Doomie Scrollerton

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Doomie Scrollerton

So Shitter- sorry, Twitter- really is dead, eh?
I wonder how much of the Biden dropping out shit boils down to the idea that people are looking at goofball Trump and wondering why they aren’t winning by ten points, we SHOULD be winning by ten points, how can we not be????and brother that’s a bigger question than Joe Biden
Can the SCOTUS overturn an amendment outright?
I accidentally read this op ed and it brought up something I've been meaning to say for a while: If you want to understand - REALLY understand - what Project 2025 will do, take a look at Alabama. (Buckle in, this is going to take a few)
Smith: Project 2025 is better than what we're currently Conservatives putting forth conservative policy ideas isn’t a threat to America. It is a clear and vital challenge to progressive liberalism and the federal bureaucracy.
This election, everyone must confront it. We know who Trump is. We know how damaging he is and was to the fabric of society. He wants to target your neighbors. He's shattered basic institutions and checks on his power. Is that what we want America to be? Because this time it will not be repairable
It basically missed him. Grazed his ear by a few millimeters or less
Progressive values and Democrats are not responsible for this violence. There is no both sides here. Violent rhetoric is the bread and butter of modern extreme conservatism. And lax gun laws put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a gunman.
Could work. A sculpture of some kind in that area, maybe
The top part of the roof on the left badly needs a window or something in it- even if just for show. Otherwise this looks nice.
Not wrong of course, but I think much less so. At least in rapey terms
The only way to fully end the problem, would be to only allow women into politics
Hopefully that’s true. It all depends on turnout.
I like the confidence, but the data isn’t really showing that. What happens if they keep dipping? Basically, why is this close? Can we risk it being close?
They’re a lot lot closer than I would like. They also have, slightly, declined since the debate.
How does the campaign reach the voters on the margins?
I hope so. But what explains the declining poll numbers? Trump’s voters are confident and ready. Biden’s are not. How do we boost turnout?
It doesn’t have to go that far. In fact, it probably won’t because of the media and international attention actual murders would get. Much easier to quietly end someone’s career by sidelining them for being “disloyal.” That can happen a thousand times over and nobody will notice.
I unfortunately think Biden will lose, unless the campaign shifts messaging to a broader focus… and fast.
Is there a mechanism preventing Kamala from picking her VP quickly, assuming Biden resigns?
The best way to defend democracy is winning the election.
Those people are unserious. The options are Biden or Harris
The campaign has to actually do this. Talk about the admin coming in with Biden, talk about the stability.
The campaign better start pushing that message. Cuz I know and WE know that we’re voting for an administration over just one guy. But does the American public at large know that?
Biden *can* win, but IMO why white knuckle it? Personally, going down swinging with Kamala, a new and fresh face, is better than riding with the oldest president ever.
I really think he should resign the presidency, for Harris in his place
Him not doing the job is fine. But the scary part is who he brings in with him