
If Kamala Harris got rid of Brett McGurk she'd instantaneously be better than this guy for me lol
Everyone already knows what the most important issue is to me so obviously she'd be an improvement.
Hallo I am the President now, Netanyahu is disinvited from congress (crowd cheers) because he is wanted by ICC (crowd roars) Ben-Gvir is sanctioned now and no more mil aid to IL (deafening applause) and btw I am going to impeach Thomas for bribery and expand the Court to restore America
yeah would be a great, a shame america aint built for Super Kamala
alas these days what amounts to political courage in the US these days is hiring unpaid interns to post pictures of you with laser eyes and label it #based
Joking aside, one of the things Harris-as-candidate can do that Biden-as-candidate cannot is she can take credit for good things the admin does, distance herself from bad or even just unpopular things, and articulate a specific vision of improvement if elected
It’s been really upsetting watching nobody take her seriously as a potential candidate, imo. She wouldn’t be my very first choice, but holy fuck she’s not *worse* than these options
She is in absolutely no way my favorite, but, y'know, life isn't always fair, who gives a shit. If Biden can't put the pedal down, so be it. We can all be cringe and khive our way to not accidentally installing outright fascism in America, lfg
The GOP has had four years of preparation for unleashing a Hillary 2.0 on Kamala. An all-new ticket wouldn't give them time enough to generate their conspiracies.
If someone on one of my Teams calls started talking like this, every other participant would be pinging each other for a "quick huddle" afterwards
Best time for her to practice was, well, ..., a long time ago. But second best time is right now
I frankly do find it bizarre because this wasn’t really a problem with her at all before her presidential campaign, and it’s not like she’s mentally unfit. It seems like it’s a style choice that’s backfiring. She needs to lean into being a prosecutor.
How did that work out for Humphrey in 1968
I was around (albeit quite young) in ´68, and besides the notion of the sitting President resigning, it was a vastly different time, with vastly different actors and circumstances. Humphrey´s mistake, it seems to me, was still supporting the Vietnam.
One advantage she has is that she´s less associated in the public eye with the Gaza disaster.
In this scenario it would be good if Harris' instincts were something other than being essentially as centrist as Biden. Does she have savvy enough advisers?
You could at least have a few months of her, and she might do a damn sight better job of preparing the country for what was to come.
tbh I really wish she had stayed in the Senate because she was absolutely great there and would be the senior CA senator now. She's got a fantastic lawyer brain, and this is why she struggles and seems fake in the more lowbrow kind of campaigning that Presidential politics demands. INT 18, CHA 9 🫤
and then Linda Cardellini begs to be my lover but I sadly tell her I'm already married
I didn't know I wanted Dark Harris to exist, but let's fuckin gooo, as Gen Z says.
She can't do anything right now that requires a House majority, so that's it right now for your last two. She can promise those if she gets the House back (modulo filibuster, which also has to go), but then voters need to trust her to follow through (like Obama didn't re codifying Roe v. Wade).
Is there any evidence Kamala Harris has any inclination to challenge the US National Security State on anything?
I'll respect anyone who gets rid of him