Meghan Ball

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Meghan Ball

Writer, editor, nervous wreck. Just your friendly neighborhood goth disaster. Bad at guitar, good at cross stitch. Music obsessed book nerd. No, I don't know why I'm like this either. She/her
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those who like metal but are not awful know the pain of hearing of a cool-sounding band & having to research if they are fash or otherwise vile, Kim's recs are ALL vetted, 100% worth the very reasonable cost, plus she's a great writer/interviewer, Salvo is a super deal 🤘
I don’t much like pushing paid subs for my metal newsletter, but man, I could really do so much more with it if it made just a little more money. Lemme get an arts grant for lefty extreme metal journalism Salvo: a heavy metal publication
I dunno man, Frank Iero from MCR wrote a song about an uh similar theme about the US presidency and he's STILL on an FBI watch list to this day. And that was back in like 2008...
I don’t look back on my teenage Morrissey fandom with much joy but I do remember being 15 and buying a record with a song calling for the Prime Minister to be guillotined and thinking “yeah fair enough”, it didn’t feel like some unwritten rule of rock star civility had been broken
Congratulations!!!!! Huge achievement for an incredible story. You're on fire! Wait, shit, someone get a bucket of water—
I saw my chance and I took it
[a coworker has done me a favor] Me, joking in an old movie trans-Atlantic accent: Thanks, you're a real doll! Her: Aw, so are you! :) Me: Hah! Yeah, sure, like the haunted kind you find in a basement Her, stricken: NOOO! MEGHAN WHY D:
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gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
Thanks. Just tired *gestures vaguely to everything*
NOW you're speaking my language
I'm not really doing social media right now or being here much. I try to check in daily but god everything is so desperately, ceaselessly miserable. DMs (on any platform) are the best way to reach me though I don't see why anyone would need to, I barely existed before and am basically invisible now
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This thirsty bitch. The Irish have a saying about someone like this: "At every wedding, he wants to be the bride; at every funeral, he wants to be the corpse."
Lmaoooo yeah well someone tried to kill me twice
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EXTREMELY THIS I see I'm gonna have to start unfollowing some folks this morning, there is entirely too much of this on my skyline
For goodness sake stop sharing those stupidly obvious clickbait op eds. Are you new to the Internet or something? Hate media works because you enthusiatocally share the damn stuff, just stop. Stop! These people are of no importance, their opinions only matter because YOU share them. Stop ffs!
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I do not believe that Everything Is Fine and Everything Will Absolutely Work Out - I am absolutely an incredibly bleak pessimist at heart - but I also really, really *hate* declaring defeat and doom way before we know what’s going to happen.
When do I get to live in NOT interesting times
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trying to mandela myself into the funnier universe through sheer force of will
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Better luck next time, time traveler.
I'm gonna fucking make this a cross stitch, just fucking watch me
Who needs love when there’s books and music and the crippling realization that you will die alone
This has cured my depression
I was just at a stop light when it began to POUR out of nowhere. Guess what pulled up next to me? A cybertruck. An abomination of a car that isn't supposed to get wet. I fucking laughed so hard I almost cried. A fool and their money, huh. Good luck with all that rust, buddy
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let’s all remember who the truest enemy is: the passage of time. it used to be 1996. even 1998! but nooooooooo we just decided to the let the ball keep rolling and now it’s 2024 and no one is happy at all. time: not even once.
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In that twilight realm known as Kur, Irkalla, Land of Dust, the Great Below A lone man asked, "O, Great Ereshkigal, Queen of All the Dead, will I be remembered?" And naught was heard but the Goddess' laughter unending.
Today I stand in the presence of immortality #ea-nasir
This is just being in your late 30s
I think more possession horror should explore the idea that the mere presence of the entity in the host's body should be slowly deteriorating the flimsy corporeal shell. The possessed's body degrading and rotting over time until it's blackened and crumbling and full of worms while still moving.
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Like Google ruining search to push “AI,” corporations have become incentivized to damage their own products to chase investor trigger words. There’s no long-term strategy, only short-term gains. An entire economy of pump-and-dump companies.
WBD's stock price has tanked ~78% since David Zaslav was announced as CEO— $32.68 on 05/19/21 to $7.32, today— to say nothing of the brand loyalty, goodwill, & creative talent he's destroyed. It is amazing & genuinely horrifying that anyone could fail this badly, & remain in a position of authority