Eddie Clark

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Eddie Clark


Senior Lecturer at VUW Faculty of Law. Administrative law and public law theory.

Assorted nerdy things.

Publicwrongs on the bird site.
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solidarity with the striking computers
Sorry this is bizarre why are we taking announcements on government roles from the political party rather than a minister? Who gives a crap what the ACT party apparatus thinks? Seymour, as Minister, needs to respond to the consequences of his actions.
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Mist and light on the harbour this morning, Wellington NZ
Two things can be, and I think are, true here. a) self-representation and ridiculous antics during the trial was deeply stupid. b) The fact that English law allows peaceful protesters to be jailed for *five years* is horrific. b) is far more important than a). www.bbc.com/news/article...
Just Stop Oil protesters jailed after M25 blockedwww.bbc.com Five activists have received prison sentences of between four and five years over the disruption.
Here are the responses of bereaved families to the UK's first covid inquiry report. Horrific stuff. And as NZF and ACT seem keen to try to make NZ's inquiry a cooker fest, the key thing to keep in mind is that NZ's response prevented virtually *all* of the trauma these poor folks in the UK suffered.
‘Bittersweet’: Covid report does not go far enough, say bereaved familieswww.theguardian.com Relatives feel vindicated by ‘damning’ analysis of an unprepared Britain but say many issues not addressed
Was listening to the (excellent) Juggernaut podcast about the 4th Labour govt, & in the ep on homosexual law reform Bruce Logan talked about holding together an alliance of straight liberals, misogynist old gay men, & lesbian separatists to campaign.
Whenever I say something like this, someone explains why their frustrations are valid, so let me say out front: your frustrations are valid. I have MANY valid frustrations that I don't unleash upon people I am attempting to organize. I think about what I want people to do and interact accordingly.
This frustrates the shit out of me. Yes email your contacts at the conference committee, yes make it clear that you're a big name & they probably want you, but *fill in the bloody form*. Just a basic thing in organising large events to have all your info in one place.
Watching The Boyfriend on Netflix and think it's quietly quite important. Less posturing than most reality TV, lots of sweet but complicated guys, and a very useful insight into what's the same and what's different about being a gay man in Japan.
Important nz news: the current pineapple lump special edition - choc orange lumps - are the extremely good. Dead ringer in flavour profile for a Terry's chocolate orange, but chewy. Yum.
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[Inland Empire - Formidable]
A cursed vision: a number of GOP convention delegates doing some kind of bloody-ear makeup on themselves in Milwaukee next week.
An absolute classic. Pick it up if you've not read it.
Jonathan Carroll's THE LAND OF LAUGHS is out now in a new eBook edition! zenoagency.com/news/jonatha... Published by @awfulagent.bsky.social, it's the first in a series of re-issues coming out this summer.
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THE EMPEROR AND THE ENDLESS PALACE is the very first SFF I've ever read to accurately describe what's it like to go to a gay circuit party. And even more accurately describes what it's like to be a gay man going to one for the first time. It's the small things where rep really hits hard I think.
The LeGuin Award continues to have excellent taste in its shortlist! 2024 list just announced. www.ursulakleguin.com/prize24 Congratulations, @vajra.me, @emilytesh.bsky.social, @premeemohamed.com and the others on the list! A mix of stuff I've read & liked & new to me stuff to add to the TBR.
Ursula K. Le Guin — 2024 Prize for Fiction (Shortlist)www.ursulakleguin.com
Think there's something to this. Certainly, my "block early, block often" policy doesn't apply to people I'm close enough to that the relationship is social rather than para.
I am working on a theory that the outsized emotional reaction to blocking is because it is a violation (/illumination) of the parasocial relationship. In an actual relationship, a sudden and one-sided severance is generally understood to be a Really Big Deal, only used in egregious cases.
How wonderful. I love the pure sincerity that comes with through almost universally in these things.
Anyone who has done a PhD, or loved anyone who has done a PhD, will be familiar with the obligatory Acknowledgments section. This beautiful multimedia essay delves into the art of PhD Acknowledgments. science.anu.edu.au/news-events/...
The unexpected poetry of PhD acknowledgementsscience.anu.edu.au After reading hundreds and hundreds of PhD theses, we accidentally discovered how to write the perfect PhD acknowledgement: it's a kind of poetry.
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"Cost of A&E for 1 respiratory case is about the same as insulating an entire house..." Assuming there's no follow on treatment required and over time, repeated visits will quickly get into 5 figures of taxpayers money... This will cost ordinary NZers in so many ways...
1.3 million homes in NZ were built before 2000. Living areas and bedrooms in winter are 6°C below WHO healthy minimum indoor temp of 18°C. 70% of all NZ homes have no underfloor and insufficient ceiling insulation. Cost of A&E for 1 respiratory case is about the same as insulating an entire house
Unhealthy livingarchitecturenow.co.nz We spend 70% of our time in our homes, yet many New Zealand homes are up to 6 degrees below the WHO's minimum of 18 degrees.
The first couple of Appleton Park holding court.
A thing it took me way longer to understand than it should have is that a person being subject to oppression and trauma can often explain shitty behaviour from people but it doesn't really excuse it. And certainly doesn't create an obligation to sit there and be harangued.
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It’s almost like the pundit class wants the wrong things out of this campaign season
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This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
That was a hell of a goal out of absolute nowhere.
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Just learned that Chloe Anne King, who has founded Raise the Bar Hospitality Union, and has been a tireless activist for working people recently suffered a seizure caused by a brain aneurysm. A Givealittle has been set up to support her recovery givealittle.co.nz/cause/recove...
Recovery for Chloegivealittle.co.nz Support Chloe's recovery from a brain aneurysm
Really cute small space in this wine bar in Kelburn and really, really good food too.
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“We would love Mr. Trump to join us in condemning political violence once and for all after the terrible incident on Saturday. This is a moment for him to help us unite the American people behind our true principle: We always solve problems through ballots, not bullets.”
If you're in the time zone for it I highly recommend a walk.
Hey y'all, if you are feeling panic right now I hope you can find a way to disengage. Nothing you can post on bluesky in the next hour is going to change November. Watch some TV! It doesn't even have to be Tudor horse man show! 💖
Back in town, back on my Sunday Zealandia bullshit. And I really don't think there's anything else I can productively post about.