Dennis B. Hooper

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Dennis B. Hooper

tall gay nerd. he/him. advanced degrees in height, gayness, nerdness.

reality show editor, work seen on a&e, bravo, quibi. maker of goofy photoshops and questionable victorian detective satire.

writing, etc:
I think honestly a key to Trump's popularity. He inverted the theatrical aspect from one where the Meet The Press class were in on the joke and the conservative voters were the rubes, to one where the conservative chuds were in on the joke and the DC crowd were the rubes
this is also why Trump broke the DC press so much, because as much as he was clearly our most pro wrestling president his version of kayfabe was clearly very different from agreed-upon elite DC kayfabe and they kept trying to put him in the latter box instead
The tl;dr This is union-busting, written as a statute. A company union is not a union, it is a way for management to dilute/interfere with the power of the union. Company unions have been unlawful since 1935, because everyone recognizes it is an attempt to union bust. This is trying to undo that.
Not a populist: GOP VP candidate J.D. Vance introduced the Team Act (with Marco Rubio) to empower companies to establish and dissolve “employee involvement organizations” (a.k.a., company unions), a long-standing goal of GOP business leaders:
Vance looks like a ham that fell on the floor of a barbershop.
Me explaining why I prefer Papa John’s to Dominos
2024 National GE: 🔵 Harris 45% (+1) 🔴 Trump 44% 🔵 Whitmer 46% (+2) 🔴 Trump 44% Everything else stays the same but Jill and Joe Biden start talking like Julia and Paul Child 🔵 Biden 99% (+99) 🔴 Trump 1%
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
So people are talking about the fake version of the JD Vance sparkling water. Here’s the real one. And you know, as someone who had kind of a crash-course introduction to the world of the American elite, let me tell my very similar and extremely different story.
J. D. Vance: What I didn’t know how the world of the American elite I went to Yale to earn a law degree. But that first year at Yale taught me most of all that I didn’t know how the world of the American elite works.
my lawyer friends posting on LinkedIn about what's going vs how this whole thing definitely looks to me as a non-lawyer
Yet again why we HAVE to focus on social justice in regards to climate change. The people who suffer the most will be the people least responsible. There is no climate fight without climate justice.
If you ever wonder why people in certain neighborhoods in your city are always congregating outside on the sidewalks during the summer maybe you should consider how privileged you are to ask that question. (I am not talking about me. I am very lucky to have air conditioning in other rooms.)
The first two paragraphs are but then I… took some liberties
It’s real I copied it straight from the book
living in this country is like being awake on the table
Might as well get this ready…
I’ve made a lot of jokes about the J.D. Vance sparkling water story from Hillbilly Elegy, to the extent that it probably sounds made up, but you owe it to yourself to read the real thing if you haven’t
I know the answer why of course, but its funny how in 2016 the top story in the entire election was about how serious mishandling of classified documents and in 2024 they're gonna be like "wow Trump getting away with mishandling classified documents shows how powerful and wonderful he is"
It is amazing to me that the most powerful and best-paid people in political media are still caught up in the idea of A Striking New Tone From Trump. I wrote this in 2020, but the idea goes back to 2017. At this point it says more about them than it does about him.
The Enduring Delusion of a Chastened From time to time, the president seems to grasp the gravity of his situation. It never lasts.
This popped up on my Facebook feed from a guy I served with who has never, to my knowledge, posted about politics before. I didn't even know he *had* politics.
The Richarding of a Sacred Gere
Now that people are starting to be aware of the right wing horrors in Project 2025, Facebook, Instagram and Threads have started tagging posts about it as “partly false information,” citing right wing propaganda site The Dispatch as a “fact checker.”
In a sensibly governed country there would be consequences to making illegal threats like Trump does, but in the United States business leaders are being perfectly rational in trying to appease him rather than antagonize him
Trump threatened to put Zuckerberg in jail this week. What the fuck are they doing