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Bonsai Wolf. Tiny and Mighty™️. Adorkable chihuahua. Malware and tradecraft analyst. Dogged and rigorous. Bit of a weirdo. Feral historian focusing on extremism. he/they Email: [email protected]
kamala and rich evans would be an absolute dream ticket
Reposted byAvatar sina
Battlestar Galactica (2004)
Southwest Airlines was spared from today's CrowdStrike catastrophe that grounded or delayed hundreds of flights because they run on Windows 3.1... operating system whose last update was November 8, 1993...
friday night and you know what that means
Reposted byAvatar sina
(fretting nervously as a Democrat does) Should I go with a bunch of fossilized centrists in noncompetitive seats backed by crypto hedge fund manager super-donors or the people who actually win elections in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania?
why are the democrats so bad at politics? i get there is a lot of shmoney in the grift stand however all that grift shmoney is useless if pod can’t save america •______•
what does the establishment media get from covering the election this way? i guess democracy dies amid a fury of poasts and clicks
Reposted byAvatar sina
it’s exhausting to have to point this out every time the Y2K bug is brought up, but hey: it didn’t do as much damage as was feared because *lots of people worked very hard to raise awareness, prepare, and fix it*
Reposted byAvatar sina
what does the establishment media get from covering the election this way? i guess democracy dies amid a fury of poasts and clicks
going through project 2025 and i found this gem •______•
(not getting any likes on my poasts) CrowdStrike did this (2024)
(not getting any likes on my posts) CrowdStrike did this
Reposted byAvatar sina
In our reality TV culture Biden gets punished for this sort of competent leadership, and it’s definitely one of his finer qualities. Another sign that our political structure and culture are not really designed to provide the best governance.
Quite often Biden has shown he is listening on a lot of issues he doesn't immediately publicly responding to, he's just working on them quietly in the background and announcing them when they're a done deal, not announcing intentions he may not be able to secure when he starts. Like the rail strike.
Reposted byAvatar sina
the adeptus mechanicus is what happens if you made a planet of just linux users
Reposted byAvatar sina
“Glad to see RLM doesnt use Crowdstrike for their cybersecurity services”
the conspiracies surrounding the crowd strike outrage are disappointing
Reposted byAvatar sina
Project 2025 calls for filling the VA with political appointees, narrowing what makes someone eligible for VA health benefits, and go after reproductive care. My colleague Patty Nieberg reports at TAsk & Purpose.
What does Project 2025 mean for military veterans? Project 2025 calls for changes to veteran healthcare, disability claims, VA personnel, infrastructure and more privatization overall.
the conspiracies surrounding the crowd strike outrage are disappointing
what does the establishment media get from covering the election this way? i guess democracy dies amid a fury of poasts and clicks
Reposted byAvatar sina
It worries me a lot that Dems seem to be preparing for this mostly by like "we're gonna have the best possible lawyers to do oral arguments" and not like "here's how we change the locks on the supreme court building"
People are really underestimating the chances of the Calvinball Court ruling the entire election illegitimate on some fake-ass technicality.
look at all that cognitive clarity on display •______•
Reposted byAvatar sina
software ate the world so crowdstrike could thoroughly cook modernity
Reposted byAvatar sina
Reposted byAvatar sina
Donald Trump and his running mate Sayyid Moqtada al Sadr
Voters should know exactly what the Trump-Vance ticket will do if allowed in the White House. #VoteBlue
software ate the world so crowdstrike could thoroughly cook modernity
can’t tell if this is a convention speech or one of those hellish psychedelic amphibian secretion induced trips
going for those castro numbers •______•
trump has been speaking for one hour, 27 minutes
Reposted byAvatar sina
We're at an important moment for reflection on the media practice of turning Trump's rambling soliloquies into semi-coherent narrative accounts. Are reporters going to again fail to convey just how bizarre and discursive this speech is?
Reposted byAvatar sina
I'm genuinely shocked by how many of you seem to be watching the RNC
Reposted byAvatar sina
They should just publish the entire verbatim transcript in its own newspaper section like the Unabomber manifesto
Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton '88 is now off the hook for the most boring, self-involved convention speech in history