Jesse May

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Jesse May

Former/forever Saskie, current anesthesiologist and ICU Fellow. Tommy Douglas-style Commonwealther. Believer in science, effective public policy, and the responsibility to care about other humans. #skycrit vs #critskeet vs #anessky.
Who do I contact to get involved? Is there a position/director (Im in Toronto Canada)
The first message might be good advice though - the list of unstarted games in the library (probably at least 3 digits now?) and the amount of hours they represent (probably 4 digits) is frankly daunting.
Love bad faith arguments and also the calling other humans scum. Enjoy living in the garbage dump of your own life.
More likely WestJet lied to keep people from cancelling their tickets (see my response to your previous post). Either way I’m genuinely sorry for you missing out on whatever it is the strike is interrupting. It can really be devastating to have plans explode.
This is the closest I could find. AMFA says refrain from “unlawful” job action - the CIRB says it’s lawful for them to strike. Only WestJet said that a strike wouldn’t happen.
The CIRB literally confirmed today that nothing in the arbitration order prevented them from striking. I say this as someone with two flights booked through WestJet in the next two days that I will instead pay AC wayyyy too much money.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Anyone hear of this whistleblower investigation? My first source may be this 'John Cage' Alias
6/ RCMP investigate Schwartz bribe for Nigel Wright named Chief of Staff to Stephen Harper Wright = Onex Gerald Schwartz sought Orders in Council (=Exec Orders USA) Harper/Wright pass OICs beneficial to $33b Schwartz empire RCMP👀 CIEF > The Friends of Israel Initiative John Baird
Less convinced this is a gas *leak* type Deal where people are inadvertently exposed. Feels more like a group-of-schoolyard-friends-huddled-around-a-black-garbage-bag-huffing-leaded-gas intentional brain-damage type Deal.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
these are genuinely incredible numbers, impossible to square with "elite" media obsession
These numbers are actually better than I expected. They should be higher, and there is still a vicious hate campaign, but this poll shows: two thirds of Americans think trans people should be able to live how they want and 75% of Americans say they wouldnt be very upset if child was trans/nonbinary
As a fan of SimAnt from the 90’s I am hugely stoked. Now all I want is a new SimEarth and Aerobiz.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
"Nearly half of Ford’s caucus will now find themselves doing double duty as ministers as the cabinet swells to 36 members; there’s a minister for red-tape reduction, but apparently no one in charge of irony." — #onpoli
Ford’s cabinet shuffle is a distraction — and a gravy-train giveaway | TVO OPINION: With 36 MPPs now making a bonus of over 40 per cent more as cabinet ministers, the caucus will be kept docile and ready to stump for their boss.
+1 for tummy time! Important enrichment activity for babies and adults alike
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Again, imagine if the two biggest liberals on the Burger Court in the 1970s (Marshall and Brennan) were openly signaling their support for the Weather Underground.
Imagine if two liberals on the Burger Court in the 1970s (imagine Marshall and Brennan) were openly signalling their support for the Weather Underground.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
I am going to be really blunt here. My friend is dying of cancer. I wanted to get him a bunch of attention and at least a few art sales and I am failing so far 😞 Can you help?
I wrote about one of my art friends who has been dealing with cancer for six years. Please take a look
Matthew Parker: An An artist on his work and living with cancer
The other thing to consider is their news consumption - if all you consumed was Fox et al. you’d never know half of the stuff he says
Dear thank you for writing ACOUP. As a recreational consumer of history having a pro interpret and share modern takes on the scholarship is amazing. I have a question. Your series on the “glass cannon” Macedonians overlapped with one of my re-listens to…
Avatar ‘s The History of Rome. I was struck by the parallels between the 3-5th C Roman Empire’s military organization and the Successor states’ (in)ability (or unwillingness due to revolt risk) to field >1 effective field army. Could the East-West split (and to a lesser extent the..
Tetarchy) be an innovation to (inadvertently) recreate the republic’s institutional capacity to respond to military action on multiple fronts? Thank you for your time!
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Unless it’s adult DKA then IDGAF please send them to medicine not ICU for the love of propofol plz stop making me see them
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
I encourage the use of Arc Browser from #thebrowsercompany. It’s been a long time since I genuinely enjoyed using the internet and while this browser didn’t change that it did make the whole thing much smoother and pain-free
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
TIMELINE: We obtained internal documents that revealed the closed-door push for Alberta’s pause on new renewable energy projects. has everything you need to know about that timeline. #renewables #abpoli
How Alberta's renewable energy pause unfolded | The A guide to the internal documents that reveal the closed-door wrangling about Alberta’s renewable energy pause
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
The whistleblower complaint of Dr. Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), tells another dark tale. Throughout 2020, the Trump Administration refused multiple offers to manufacturer N95 respirators in America. 2/2
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Stories about Elon’s bans build up a lot of steam b/c he’s so braggadocios about it. But he could block a dozen reporters a day and never catch up to Meta’s censorship of the news media. It purposefully bans information on a massive scale to manipulate the world’s opinions toward certain subjects
Wow. Meta has blocked all links to the Kansas Reflector—the nonprofit newsroom that broke the story of the Marion County Record police raid—likely because they published a column this morning criticizing the platform's censorship of climate change-related ads.
I proclaimed my first (knock-off) robot vacuum “best family member of the year” when I got it, which led friends to joke that it was my baby. It then became BRV - baby robot vacuum. All erv’s since have been an upgrade and thus the best family member of the year and so inherit the name.
The conditions in the field are why they’re leaving. The specialty has been in distress for awhile and family doctors have been leaving for awhile but now the ones who are morally distressed by leaving are speaking.
And because I’m not sure we’re getting anywhere I’m gonna bounce. I wish you in all honesty an absence of suffering, and an excess of happiness, health and safety.