Dan Greene

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Dan Greene


Futures of work. Writing, researching, teaching, lefting. Ruthless everything, existing. http://dmgreene.net
Extremely happy not to be going to the aft national convention in Houston in July, post-hurricane. Solidarity to residents and attendees.
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people get mad if you point this out but Jon Stewart was always like this: it's just that his brand of "can't we just use common sense instead of being liars and hypocrites" moderate populism was the most left thing that was allowed in mass media post 9/11
apparently Jon Stewart figures Bill O'Reilly is what passes for a Reasonable People Can Disagree* republican and is happy to help him sell books *as long as we don't talk about grotesque sexual harassment and toxic workplace abuse
'Find a respectable conservative': Jon Stewart slammed over Bill O’Reilly interviewwww.rawstory.com "The Daily Show" host and comedian Jon Stewart was under fire Tuesday night for having former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on the popular show to talk about political fanaticism and extreme rhetoric. ...
Reposted byAvatar Dan Greene
If Biden said What's up with skinny guys and Coke and then said check out this hat we'd have like 85 op eds in the NYT and WaPo about him being senile
I can’t believe this is a real quote from Trump sitting down with Bloomberg. I saw it on Twitter and figured it was a joke. www.bloomberg.com/features/202...
Hey congrats on the sandwich man, that's good southern summer eating right there
Corporations are people my friend
New: Trump's escape from assassination has reinvigorated talk among supporters that God saved him for America's sake. Evangelist Franklin Graham: "Trump came very close to having his brains spread over that platform but God, I believe, protected him" www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/...
Trump’s close call in assassination attempt fuels talk he was ‘chosen by God’www.washingtonpost.com The former president’s supporters have said his survival is a sign of divine intervention -- and his White House destiny.
Well it certainly trains them to argue with automated health insurance for the rest of their lives
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Next time you see someone quote Audre Lorde's 'master's tools' at you, ask them 2 questions: 1. Can you please define what YOU think the master's tools are currently? 2. What else does she say in that essay?
Reposted byAvatar Dan Greene
if we still had MAD Magazine they would’ve gotten him with “Hillbilly Allergy by JD Pantsed” four years ago and none of this would be a problem
If you think visa controls and the deportation spree will wipe out the labor supply for strawberries or whatever in the Central Valley, just wait until the data landlords a few hours west need to hire for QA
Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: you’re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
This would seem to contradict the "tech only" line--who's gonna repair your AI god?--but it ultimately comes from the same place. They want GenAI because they need to replace or discipline an opinionated workforce with greater mobility than most workers. Trump and Vance also both pro-bullying.
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JD Vance: Make Abusers Great Again
God the amber herd shoutout is so fucking disgusting and calculated, knows there's a whole DV popular culture out there and that's one button to push for it
This anti-Cuban racism will not stand. Those were his comfort gold bars, for the epigenetic trauma!
Menendez has been found guilty. “The verdict by a jury of 12 New Yorkers makes Mr. Menendez only the seventh sitting U.S. senator to be convicted of a federal crime, and will create intense pressure on Mr. Menendez to resign before his term expires at year’s end.”
Here’s the latest in a sweeping corruption case against a sitting senator.www.nytimes.com
Normal rich guy shit but the proximate cause is that four years ago someone asked them to take a 30 minute workplace racism training and one of their boys got Me Too'ed
Why are these rich tech investors so angry? Life has been quite good to them.
About a third of the union vote iirc
It's very funny when people are like "Dems are screwed if a bunch of blue collar union guys break away and start voting for Republicans" like this was something that might happen in the future instead of something that happened in 1972 and has been consistently true for 50 years
Always blows my mind when other academics call me the Marx guy, turn to me for Marxist advice etc etc because in my (mostly-not-paid-for-it) circle of marxoids I generally feel like the dumb one
Anyway, thanks everyone for coming to the Communist Internet talk. Good times.
Every picture of JD Vance makes it look the hotel housekeeper is looking for a panic button
Every picture of JD Vance makes it look like he just logged off of Instagram after spending 2 hours bullying teenage girls with comments like "fatty" or "I can't believe you showed your thighs like that" from a Finsta account
Reposted byAvatar Dan Greene
For sure. My spouse is a lactation consultant. Her suspicion is 1) a ton of things have infantile GBA roots, related to early nutrition and breast milk "priming" the gut (or not) and 2) there's nothing more functional or less sexy than breastfeeding and gut health, so research cares not.
New things everyday! Big recent wastewater study identified homes with autistic folks with like 80% accuracy.
I am big on Gramsci and I like it! It's not really about him (or arrighi) but about predictable stages. And that crap is absolutely in the time of monsters line and more so in everybody's modern use of it. Gramsci's corpus obvs better and focused exactly on this question of why prophecy failed!
Sort of a brownshirt Benjamin Button situation
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Tooze against Gramsci's monsters "There was no womb of hegemonic logic from which the US power was born to replace a dying British global order. It was not the inevitable sequence of monetary logic...It was war and war finance."
Chartbook 298 Built not Born - against "interregnum"-talk (Hegemony Notes #2)adamtooze.substack.com "The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.” For many commentators, this is the phrase t...
Reposted byAvatar Dan Greene
The fact that J. D. Vance and Biden's first chief of staff worked together at a venture capital fund is a perfect detail for our times. The fact that the fund was called Revolution is a bit much, tho. www.axios.com/local/washin...
Reposted byAvatar Dan Greene
"A group of D.C journalists who worked at a local news site that was abruptly shuttered by NPR affiliate WAMU earlier this year are launching their own nonprofit devoted to covering community news of Washington...It will be operated as a worker-run newsroom" www.washingtonpost.com/style/media/...
Former DCist staff launch the 51st, new local news site for Washingtonwww.washingtonpost.com The 51st is a worker-run newsroom that will attempt to fill a niche its founders say opened when WAMU closed DCist.