supreme court" and was like sure, why not, wouldn't be worse
the main problem is that the values on these axes aren’t independent of each other but you could solve it pretty easily by moving the roberts circle directly above the thomas circle
of course it’s also darkly funny to call the three justices who are constantly yelling at the other six for ignoring precedent ‘less institutionalist’
cops aren't an "institution" they are just humble laborers in pursuit of justice so this is accurate
Did the ghost of Joseph Overton make this chart
I wasn't aware Kagan Sotomayor and Jackson supported a classless society with the total abolition of private property.
Tom this is causing me physical pain
institutionalist axis is ridiculous
This is the exact same upside-down-V shape as the Media Bias Chart that always makes the rounds. There must be some deep-seated centrist impulse to pick the median and say it’s the best.
There are many reasons those 3 don't belong anywhere close to the center. But you just know if they get enough pushback, Politico's response will be "oh the chart wasn't meant to be taken literally, it's just an illustration" or some such nonsense.
Like did people not read Shelby County V Holder?
My husband sent me this article and I was like “no, I’m not going to read it; I can tell you already that it’s garbage.”
My brother tells me I’m “close minded” for not reading obvious trash like this lol. The whole reason I already know this is trash is because I’ve seen it so many times.
What if [disgraced partisan hack] did [data science] ??!!?!!!
He is a wildcard. He systematically weakened the VRA, dissented in Obergefell, upheld the Muslim ban. But he was important in upholding Obamacare, strengthening Title 7, and cracking down on warrantless searches, among other cases where liberals desperately needed his vote.
Why the chart? Seems easier to just note what party they work for. Silly to keep doing this kind of stuff
yeah, they gotta save something for AI to do