Ed Pimento

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Ed Pimento


Reader, not poster. So Dad it’s painful. Mess with the queer kids, get the boot.

ANY QUOTE POSTS ARE NON-HOSTILE AND MADE WITH RESPECT. Even if I go off on a barely related tangent.
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for No Particular Reason, i am reiterating that if you accidentally fall for reactionary talking points, you don't have to double down on supporting bigotry once given better context. Human beings make mistakes. Just take the L & own it. Most people will forgive you for not knowing something.
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Now why would rich Democratic donors be so opposed to Joe Biden? It couldn’t be Biden’s pledge to make the rich pay their fair share, could it?
The Dads (The informal group of parents of LGBTQ kids that met going to fight the chuds in Jefferson City) are PISSED. Joe has stood up for our kids when these same WEAK FUCKERS said "ooh, we can't stand up for queer kids, sacrifice them for chud votes" that never show up. Fuck 'em.
My IRL circle of middle aged to elderly white/hispanic ladies is pissed as hell that the Dems are doing this. Biden's far from a perfect candidate but this public shivving is far worse than he could ever be.
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We can win. We will win. Stop doing the enemy’s work for them when they aren’t even paying you
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please just bury this phenomenon of going after people you know can be shamed by your anger because you know your actual enemies can't
And when you’re eating ass, I expect.
Apparently the small intestine is 22ft long. This is useful to know when you're eating spaghetti
Had to mute a nice person cuz they are dooming. Bummer.
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Somebody should really let those Democrats (Adam Schiff, I’m looking at you) who are still calling for Biden to drop out that they look WEAK AS FUCK.
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I am begging -- begging! -- you and everybody like you to not be so negatively polarized by The Discourse that you end up ushering Trump into office. I don't think it's much to ask.
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a "smoothie" is head from a bald guy
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Politics Knowers: “Biden’s going to lose ten points from that debate” Polls: *nothing happens* Politics Knowers: “Trump will gain ten points from the shooting! He’s unstoppable now!” Polls: *nothing happens* Politics Knowers: “If only Biden would drop out! Dems would clearly gain ten points!”
Sometimes we call Will "Cold Razor Billy."
I mean, but you do you. Let’s bet the future of our democracy on the practical political wisdom of e.g. Jeet Heer
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I’m sorry we have an imperfect candidate but maybe if the party nominally opposed to Trump actually opposed Trump instead of turning on itself like a pack of hyenas we could surmount a polling deficit of a couple of points
A big ugly dude who smells nice and does stuff for you. That's gotta have value to SOMEBODY.
My bud Gina told me "It's been a year. You really need to start slutting around." And I just DON'T WANNA. I mean, if this was LOGANS RUN I would totally put myself on slut-o-vision...wait, that's not true. I'm fuckin' old and we HAVE THAT NOW. The Apps, which I avoid like the plague.
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not for nothing but I expressed to my mother the other day that I had some doubts about Biden's health during the debate but no longer did, and she damn near bit my head off for doubting. truly continue to think that backlash with the elders is a risk of running against Biden's age.
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70s movies are the best — gimme that grainy quality, show sex and nudity as a normal part of life, have regular looking people doing regular stuff.
Doing this great skincare routine: 1. Actually take the Rx my dermo gave me reliably. 2. Buy some better loofage. For me, this is fucking advanced!
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every important person in my life will suffer under a second trump term, it is absolutely fucking insane to me that any self-respecting liberal or leftist would throw in the towel rather than go down swinging
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Are you ok babe? You haven’t tried to sacrifice me to our dark lord and savior today?
Reposted byAvatar Ed Pimento
don’t forget to think about your bones today
I think we still have a BadgeAMinit at work. I want this pinned to my guitar strap.
My bones are delicious.
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I’m wishing people understood that calling the police — especially for someone having a crisis — risks death.
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The poasting sites seem to believe "I was a liberal but them Trump raised his fist after being shot at, and I just had to vote Republican" is a real person that really exists and holy shit you guys need to talk to normal people more
some y’all right. but some y’all ain’t cool.
some y’all cool. but some y’all ain’t right.
I wish you all real world fuckin but online blue balls.
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Trump doesn't trust the Secret Service anymore and is probably afraid of crowds now.
that dude has historical delusions of grandeur but he is not brave, and he is absolutely afraid of those rallies now. his favorite thing to do and his supporters' favorite thing to go to and he is afraid of them. don't tell me he just won the election.