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Transit nerd, progressive political advocacy, honorary Kiwi.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
As we all discuss the online left eating itself and shooting itself in the foot while engaging in revolutionary cosplay I thought I might share this incredibly detailed account of the national DSA "Red Star" beef with AOC.
The real story behind DSA’s decision to unendorse A deep dive into the leftist fringe of the leftist fringe.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
Following Jamelle Bouie on this site provides me with two things: 1. Insightful commentary on American Political Economy 2. An endless list of the rudest assholes on here to add to my block list
This may be an early test of whether Starmer has learned even the most basic lesson of Blair's failures (don't follow the US into a wildly unpopular foreign policy disaster)
US ‘pressuring UK to block ICC’s Netanyahu arrest warrant’ Human rights barrister says US expects Labour government to continue UK challenge to proposed action against Israeli PM
I knew Britain was in rough shape, but I didn't realize they were down THIS bad
I’m so unhappy
A cyber truck in its natural habitat(running a red light)
Reposted byAvatar Eric
With light rail extending into Shoreline and Snohomish County, the Interurban Trail could become an even more invaluable connection for getting around without a car. But there's a half mile gap standing in the way, and bike advocates are on the case.
Lmao get fucked you riddler-ass racist clown
How did none of you inform me that this incredible picture from Rishi Sunak's final day campaigning as UK prime minister exists ???
In advance of the Seattle Link light rail opening 4 new stations in August, they've updated the maps in the trains. They've even included the next two expansions on the sign, which are currently covered up by those stickers. Much more elegant than the previous solution that covered half the map lol
Reposted byAvatar Eric
the other thing though is that the NYT would FOR SURE come up with some anti-Harris narrative and beat it to absolute death for the rest of the campaign
Reposted byAvatar Eric
Meanwhile, the Washington State Ferry System is an absolute gem.
I come bearing an important message: Tabby belly
Reposted byAvatar Eric
*rides a bike for two days* drivers are like rabid animals. they couldnt even begin to comprehend convention to begin with, let alone the rule of law. in a just society they wouldnt exist, in the society im about to establish theyll be drawn out into the public square and beaten with bicycle pumps
Zimbabwe and Namibia are playing the largest scale "I'm not touching youuu!" Game in history
Being a sculpture artist must kick ass. Anytime you feel like your work isn't getting enough love, just whip up a monolith, drop that sucker in a remote spot and watch people go nuts for it once it's found
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Authorities have removed a shiny monolith from mountains outside Las Vegas. How it got there still is a mystery.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
this is partially true but it’s also only part of the story. southern states are red for two big reasons: 1. suppression of the black vote and 2. white voters who vote overwhelmingly for republicans
We have to boil our tap water before we use it for several days at a time, several times a year, minimally. If this is news to you, it’s time to start paying closer attention to how conservative politics are entrenched and spreading. We are not “red” - we are voter suppressed.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
I think my favorite flavor of Trump voter is the person who a) is very upset about high grocery prices and b) is fired up about Trump's plan to deport 50% of the nation's agricultural workforce.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
Maybe, but it doesn’t take much for me to think that Vladimir Putin should lose at whatever he does, or that the literal comedian hired to break up corruption fostered by Russia is probably pretty fine and should succeed. But I paid attention before hostilities started.
Me a year ago: aw bummer, my CPU is too old to upgrade to Windows 11! Me now: thank God I'm not on that shit lmao
Reposted byAvatar Eric
Friends, the “People’s CDC” is not a reliable source of information, nor are they a good faith actor. Neither FDA nor CDC want to restrict access to the fall booster for the 2024-2025 Covid season. Their claim otherwise is fear-mongering bullshit.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
Anti-golf sticker spotted in NYC
Titanfall 3 would fix me
I still think they should just re-release Titanfall 2. Pretend like it's the first time
Critical support to America's only good car dealer
This quote from Representative Don Beyer, a car dealer (!!!), on Kathy Hochul's congestion pricing fuckup is 🧑‍🍳 💋. "It's like taxing cigarettes or alcohol. You tax things you don't like, and incentivize things you do like. And we don't like congestion."
"Mise en place" is a scam sold to you by Big Bowl. Wake up sheeple
jesus christ, man
FYI: this guy does not run an "environmental group", he runs a dump truck consulting company. He's still a huge piece of shit, I just thought this should be cleared up.
Some people don’t even notice when they willingly turn into bloodthirsty monsters. So they actually brag about it.
I'm looking forward to an entirely new nation falling in love with Paulinho
To the new users joining us from Indonesia: welcome! We’re seeing some issues with Discover for new users. Jeromy just literally ran home to fix it for you, so hang with us.
It's a bummer that "womanizing" already has a different definition, because it would have made a great word for mtf transition
Reposted byAvatar Eric
Weekly COVID deaths are the lowest they've been since tracking started on March 14, 2020.