Jesse May

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Jesse May

Former/forever Saskie, current anesthesiologist and ICU Fellow. Tommy Douglas-style Commonwealther. Believer in science, effective public policy, and the responsibility to care about other humans. #skycrit vs #critskeet vs #anessky.
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Anyone hear of this whistleblower investigation? My first source may be this 'John Cage' Alias
6/ RCMP investigate Schwartz bribe for Nigel Wright named Chief of Staff to Stephen Harper Wright = Onex Gerald Schwartz sought Orders in Council (=Exec Orders USA) Harper/Wright pass OICs beneficial to $33b Schwartz empire RCMP👀 CIEF > The Friends of Israel Initiative John Baird
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
these are genuinely incredible numbers, impossible to square with "elite" media obsession
These numbers are actually better than I expected. They should be higher, and there is still a vicious hate campaign, but this poll shows: two thirds of Americans think trans people should be able to live how they want and 75% of Americans say they wouldnt be very upset if child was trans/nonbinary
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
"Nearly half of Ford’s caucus will now find themselves doing double duty as ministers as the cabinet swells to 36 members; there’s a minister for red-tape reduction, but apparently no one in charge of irony." — #onpoli
Ford’s cabinet shuffle is a distraction — and a gravy-train giveaway | TVO OPINION: With 36 MPPs now making a bonus of over 40 per cent more as cabinet ministers, the caucus will be kept docile and ready to stump for their boss.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Again, imagine if the two biggest liberals on the Burger Court in the 1970s (Marshall and Brennan) were openly signaling their support for the Weather Underground.
Imagine if two liberals on the Burger Court in the 1970s (imagine Marshall and Brennan) were openly signalling their support for the Weather Underground.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
I am going to be really blunt here. My friend is dying of cancer. I wanted to get him a bunch of attention and at least a few art sales and I am failing so far 😞 Can you help?
I wrote about one of my art friends who has been dealing with cancer for six years. Please take a look
Matthew Parker: An An artist on his work and living with cancer
Dear thank you for writing ACOUP. As a recreational consumer of history having a pro interpret and share modern takes on the scholarship is amazing. I have a question. Your series on the “glass cannon” Macedonians overlapped with one of my re-listens to…
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
TIMELINE: We obtained internal documents that revealed the closed-door push for Alberta’s pause on new renewable energy projects. has everything you need to know about that timeline. #renewables #abpoli
How Alberta's renewable energy pause unfolded | The A guide to the internal documents that reveal the closed-door wrangling about Alberta’s renewable energy pause
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
The whistleblower complaint of Dr. Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), tells another dark tale. Throughout 2020, the Trump Administration refused multiple offers to manufacturer N95 respirators in America. 2/2
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Stories about Elon’s bans build up a lot of steam b/c he’s so braggadocios about it. But he could block a dozen reporters a day and never catch up to Meta’s censorship of the news media. It purposefully bans information on a massive scale to manipulate the world’s opinions toward certain subjects
Wow. Meta has blocked all links to the Kansas Reflector—the nonprofit newsroom that broke the story of the Marion County Record police raid—likely because they published a column this morning criticizing the platform's censorship of climate change-related ads.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Published today in JAMA Network, a Scandinavian study about Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy, specifically looking at newborn outcomes. Lower neonatal mortality and morbidity, including intracranial hemorrhage and encephalopathy. Pedsky + IDsky +Medsky.
Neonatal Outcomes After COVID-19 Vaccination in This cohort study evaluates the risks of neonatal adverse events after exposure to COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy.
This is my favourite image collection ever.
is it time to bust out my "bigfoot is bears" photo collection again? if your mental image of a bear is a thick-furred, fat glossy male bear in autumn, you're probably not prepared for how weird their proportions can look in spring, or when walking upright, like they frequently do.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
is it time to bust out my "bigfoot is bears" photo collection again? if your mental image of a bear is a thick-furred, fat glossy male bear in autumn, you're probably not prepared for how weird their proportions can look in spring, or when walking upright, like they frequently do.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Alberta pauses participation in national kidney donor matching program because of surgery capacity shortage 🔗 Stay informed with — Bookmark for daily health updates 📌
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Free copies for the first 100 reskeets
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Serious medical errors rose in hospitals after they were taken over by private equity firms, although deaths slightly decreased, a new study found. Researchers reported increases in infections, bed sores and patient falls.
Serious Medical Errors Rose After Private Equity Firms Bought A new study shows an increase in the rate of inpatient complications, including infections and falls, though patients were no more likely to die.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
8% of your genome is of DEFINITE viral origin, with another 40% made of repetitive sequences that LIKELY started as ancient viruses. We're made of star-stuff, but more recently, you're the product of a lot of very lazy or complacent viruses that decided to settle down and settle in.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
If Trump had, after losing the election, just not done an insurrection, and instead left office normally on Jan 20, nobody would be having a conversation about 14AS3, and he would be plainly eligible to run for office again. Like, it's not actually all that hard a concept to wrap your head around.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Maybe you've heard about the historically unprecedented recovery, the incredibly low unemployment, & the consistently strong job growth? No? Verily, it's a total conundrum as to why. A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. But perhaps there is a key.
The US has added nearly 5M jobs over the last four years and we are inches away from every single major sector seeing jobs fully recover from the pandemic—the last laggard is leisure and hospitality, where employment is only 66k below pre-pandemic levels.
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Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Interesting, that article about Mikey Ford/Stirpe being in charge of deciding what get bulldozed at the Science Centre has been taken down now. 😄 Guess someone at Team Ford made a call to Moses Znaimer's people to take it down. Znaimer owns ZoomerMedia, which owns BlogTO.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Today is Holodomor Remembrance Day. 90 years ago, from 1932-1933, a man-made famine caused by the Soviet Union, and instrumentalized to destroy the Ukrainian independence movement, led to the genocide of 3.5 - 5 million Ukrainians in the Ukrainian SSR; annihilating about 10% of the population.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
The Ford government is paying a private clinic more for OHIP surgeries than public hospitals. Much more... 💸 This challenges the narrative of 'efficiency' through privatization. Why not invest this extra funding directly into our public healthcare, where it is sorely needed?
Ontario government paying for-profit clinic up to 3.2 times more than hospitals for OHIP-covered surgeries #cdnnews The most important health news, in one place, at Canada Healthwatch 🍁 🔗
#dofo #conservatives spend 3x more on private than public hospitals for the same procedure - despite empty OR’s and surgeons desperate to be in them. The healthcare “crisis” is manufactured. #ontario #corruptonario
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Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
Yes, it doesn't work as a sedative almost at all. I tell the residents the lowest RASS you can get from it is -1, and if you're already below that, probably stop the precedex. But it is excellent for weaning. Also as notes, also good synergy for analgesia!
Avatar Medsky is a bit underdeveloped at the moment but it’s working on it. You can like it at this link:
Reposted byAvatar Jesse May
we fixed acid rain! we fixed the ozone layer! we beat polio! we’ve rescued scores of species from the brink of extinction! the despair many of us feel about climate change isn’t that it’s too big to fix. it’s that we know it is fixable but we’re being thwarted by greedy ghouls at every turn.
The other day I was like “you know something we heard a lot about as kids was acid rain, why don’t we hear about it anymore” TURNS OUT we fixed it???
Avatar ‘s #corruptontario substack is the best resource for anyone wondering why everything in Ontario public policy and governance feels broken. I cannot recommend it enough.
The inevitability of the Torstar / Postmedia Moving Canada's Overton Window steadily to the right