Michael Paulauski

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Michael Paulauski


I lose brain cells so you don't have to. Devops Galore. DemSoc liking anarchism. Antifascist. BLM/Abolish the Police. Views are mine, not employer’s. He/him
You're uncritically reporting something from the NY Post and Alex Berenson, of "reefer madness" and "COVID vaccines are dangerous" fame. But that's okay, I guess whatever outlandish accusations are fine so long as someone denied them quickly enough. bsky.app/profile/just...
Yoffe in the Free Press on July 7: www.thefp.com/p/why-did-pa...
Just to be perfectly clear, Rev, do you now believe Biden has Parkinson's?
One reason why a Parkinson’s expert might have visited the WH 8 times in 8 months is bc a big Parkinson’s bill just got passed and signed. But don’t let that little bit of fact get in the way of your shitty ableist rumor mongering, NYT
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Monthswww.nytimes.com The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
You're uncritically reporting something from the NY Post and Alex Berenson, of "reefer madness" and "COVID vaccines are dangerous" fame. But that's okay, I guess whatever outlandish accusations are fine so long as someone denied them quickly enough. bsky.app/profile/just...
Yoffe in the Free Press on July 7: www.thefp.com/p/why-did-pa...
So now we get a whole news cycle driven by the White House visitor logs & *ALEX FUCKING BERENSON*. All the news that's fit to print, indeed
Berenson has this pinned to his page
I suspect the NYT just scraped it from Jonathan Levine at the NY Post—and who knows where in the fever swamps he dug it up. nypost.com/2024/07/06/u...
I think somebody who has incomplete info must have leaked something about Parkinson’s to the NYT and possibly the rest of the WHPC. it seems likely that his medical team is in fact keeping an eye out for Parkinson’s
President Biden's physician met with Parkinson's disease specialist...nypost.com "It’s highly likely they were talking about Biden," said former White House Doctor Ronny Jackson.
Informed but not knowledgeable, intelligent but not wise. Our press is so enchanted with the notion of hard-hitting investigative journalism they can't accept obvious answers
Yoffe in the Free Press on July 7: www.thefp.com/p/why-did-pa...
Why do you uncritically repeat every anti-Biden headline that's fed to you? bsky.app/profile/gina...
It’s 100% unprofessional slander by both NYT & WaPo. On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, the President signed into law H.R. 2365, the “Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act,” www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-roo...
Bill Signed: H.R. 2365 | The White Housewww.whitehouse.gov On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, the President signed into law: H.R. 2365, the “Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act,” which requires the Department of He...
They are at the throw everything at the wall and see if it sticks phase. He has lasted longer than Claudine Gay, so they are getting nervous.
Lincoln: Marfan's, and terrible pain. Depression. FDR: Polio, and partial paralysis Kennedy*: Addison's and terrible pain * not a great President! But remembered incredibly fondly by a lot of boomers.
I guess the implication is that Biden is hiding a Parkinson's diagnosis? And also, an even deeper implication is that someone with Parkinson's would be ipso facto disqualified of performing the job of President?
Hey politics reporters, when the former president was in office he just stopped releasing WH visitor logs and it was like a 1 day story and you all were like ah well nevertheless instead of doing your job
Project 2025 treats climate science - not climate change - as the problem that must be solved. donmoynihan.substack.com/p/what-manda...
Project 2025 will double down on protections for fossil fuel industries while killing clean power initiatives, while this is going on, but the media is mostly focused elsewhere for some idiotic reason www.theguardian.com/environment/...
Temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial era average for 12 months, data showswww.theguardian.com Copernicus Climate Change Service says results a ‘large and continuing shift’ in the climate
conservatives think the press is stupid and the press's reaction - a bunch of stories about Trump 'softening' abortion language - confirms that they are correct.
We also know that in 2020 Donald Trump exhibited severe enough neurological symptoms (and possibly suffered a mini-stroke) that a doctor ordered a Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which Trump now routinely brags about!
This "Dr. Cannard was in the visitor logs a bunch of times" smoke started on the right-wing media though, which makes it seem like the NYT got inception'd by the Nat'l Review and Fox News
NYT's behavior is consistent with them having an agenda it's also consistent with them thinking they have something, but it's not consistent with them having the goods.
It seems to me the NYT (and WH Press for that matter) should have cross-referenced the dates of Dr. Cannard’s visits w/ the president’s schedule. On the second of the supposed 8 dates, 8/25/23, Biden wasn’t at the WH for any of that day. He was at Tom Steyer’s place in Tahoe that whole week.
At the end of this eight month period (February 2024), the White House publicly put out a health summary from Biden’s physicians. It says there were “no findings consistent with any cerebellar or other central neurological disorder, such as … Parkinsons.” www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/u...
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Monthswww.nytimes.com The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
I feel like the latter is really what’s driving all of this. And ya know silver lining, the freak out just shows how many people are acutely aware of the stakes in Nov. But shitting our collective pants in July isn’t really helping anything. It’s hurting by putting us at each others throats.
Not for nothing, and I know I’ve made this point before, I worry that the Whitmer enthusiasm on the online left right now is exactly the kind of thing that is set to curdle into “…just not *that* woman” in 2028, for the sin of not taking on Joe Biden *now*.
I’m begging Journos to google what they’re talking about before hitting the send button. Oh who am I kidding, they know what they’re doing.
But we all saw! so clearly! with our own eyes! the baseless insinuations that I've chosen to identify with for the next few months
I'm not even sure exactly what it is that I'm insinuating we saw, but you know as well as I do that WE ALL SAW IT WITH OUR OWN EYES AND TO DENY IT IS MADNESS
There's also the "I think his decline is very serious" vs "well I know he's fine but, you know, VOTERS won't" dance you can do.
This is the whole trick of the ratfucking op: The underlying issue isn't relevant. Whether this affects Biden's decision-making process, whether it causes him to support bad policy decisions, etc. is utterly unimportant. The only point is to capitalize on the controversy and to hurt Biden.