David Demma (he/they)

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David Demma (he/they)


Oh, you're here too!
if it was that easy I would be leading a personal army of socialists by now lol
Today there are three types of office workers. Those whose IT departments had a robust emergency recovery plan, those whose IT departments shunned Microsoft, and Summer Snow Day 2K24: Blue Screen of Death Edition
A line of code has gotten itself stuck in the Suez Canal
I, for one, welcome our Orca and Raccoon overlords.
uphold trash gremlin thought. 🔥🦝❤️🦝🔥
timeline cleanse hat tip @penryu.bsky.social
In case you missed it this was one of the official signs handed out by the RNC for delegates to wave. Not a joke, not a.i.
Maybe VP Harris told a crowd that Trump said he would terminate the Constitution because Trump said he would terminate the Constitution.
devastating news. 😩
the burning cybertruck actually is AI I'm sorry
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
So curious if the self-described "party of small government" will agree on these limits to government power.
well, Biden just called for term limits and an enforceable ethics code for SCOTUS and a constitutional amendment to end immunity for presidents and other officeholders so I guess its officially the public vs the Business Plot 2.0 at this point
The Republican Party has nominated a man for Vice President who says he would have ended American democracy if he’d had that role in 2021. abcnews.go.com/Politics/jd-...
My condolences for the man who was barely injured despite his intentions to kill me. I hope he has a swift recovery so I can be killed faster and with vigor
I think people fetishize going down in glorious flames because they don’t think that they have the ability to change anything otherwise, which doesn’t work if your job is to write pieces to change the minds of readers
oh sure it's all 'RETVRN' and 'we've got to go back' until it's time to reinstall XP off a foot high stack of floppies
Well this is the coolest thing I have seen in a while
This is insane.
I learned at an engineering conference recently that one crypto mine in TX, 100s of MW, makes more money off ERCOT demand response markets than it does off crypto repeat: TX ratepayers pay them more to sometimes stop mining than they make by actual mining just bananas misuse of power markets 🔌💡
Look at this incredibly powerful nerd meme i found.
NASA officials on Friday marked two full years of scientific results from the James Webb Space Telescope with the release of an image, which actually shows a pair of intertwined galaxies, known as Arp 142, and nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg.
Webb space telescope keeps delivering cosmic surpriseswapo.st The latest image shows a pair of intertwined galaxies, known as Arp 142, and nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg.
Culture GSV Sleeper Service Source: colouredvapour.blogspot.com/2011/04/slee...
Drop a ship(s) that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek: Kushan Mothership from the game Homeworld
Drop a ship(s) that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek: Kushan Mothership from the game Homeworld
Drop a ship(s) that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek: The R-9A (Arrowhead) from R-Type <3 (god theres so many variants and so many are good)
With the new retail enshittification called 'dynamic pricing' retailers starting w/Walmart vary prices instantaneously to hurt consumers & privilege their profit--and since they all will do it, price comparison shopping becomes difficult if not impossible. www.marketplace.org/2024/07/08/d...
Dynamic pricing may boost retailers but put consumers in the darkwww.marketplace.org Walmart is pushing electronic price tags at its retail locations, enabling up-and-down pricing that shoppers can't plan for.