
Read the Times story about Biden. They say he seems more visibly exhausted and physically frail than years ago, confuses names more. No real accusation of mental problems. Includes an anecdote of Biden yelling at Netanyahu. Sources speculate his schedule is too demanding relative to his age.
I am also more visibly exhausted and physically frail than four years ago lol
I would also yell at Netanyahu.
Oh man, the language that would come out of me.
Barack Obama entered the White House as a young-looking 48 year-old and had a head of gray hair and some notable new wrinkles by the end of his first term, that job just ages the shit out of you.
BUT as long as you survive the job you get access to the pills that let you live forever. See Carter, Bush, Reagan...
Carter did it without the magic pills imo That guy's got a direct line via sheer goodness
Everything somebody starts worrying about Joe Biden's ability to do the job, I want to print out all 1,400+ President's Daily Schedules from the Trump Administration and hit them over the head with it.
Yes but would you ever yell at Netanyahu?
God I'm just gagging for the opportunity to
I'd want to throw things too.
If we can both get in the room one of us can hold his arms
I believe we are the same age and on Saturday I decide I had better start working out. It is Tuesday and I am still sore and tired.
What no one seems to want to talk about is the toll Covid infections have taken on folks—all of us, really, but observably in older parts of our population. Research is still pending as to whether Covid infection causes dementia and Parkinsonism, but it’s pretty clear now that it accelerates it.
I mean, I haven't read both of these pieces, but these don't seem encouraging.
FT and NYT are up with stories about how those close to Biden have recognized a noticeable cognitive decline in the past weeks. Notably, there are security and intel sources who question his capacity to carry out his duties as President. This is not a joke.
I felt this. I’m always exhausted now.
From the Times article
The entire article is “old man is exhausted when everyone else is exhausted.”
They got info from someone who got info from Meloni…? I wonder how many people going “wow, seems bad” know what her politics are 🤔
Yeah, I don’t know anyone does that schedule without feeling tired. It’s grueling
I’m tired working a simple 40 hr work week
That’s the problem with incumbents at debates. The President has a really difficult job and schedule, and he’s 81. Add to the fact that most of what he said at the debate was perfectly fine, where Trump lied repeatedly and said horrendous shit. Would be nice if it was reported accurately.
I watched the debate and was horrified - but I also thought there must be additional reasons for his faltering performance beyond just his age. Context matters
I am torn between "yes, Biden has clearly lost a step" & "this is really the best you can come up with?"
I know Biden is old. The question is always: is he capable?
That's where it gets so hard to talk about things on Bluesky specifically, because questions of capability quickly get confused with questions of moral rectitude
Biden is capable. A lot more so than a ton of my fellow disableds on this website arguably, including myself.
He also has a good cabinet and a capable VP.
The question is whether his campaign is capable of getting the message through. And I don't know the answer. They were in 2020, but 2024 is a different scenario.
I thought they want him to yell at Bibi
Yeah - like, he's not senile. He's aging and has more struggles now than he had six months ago, and a year ago, etc. This would be true for basically anyone in their 80s. Does that mean he can still lead? Probably, I think. Less directly.
There seems to be some struggle here in deciding if the standard is "has capacity and does not need a durable POA" or if it's "time to retire from the NFL because you're not as fast as the younger guys"
And the presidency is something that really does seem like it requires the kind of acuity that most people NEVER have, at any point in their life. But also, plenty of presidents have been less than peak.
Everyone wants JFK without the painkillers, Clinton without the philandering, Reagan without the actual dementia, Nixon without the paranoia, FDR without the debilitating health issues, etc., etc. If anything it validates the Supremes' logic in granting the president divine powers; we ask for angels
you know who that was? It was Obama. You can dislike his policies, etc, but that's what he was.
I mean, I really don't want Reagan under any conditions whatsoever, but I take your point.
I don't even know if the "more struggles than 6 months ago" thing is true, based on the evidence in record. "Bidenisms" was coined in the Obama era.
Before that even! Even by the 2008 primary it was common wisdom that Biden was a gaffe machine.
People were making a big deal of Biden calling Obama "clean" weeks before he was nominated VP!
Gaffe machine is a term that somebody, probably the media, coined in the 20th century. He's probably less of a gaffe machine now than he's ever been
IDK, Mom is 80 now and she's sharper (and more importantly, wiser) than ever. Pray you never have to match wits with her.
Biden at 70 or 80% is still up to the task.
Thats...not really much?
No, I don't think so. Definitely grasping at straws for incapacity to do the job. Basically says job is incredibly draining. Certainly more than it would be for a 50 year-old.
Yeah that's always been the case with that job. And of course they don't seem to have any concerns with Trump's ability to do the job although he's shown plenty of signs of cognitive decline
They have one paragraph where they note Trump's schedule is lighter and he sleeps through court, and he also mixes up names and rants.