Eduardo Ramirez

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Eduardo Ramirez

Living in Wilmington, Delaware with my wife, 5 year old son, 21 yr old nib, and two cats. Uses data to fight fraud at a bank during the day. Uses Steam Deck to kill monsters at night. He/Him
That must be especially annoying considering how slow and uninteresting the week has been, otherwise. (I’m honestly wondering where this would even be in the lineup, considering all the craziness of the last few days)
A recurring theme on the military history podcast Lions Led By Donkeys is when groups that are at odds join together to fight a common enemy, a phenomena they call the ‘The Universal Principle of Fuck That Guy’
I knew I needed some more John Woo in my life, but I didn’t know how badly until I watched this trailer and felt the tears welling in the corners of my eyes. It’s so beautiful… Now to go to the basement and recover my copy of Feng Shui RPG.
That is the most beautiful poster I have ever seen.
"How to write 14 words in 350"
I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
I long for the day he abandons Twitter so I can finally delete the app.
Depending on where you live, it may not even be illogical. Traveling in central NY a few weeks ago I saw plenty of Trump flags. There’s no vote they can cast in November to deliver electoral votes to Trump.
The biggest loss of this dismissal is Alec lost by the opportunity to blow up his case by taking the stand and do the funniest possible thing.
Malice - I am Clip from the old Alec Baldwin movie, Malice, showing his narcissistic rant and the famous "I *AM* God" line.
My sisters name is Laura. My wife is Linda. My son is Luis. Hilarity ensues on a regular basis.
I would have thought the federal government’s right to regulate distilling was settled when President George Washington LED A FREAKING ARMY WHILE IN OFFICE to enforce such measures when the country was <5 years old.
They always frame it as free, as opposed to a product where the costs are random and hidden.
My family’s thoughts and prayers are with you and yours in this difficult time. Vaya con dios.
I like the line about carbon emission goals at the end. They want to empathize that it’s not just about embracing bigotry, it’s also about rejecting science! In case any otherwise rational transphobes were tempted to keep shopping there.
If the Great British Bake Off had been created in the US, that would have been season 4.
At work our training site that provides condensed versions of popular business books. 250 pgs down to 20 or so. Given how poorly written and repetitive business books can be, the few times I’ve read both I found there wasn’t much value lost. But that’s just cause the originals suck so much.
A crocodile is one of the major gods of the disc, actually, although I don’t think they play much role on Small Gods, the book the op was referring to.
Offler - Discworld & Terry Pratchett
I might need this on a poster. Or a tattoo.
all these jordanp dudes are so sad when they read this part
You just so rarely see a Priest body someone so hard
The Barnes is a unique museum. My favorite art museum ever.
My family is wondering why I said What The Fuck out loud three times in short order as I was reading this thread. I am literally slack jawed, and the only things I know about the law I learned from Sam Waterston, Popehat, and you threadnaught veterans.
That list line is untrue, I also follow a bunch of delightful Delaware lawyers on here cause I love reading about how all the most important business decisions in the country are settled in a courtroom two blocks from my favorite sun shop.
I will pull out my phone and figure the prices in weight AND volume out of spite when they label similar products differently.
they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.
On the one hand that is too stupid to even contemplate. On the other hand, helping someone amass a fortune in stocks in the 1920s is the worst possible way to make them a less angry and hateful person. Lots of paper wealth going into the worst hyperinflation of the depression is not soothing!
Maybe they are talking to a Japanese company and meant ¥1B ($6.4M). That’s still probably too much, but at least it wouldn’t be utterly nonsensical.
You should sell prints. It’s beautiful.