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PRONOUNS: they, she

NOUNS: higher ed acessibility specialist, Masshole, nerd, burner, artist, leftist(?), dachshund & cat carer

ADJECTIVES: white, queer, exvangelical, neurodivergent

VERBS: hyperfocus, craft, mask, post

I 💜 heavily
📝 please alt-text
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
desperately need some teenager on tiktok with her hair piled up into the biggest claw clip Five Below sells to break down, with the dispassionate accountancy of a coroner, exactly what procedures and unguents Matt has applied to get himself into this state
The fact that these photos were taken one (1) day apart… Man saw his photos from yesterday and decided to get emergency Botox before his speech today.
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
And if we ever want to change corporate behavior, we need to put an even greater value on human pain and suffering.
The McDonalds coffee lady deserved way more money than she got. McDonalds knew the coffee was too hot, had been sued multiple times before, and when the lady originally reached out to them she only wanted money to cover her medical expenses which included skin grafts.
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Joe Biden: I'm sick Next tweet is a video of him pulling a 360 half finger flip to switch foot pogo
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
fuck Starbucks but truth is important
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
I don't understand, how did President Biden catch COVID, he told me (over and over and over and over and over again) that he Ended The Pandemic
President Biden has tested positive for COVID
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
I appreciate how my timeline delivered two cryptic “shit what happened now” prompts and then an immediate explanation. Convenient.
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
joe biden phased out covid protections instead of phasing out covid and now he has to live with the consequences so many others have had to face
Did everyone forget that COVID is still everywhere?
everyone is allowed a conspiracy theory and mine is that he doesn't actually have COVID, it's just a very good cover to let him step down with honor My previous one, that the shooter was a dumbass trying to use his gunsight as binoculars and only shot by accident, sadly doesn't hold up to evidence
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Really think about what that means- it means that Israel continues to control the lives of all Palestinians without them having any say in their future. Would you accept this for yourself?
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
This doesn't even qualify as the dodgeball of prophecy, it's just cause and fucking effect.
Watching Biden take the stage in Wisconsin and that dude is definitely getting covid before summer is done.
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
But SCOTUS said presidents have total immunity
President Biden has tested positive for COVID
holy shit
President Biden has tested positive for COVID
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
love 2 steal bird memes from the birder discord
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Through no fault of their own, the Glasgow WorldCon has to manage the reputational damage done by McCarty et al egregious rules violations. If only some big name author would provide the con with an easy way to show Glasgow hews to the rules under all circumstances.
sometime in the file sharing days I got an mp3 of this labeled "gay version" and the only change was someone had cut in themselves saying "cock" loudly so the chorus went I would swallow my COCK I would choke on the COCK But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside Swallow my COCK etc
some of you have never put your tender heart in a blender watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion and it shows
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
omfg, babe! your alt text is so good *kissing you all over* you never miss a post *pulling off your shirt* i just really need you right now. *struggling with the pants* babe can you make these accessible too?
Alt text is so hot
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
I definitely think lots of people are too eager demonize and dismiss all men in broad terms and that this leaves many young men feeling like the only place where they feel listened to in any way is communities of aggrieved, angry, anti-social men. And saying testosterone = evil poison sucks shit.
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
I bring this up because I am also deeply sick of the increasingly common presumption that masculinity always = bad, but at the same time I am struck by how many men clearly buy into the notion that it isn't real masculinity UNLESS it is misogynistic, homophobic, and preoccupied with dominance
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Any issue you might want to agitate for runs the risk of PETA syndrome: acting like such a piece of shit that nobody cares that you’re right. Your public conduct is so important no matter what you’re fighting for, and how this escapes so many people is really baffling to me.
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Okay, this is why I’m an alt-text warden and will not stop: When I was 32, an Ophthalmologist diagnosed me with the genetic version of glaucoma, which is a risk factor I have. I was at the pre-treatment phase, so all we could do was watchful waiting because glaucoma is a neural damage. 1/
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Protip: for any cis people who don’t already know, the phrase “this person” is an extremely obvious way transhobes often degender and/or misgender trans people. you should generally not use that phrasing. especially if you are criticizing someone who happens to be trans.
this person every god damn time
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
Y’all do realize these papers ran ads for slave auctions, put out notices for runaway slaves, argued in favor of Jim Crow for decades, opposed MLK & the civil rights movement, and still foment crime panics which built the carceral system, & remain tentpole institutions right?
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
an underrated plus of living in Boston is that absolutely no one believes this
People, I beg of you, please stop assuming someone who went to an Ivy is smart
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
we introduced automatic posting breaks in the last update btw. we wrote a computer thingy that scans your recent activity and if you are cooking too hard your account is deactivated for 30 days
Reposted byAvatar Haplo
The wonderful thing about tiggers is tiggers are great at a jump! they'll bound as high as a rooftop and take out ex-pres- *Jack Black slaps my phone to the ground*