Michael Paulauski

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Michael Paulauski


I lose brain cells so you don't have to. Devops Galore. DemSoc liking anarchism. Antifascist. BLM/Abolish the Police. Views are mine, not employer’s. He/him
Y'all wanna see a dead body?
New: on one level, what needs to happen is pretty simple. Dems need to persuade Biden to suspend his campaign. But the “how?” of the succession is not as simple as so many pundit and donor fantasies, and requires methodical thinking.
A Methodical Approach To The Democratic Succession Crisiswww.offmessage.net In a void of important information, half-baked ideas are flourishing. This is a complicated decision, and only Joe Biden can make it.
I subtracted. But the cross tabs support my point. A significant majority (66%) want him to stay in the race.
Here's more stats from the poll that disprove your claim that you're expressing "the will of the people"
Like, this is just childish behavior, and no, that is not what "batting zero" means in the slightest! It means complete and total failure, zero hits!
For anyone who isn't aware, Ken Klippenstein went on Steve Bannon's War Room, because there is no fascist these tankie dipshits won't cuddle up to. Truly, Putin has owned every last brain cell they possess.
klipoenstein always came across as a bit of a naive pick-me guy in the intercept cinematic universe but also always seemed like he meant well and wasn’t *this* dumb
I'm snickering that this is what finally got everyone on board with the fact that Ken Klippenstein is a grifter.
Hey Ken, why are you ignoring all the people wondering why you went on the fascist Steve Bannon's show? Why are you afraid to discuss this, Ken?
Oh hey, a group associated with Dean Phillips has now switched to full time ratfucking against Biden, who'd'a thunk it?
"international freelance" screams "foreign government op". Sorry, not sorry.
Touching grass, sweating balls.
Whelp, that answers that.
And if you're wrong, you're going to spend a lot of time giving air to a topic that will only hurt Dems chances and help Republicans win. And I hope you sit with that for a long, long time.
You've already absolved yourself of the consequences of your own actions, I know precisely what drives you. No raindrop ever feels responsible for the flood.
I fuckin' told y'all so, I fuckin' told y'all that they'd move on to the next goddamn target. This is what happens when you give them air. This is what happens when you don't challenge their narratives.
True, but it was also useful in situations like this!
This is literally just someone making shit up lmao. No quotes, no citations, just a single poll of American voters.
But you just repeatedly stated that these outlets are irrelevant, now Biden needs to be engaging them? Make up your mind! Meanwhile, the donors themselves are mostly annoyed about...not getting big boy birthday calls? Are these really the people you choose to align yourselves with?
I mean it's not like we've had bad performances in the first debate followed by the candidates winning the election in the end, right? Oh...wait. it's happened to the last two winning Dem candidates.
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
Reminding people once again that it's the exact same ratfucking job over and over again and will people please learn from recent goddamn history instead of forgetting it immediately?
Uhhhhhhh which leaks, exactly? And how is this not "putting it to bed"?
Y'all I'm dying, these folks are creating entire new mythos surrounding @swiftonsecurity.com because they dared to make two posts deriding non-voters. Incredible levels of cope.
guy 1 (basically just about to ask other guy if he wants to come to his bbq): got any plans tonight? guy 2: yes - I am going to go online where I have been pretending to be taylor swift talking about computer network stuff for 10 years to scold people about voting. guy 1: I am not having a bbq
"ah, well, you see, I'm being a massive hypocritical dipshit on *purpose*, so it's *different*" None of these people believe a word they are saying. Meaning doesn't matter to them, only exercises of power. They are much more like the fascists they claim to hate than they will ever realize.
So...I guess this is a mixed bag? Obviously Trump is going to try to claim his acts were constitutional.
"we're a rogue state" *cites image macro made by an Australian fundamentalist Islamic org* Mmmmhmmmmm okay bud.
We're a rogue state. The current administration is aiding and abetting genocide in violation of the laws we helped create to prevent this shit. The fact that Trump promises to do worse isn't gonna help him in November. That's a bigger problem for Democrats than they'd care to admit.
Seems like it is, unless you believe this is accurate.