Enlightened Despotist in Name Only

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Enlightened Despotist in Name Only


A true DINO. (In reality a progressive incrementalist.) Math and board game fan.

Tax the rich.
May have ended up going on the record bc the threat didn’t work.
No, Heinrich just comes out of this looking solid.
I would simply refuse to let donors buy the nomination
Guess my priors have been confirmed at least
Politics Knowers: “Biden’s going to lose ten points from that debate” Polls: *nothing happens* Politics Knowers: “Trump will gain ten points from the shooting! He’s unstoppable now!” Polls: *nothing happens* Politics Knowers: “If only Biden would drop out! Dems would clearly gain ten points!”
We’re not necessarily fucked. We can get a few points back and that’s all we need.
I don’t the first thing is inevitable and I don’t think the policy “concessions” they’re getting are unpopular.
It’s a problem, but it’s also recoverable with better performances from Biden going forward and displays of unity and confidence from democrats
Fellas, is it good if you get shot at and a full quarter of respondents think you were asking for it?
At this point, complaining and doomerism is Actually Bad. If you want a Democratic president, you need to unite around Biden the way the GOP is united around Trump. And you need to get excited about it, in public. I’m pumped to vote for Biden again and I want everyone to know about it.
I think it’s a fine letter. He explains why they are still planning to do it before the convention.
Just deeply shameful stuff in the Atlantic here. Wow.
again, the press' failure in this moment is so severe, profound, and widespread that it almost doesn't feel real
He looked amazing speaking to the NAACP yesterday. Need more of that on tv.
I mean the NYT national poll vs the NYT PA poll specifically
Right, including NYT’s own PA polls.
Republicans are for aiding the comfortable and further afflicting the already afflicted. Full stop. That’s what all of it reduces to.
under trump’s project 2025, a middle-class family with two children would pay $2,600 in additional federal income tax by comparison, a married couple with two children and earnings of $5 million a year would enjoy a $325,000 tax cut
Project 2025 would overhaul the U.S. tax system. Here's how it could impact you.www.cbsnews.com Project 2025, a blueprint for the next Republican president, proposes major economic changes that could impact millions of Americans.
Fair, but I don’t think you can replace Biden w anyone except Harris.
Perhaps others disagree, but I don’t find this very meaningful unless they are testing vs other identified candidates. Otherwise they’re just imaging a generic dem with no personal weaknesses.
Another person who is extremely responsible who IS there is McConnell. And he was roundly booed.
1 billion Americans, 400 billion gallons of dishwashing water. We will settle for nothing less.
Dick Cheney will prob cut ads for Biden!
The debate was ugly and no one is asking them to ignore that. But since then I think Biden has done a press conference and a news interview and rallies and seemed fine-to-good.
Opinion: I was a swing voter in Maricopa County. Then Biden made my rental unit have a more efficient dishwasher.
I hear you. Kamala might be better — though I think there’s no clear case either way in the polling. But you’re being honest that he can do the job! And I just think that’s the end of the argument.
You can’t remove the person who won the primary without a really good reason. “He’s old and maybe not out best candidate but admittedly it’s not clear” is not a sufficient reason.
“He’s largely lost his mind” IS potentially a good reason, and if every public appearance was like the debate, that would be one thing. But it hasn’t been. That really seems like a one off disaster.
IMO no one doing it at this point is proceeding in good faith. They can see that Biden is up to the job. They simply don’t want him on the ticket, and so want to throw out the democratically held primary. It’s ridiculous.
We are where we are. Biden won the primary. Now either we can respect the democratic process and not be losers and try to win w him, or we can commit suicide as a party and/or tell our primary voters that party insiders know what’s good for them and they don’t. I choose a).