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Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
you ever notice how people who say blocking is cowardly are the guys blocked by like 10k+ people and who keep starting arguments over the dumbest, most insignificant shit with total strangers
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
I’ve received some client work/commissions lately who told me they tried make art with AI, and they hated the result so much and were turned off of it entirely, and decided it was worth paying an artist for a proper illustration, and idk I’ll admit it bandaged my faith in humanity a bit ☺️
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
Remember how the "retail theft crime wave" disappeared as soon as companies had to do their annual reports? That's because it's illegal to lie to shareholders. AI is booming (if you're a pleb) but if you have money - Goldman Sachs will be honest with you instead
I don't know if I'd call it hope that I'm maintaining but it sure is something, and I'm doing it by learning how to use and maintain firearms
same vibes as young earth creationists who believe dinosaur bones were put there by satan to test our faith
why do porn accounts keep doing that thing where they follow some rando and expect to be followed back? does that ever actually work? I once had one who repeatedly followed and unfollowed like trying to get my attention bitch I am surviving on ramen and spam, I can't afford your photo set
sorry, the only vibes I can send are completely rancid and entirely noxious, but I'll send them at whatever is making you ill instead
it's amazing how something that has been cool and based and true for years suddenly becomes cringe and wrong and false as soon as a transfem with an audience repeats it
I am of course referring to this
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
every time I see someone complain about unions I think about how unions were the consensus alternative to the previous system of burning the factory owner alive inside his house
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
from the bottom of my heart
Name me like an optional postgame superboss please
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
It sure does! AND IT'S NOT SWORDMAGE, and it will never BE swordmage. Nobody can replace swordmage.
Pathfinder means no D&D 4e swordmage (the best and coolest class), not interested
It's so beautifully written and reflects the sentiment so many of us are feeling, but my favourite part is that it's upsetting the dumbest motherfuckers alive
an enormous pile of inventory-clogging gray items, they just keep spilling out of my corpse like a Diablo 2 boss loot explosion no money, though
Saw this going around back on the other place and enjoyed it so let's bring it back: What loot would you drop when defeated?
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
I think a lot of interpersonal conflict specifically in internet spaces also comes from the discomfort of just disliking people. But it’s very normal to dislike people. It’s natural and it is not something you need to examine for it’s morality.
I sincerely regret not stealing way more stuff from my last job.
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
I always liked how Secret of Mana did it, with numbers starting off small and getting bigger as damage values went higher. When the damage numbers went up a font size, you FELT your characters (and the monsters) getting stronger.
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
“That’s taking the easy way out” I know. That’s why I took it.
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
Nobody is trying to turn your kids gay, but people are trying to turn your kids Nazi.
I live in a walk-up, and I absolutely will push someone down the stairs if they throw a tantrum about not taking off their filthy disgusting outdoor shoes in my nice clean home. I'm not kidding, I keep my floors so clean you could eat off them, that's not an exaggeration
Keep up the good work! We keep us safe 👍
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
life is way too short to not be whimsical
Reposted byAvatar Devilpants
I think every generation has myths it tells about itself. This is why older people are often upset that "Boomer" is now so frequently used a pejorative; it was the generation that famously said never to trust anyone over 30, and now they're the people folks under 30 definitively do not trust.
As someone coming right at the end of it, I do feel like Gen X has a lot of myths about itself that it tells and I am never entirely sure if it believes them or not.
I thought bro gamers hated when things change, you'd think they'd be glad for a game that's so much like the olhahaha just kidding none of these dumb idiots have ever played Mario 3