Velma Root

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Velma Root

Yarn, tea, words. Formerly: hats, booze, fun. Panchromatic Creatrix. Crone. Humboldter. Am I an artist? You decide.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your vibe that's not a selfie.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your vibe that's not a selfie.
Folks, I may have a PhD in history-including US politics history-but the last several years I’ve been working in public health as a science writer. One of my areas of focus is Aging, including Alzheimer’s and related dementias (AD/RD). I find the discourse around Biden really troubling.
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I write the stories I want to see in the world that no one else can tell but me. Being a not-yet-well-known writer also means that I had better love what I'm writing, because I'm my audience first. [never too late for you to join me tho]
My infuriating progressive friends who post on fb the day before every election asking for ballot initiative info? Gonna barrage them with this for the next 4 months.
‘Tis the season of feet, shuffling through clover lawns to say: “Bees, I’m here.”
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holy fuck i can’t think of anyone i want to hear less from than ralph nader
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In a functional democracy Congress would recall itself from vacation and start time process to act against the Supreme Court and protect democracy
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Somebody PLEASE write about this. “What is helpful is taking about WHAT makes a good friendship.”
Online friends have literally helped me move across the country, given my horse a safe place to land, and been there when everyone else evaporated. These kinds of articles aren't helpful. What is helpful is taking about WHAT makes a good friendship. Being in the same physical loc isn't magic.
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I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
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You do art? I love you for it. It's a gift for the world!
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy: I was a zygote when Dr. King gave his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy: We hadn't landed on the moon yet when I was born, or when I was adopted, but not too long after that.
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When bsky first took off, likes and reposts were pretty close to equal. Now…likes are 4 to 10x more than reposts! Let’s bring reposting back! It’s a lovely way to grow together (and, trust me, reposting others will also grow your work and make you happier)
Hey here's you're reminder: You're not too old to pick up a pen and learn to draw. You're not too old to learn an instrument. You're not too old to learn to sculpt, or write a book. You are not too old to create things.
Today I wore my birthday month/day earrings. The other 364 days of the year they are just my 69 earrings. Har har.
Took off all my clothes lay in a bed of clover and ruminated.
I turn 60 today. Am I legally allowed to still go by ‘birthday girl’ or is it only ‘birthday hag’ from here on out?
The last dopamine dressing outfit of my 50s! Looking forward to finding my hag/crone look. What are you wearing this fine summer evening?
Gobsmacked by the goodness of White Swan from tea club - hands down best raw puerh I’ve had, the first sheng I’ve truly *loved* (I’m a shou girl). Hope to see it on the site soon. #tea
This is the way! #SupportLivingArtists
I got the best news today from one of the artists whose work went out in the Heritage Auction that someone who bought a drawing from him long ago, and sold it for a lot more recently, is sending him 10% of the profits. So the idea of cutting in the artists is starting to catch on. And I'm glad.
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like, this exists already, it's called literature
Walktopus 👏👏👏
Walktopus Octopus Candle Holder by Scott Musgrove.
I want to go to a local art scene event with an Alice in Wonderland dress-up theme tonight, but with no way to get there and no one to go with, I’m just reminiscing about that time I was The Mad Hatter for a different art thing.
🌈 📚 🧵
Pride Month is well underway, so I wanted to share a thread of queer titles I've read and enjoyed recently. We all need more books on our TBR piles, right?
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"how do they have so much time to post" i don't have friends
If you see this, post something green. 📷 2019
If you see this, post something green. Taken this afternoon.