Dan "A Malevolently Bad Map" Royles

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Dan "A Malevolently Bad Map" Royles


Assoc Prof of US History at Florida International University; he/him; use 01DAH40 to get 40% off To Make the Wounded Whole: The African American Struggle against HIV/AIDS https://uncpress.org/book/9781469661339/to-make-the-wounded-whole
Scholars often ask me what they can do, and this is a tangible thing. State and local media are, in particular, hungry for opinion pieces from experts. Lots of people targeting that media is more effective than lots of people trying to land that one NYT op-ed
Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
as a politics knower I think the democrats should simply do the thing that makes it easiest to win, but also aligns with both all my prior posts and all my most panicked recent posts. this is very simple and obvious.
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
I just turned down an opportunity to work on something that I really would like to do because I'm overcommitted to projects as it is.
please clap jeb bush GIFgiphy.com
So let’s say the Dems replace Biden on the ticket. Press unleashes 3 months of “Dems in Disarray” stories and the replacement candidate gets no traction. Democracy ends.
Yeah it's not like Obergefell was a 5-4 decision and the 4 dissenting justices are all still on the court and 2 of the majority have been replaced by justices that are even further to the ri—
An associate editor at Wash Post wrote this today: "At the same time — and, yes, I know how cavalierly they tossed aside precedent in Dobbs — I doubt that even this court is about to upend the national legal landscape again and eliminate the right to marriage equality" Sotomayor knows better
I can't believe this is something that Byron Donalds actually said on television: "I know how to put words together. I do it very, very often. So, I’m not going to say something that I do not agree with." thehill.com/homenews/hou...
4 years ago today
This was on Instagram and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.
OTD 1985: police assaulted the MOVE house in Philly with rounds of bullets, water cannons, and smoke grenades, and tear gas, and dropped a bomb on it. The city let the fire burn and the fire commissioner said that he could control the blaze. But the fire engulfed the house and spread to 60 others.
They beat up Dartmouth's former chair of Jewish Studies and banned her from campus. To protect the Jews, you see.
Published this a year ago at @thebaffler.com, with the kicker, "Our real power lies in collective action. You can’t hustle your way out of fascism." As the student protests across the country in support of Palestinian freedom show, this is more true than ever. thebaffler.com/latest/the-d...
Again, there were countless ways for the administration to calm things down but they chose to escalate it every step of the way. And now they’ve bringing cops in riot gear to clear out their own students. Make no mistake: If someone gets hurt, it is absolutely entirely on them.
Opening the gates and "flood of police in riot gear ostensibly coming in" to Columbia, reports WKCR right now, marching through Columbia's campus
I've been watching a lot of this stuff, and notice that flimsy evidence makes it into GOP speeches instantly. Katie Britt, for example, today referred to a "kill the Jews" chant that was - on video! - clearly a pro-Israel counterprotester trying to make the Northeastern protest look crazy.
watching the Speaker of the House declare that campus protests in support of Palestine are per se not protected as free speech, that's cool
And what a cover!
My book cover is here and ᴊᴜsᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ɪᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏs @cornellupress.bsky.social
Caitlin Flanagan a couple years ago:
The speed with which many of our faux free speech fundamentalists started demanding the use of state force to punish pro Palestinian protesters is remarkable, they do not even seem to perceive a contradiction
Like Vampire Weekend? Thank Vampire Unions!
Joe Biden just forgave $130k of my student loan debt.
one for the books
Getting involved in governance at the hyperlocal level is where folks can have the greatest direct impact(s). I hope more people jump into the mix. I know that many of you can do so much better than what's currently on offer.
Quoted in this WLRN piece on how Florida's ban on partnerships with seven "countries of concern" is affects public universities—in December we found out that we cannot offer PhD funding to 2024 applicants from China, Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba www.wlrn.org/government-p...
Woman in the row in front of me on this flight to Miami is using inflight wifi to have an extended FaceTime conversation with no headphones or earbuds and the the volume all the way up. People are wild.
Amazon joins SpaceX and Trader Joe's in a bid to declare the NLRB unconstitutional.