
I’ve heard from a number of people on Spiro that their symptoms can be a lot like POTS. Some of the most understanding people I’ve met without POTS have been trans women who had a rough time with spiro.
yeah Spiro is def in that space where if it works for you then it’s fine, but if it doesn’t then the side effects can be exhausting.
if you need a t-blocker see if you can get your insurance to cover either bicalutamide pills or ideally Lupron (leuprolide) injections. not all insurance covers Lupron, but it is a puberty blocker that you get every 3 months & it suppresses testosterone production.
bica has its own issues with potential liver failure, but iirc that’s largely due to it being tested primarily on elderly cis men already dying of cancer. as always, do your own research. i’m on Lupron currently. ❤️🏳️‍⚧️🫡
those tests were also how they figured out that bica has the side effect of inducing breast tissue development in patients. growing boobs is not an ideal side effect for elderly cis men, but it definitely is for most trans women lol
thank you for the info Sage, I'll bring all of these up when I have my next PP visit (also going to entertain the idea of injections so… 👀)
Interesting, I think one of my doctors is very anti-Lupron because of bone density issues (but I might be mis-remembering)
I’ve had Lupron recommended to me as a cis woman with endometriosis, but lots of cis women I know who have been on it said it was ROUGH on them. I turned it down. I hope it’s easier on trans women.
interesting! i’ll need to look into this further. i’ve personally had good results so far, so fingers crossed🤞☺️
I truly don't understand how, but my understanding from reading the packet is that Lupron effectively blocks either testosterone or oestrogen produced by the body and doesn't do the same to exogenous hormones. So I can see how it would be very rough for a cis woman not taking any hrt, but less so-
Bicalutamide is cheap enough that insurance coverage doesn't really matter. You just have to convince a doctor to prescribe it.
I had no idea that meds I’ve even been on caused this!
same, I knew there were some potential side-effects for spiro but didn't realize this was one of them…sucks I can't drop them entirely yet but I'll see if I can reduce my dosage
Ugh I’m so sorry this is affecting you! I missed 11:11 or that’d be my wish today to magically have it stop 💜
(but also diagnosed with POTS a bit later, it just had made it so much worse)
my first experience with that was me saying "yeah, everything feels great!" and my doc replying "you just told me you almost pass out every time you stand up" before taking me off spiro and changing stuff that took another year and a half to balance out levels
The only spiro I'm on is bu-spiro-ne, and that seems to be fine in most weather.
Oh! Thanks for mentioning!
damn, I've been on citalopram for five years and I heard it here first
::Me gulping down water ::“Can confirm!”
Huh. I’ve been on sertraline for years and never knew this. Thanks!
Maybe that is why I was dripping sweat and soaking my shirt through on a 1.5 mile walk. Well, that I have gained weight being on high dose steroids for almost 3+ months. And I'm badly out of shape.
Not sure what all those are but that's why I'm trying to get my apt accessible & safe. Health issues, diabetes one of them, keep me in & I'm 70.
Em what? Depression and anti-depressants have been part of my life for a quarter of a century and I have *never* heard this before. Are you sure it’s real and comes from a reputable source?
Thank you! Down the rabbit hole I went (nearly an hour); Increased sweating may occurs in maybe 1 in 6 anti-depressant users. But its seems that increased risk of heat stroke is assumed based on that and I found no data that anti-depressant users are treated for heat stroke more than anyone else.
Being well-informed is hugely important but we also know that there is a lot of scaremongering out there regarding anti-depressants that scares people away from helpful or even life-saving treatments. Let's not make it needlessly worse.
I've been on them for a decade. This is the first year I've been cautioned about it by my new psychiatrist as she was prescribing. I also was never told to avoid decongestants due to serotonin syndrome and found that one out the hard way.
I don't know a way to ask this that doesn't come across as rude, so please don't take it that way, but, do you have a source for this?
It's not rude to ask for a source, don't worry.
Thanks. I see the first article describes SSRIs and TCAs, but not SNRIs, and the Mayo article doesn't say anything about heat sensitivity. Rather, that SNRIs can cause excessive sweating. It's all autonomic dysfunction, and can certainly all cascade in heat, but I'll have to do more reading
As someone who has the 'excessive sweating' side-effect of SNRIs - the problem isn't heat stroke, it's the dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. I've given myself what is basically exercise-associated hyponatremia more than once - you need fluids that replace the electrolytes, not just water.
Yes, that's what caught my attention originally. I'm on an SNRI, and I live in Phoenix, the home of heat stroke, so I want to understand the mechanics. I'm already on constant lookout for sales of liquid iv!
So, it’s not just my hot flashes!!!
Not just overheating and dehydration though; more people are likely to develop sun poisoning from prolonged sun exposure, develop skin blisters, etc. when they get sunburns. Please, if you’re taking these medications, wear sunscreen and drink lots of water!!
When I started on ADHD meds (Elvanse) I was on 225mg of venlafaxine as well and I was basically melting constantly it was so grim.