
The reason pundits like the contested convention thing is that it plays to their vanities: what if the smart people made a meritocratic decision about who’s best? This is driven, in part, by being mostly isolated from negative reactions to their opinions over the years.
I can’t imagine asserting with unwavering confidence that I knew who was or wasn’t the best candidate against Trump.
this is my fundamental issue with all of these guys. baseless confidence bordering on arrogance. something also tells me that a person of different demographic characteristics with the exact same political record would not be dismissed so easily
Biden is in a much worse position than he was in 2020 but he still can just say “hey these are the same guys who wrote me off then”
Does seem sort of underpriced that Biden was objectively right the last time we had this argument
The whole thing with the NYT elevator operator squeeing over him will be in a movie someday and people will say it’s corny made-up bullshit
It's especially frustrating because she was right there in plain view on the ballot in 2020. Americans have ALREADY signed up for Harris replacing Biden in a pinch.
Well Karl Harris would be a serious politician who understood the electorate and could embody both a tough-on-crime ethos and the party’s racial liberalism, one assumes
The most successful Democratic candidate in the past quarter century was a Black dude. Somehow they forget.
It broke their brains. They were okay with *him*, but the Idea! that we'd bring "those people" into actual power? Horror.
Guys being among the operative words here. Lotta pissed off people if anything happens that doesn't simply replace Biden with Harris his vice president. Choose the dude you want to serve with her. But choose her.
Easy to be confident when (you think) you have no stake in the game.
I note he doesn't actually have an answer to the question!
If you could handpick the candidate to run vs Trump who would you pick ?
I see— important that the candidate has “the confidence of the party elite.” Not the base.
When asked to vote for Biden-Harris in the primaries, 90% of Dems said yes. That’s 90% more than anyone else being offered.
Not to quibble over maths, but it's over 800% more than anyone else.
Percent, percentage points, tomato, tomahto
Still not true. He was 83.8%pt. above Dean Phillips. You might think I'm splitting hairs when the majority was of the same order (after correcting for your initial misstatement), but given the urge over the last few days to explain the primaries system to an international audience, this does matter.
No one is discussing making Dean Phillips the nominee. The “being offered” qualifier excludes him.
Slightly flawed metric anyway given that no one seriously ran as a challenger but you know, too late now
Nobody of serious mind wanted to walk face-first into the buzzsaw of offering a primary challenge to a successful President who was widely popular in his own party. That's not an argument /against/ Biden's strength as a candidate.
Right those VIPs could have absolutely tried “for the good of the country” to win a primary but they cba or dgaf If only they’d known last year if he was old. Or 4 years ago or 8.
There was an organized campaign around uncommitted, and it got ~10%, basically the same as Obama faced in 2012 when there wasn’t an organized campaign.
The same elites who never retire, who keep telling us to hold our nose and keep turning out to vote for their picks.
If we are going to live in an imaginary world why don’t we just be unsentimental about making Donald Trump just disappear.
Well, depending on what SCOTUS says tomorrow...
Also, I haven't seen anyone in the "keep Biden" camp arguing from a place anywhere close to sentimentality.
In fact, sentimentality seems to be the hallmark of the people taking wild flights of fancy.
Ed reveals himself as the persona behind the secretive masked politician known only as Generic Democrat
You left off the “Spartacus” part
Glad to hear you assert your case for who is.
wait, you're a foreigner like me! are you suggesting the USA should invite the British back?
Agree, and also: a democracy that depends on voters picking the person who has the most chance of winning, as opposed to the person they want to govern, is not much of a democracy. [consider this an indictment of 2-party system, electoral college, campaign finance, etc, etc, etc]
Anyone who didn't learn the lesson of 2016 -- none of us have any idea what the hell is going on -- should never be allowed to express an opinion about politics ever again.
Is there literally no one who understands that they all have different imaginary people? And that no real person competes with their imaginary person?
"we must save democracy by having the party elite pick the next president"
It's funny how a bunch of the same people who railed about party elites conspiring to exclude Bernie are now all-in for having the party elite pick the next candidate.
I have not seen this from leftists or Bernie supporters. I’ve only seen this take from centrist liberals
They have zero concept of epistemic humility.
And this isn't even fully that. It's just "it's not Harris." I'd have a lot more respect for "Pritzker would be up by 10 points" speculation than this half-assed "these two are bad, nominate the good one."
Why are we all so faithless if not just ignorant of American political realities and resorting to vibing off?
Haven’t you heard? It’s all vibez these days. Yeah man. If it feels good say it.
with the good one being 'Johnny Unbeatable' and not an actual named real person
The answer is simple and it's time everyone got on board.
Or maybe, more accurately, this is the right pick.