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New Orleans
I ditched the other place bc I didn’t want to be in bed with that big a psychopath.
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
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Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
Scrolling to find my birth year is getting out of hand.
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
This’ll never make me a regular on msnbc, but people should be ashamed to admit they support Trump. He is a hideously bad person proposing to enact a vast expansion of cruelty and human suffering. The erosion and collapse of social sanctions for supporting someone so indecent is a big problem.
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
“Judges must recuse from cases where the President who appointed them is a defendant” seems like a perfectly cogent rule that should have been in the constitution from the beginning
Am I a complete idiot for assuming a judge would have to recuse from a case directly involving the person who appointed them? Seems obvious to me, but what do I know?
The country is going to shit, but on the positive side, I've broken 2 personal records for the NYT crossword, so it's kind of all equal
So if his conviction was gonna make him so popular with Black folks, surely this dismissal will cause them to turn away from him, right?
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
New York Times Editorial Board: "Mr. Trump’s political agenda cannot and must not be opposed by violence. It cannot and must not be pursued through violence." Ok but to be clear Trump's political agenda *is* violence. We get that right? I dont want us to miss that www.nytimes.com/2024/07/13/o...
Opinion | The Attack on Donald Trump Is Antithetical to Americawww.nytimes.com Political violence is antithetical to our democracy.
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On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
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Please don’t “both sides” the “violent political rhetoric” conversation when one side regularly glorifies and intimidates with guns and the other side speaks out to end gun violence. These are not the same.
Honest question: Have some powerful libs infiltrated Truth or whatever to try to get some borderline-fed-up folks to see the light? Trump’s so extreme now it seems it could happen.
So, is there, like, a "deadline" for everyone to decide that although it would've been cool if he'd stepped aside a year and a half ago, it's too late now we all need to get behind the guy who def isn't going to destroy the country??
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
i dunno man 'American bald eagles keep dying from lead poisoning after eating bullets' is a little too on the nose right now www.popsci.com/environment/...
Hunters' bullets are poisoning bald eagleswww.popsci.com A lead fragment as small as a grain of rice is enough to kill one.
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
"We want to take this country back to the 1960s" "Oh, so you want the highest income brackets to be taxed at 70 to 90%?" "No!" "You want well-funded public universities?" "Absolutely not!" "You want high union membership?" "LOL. No." "Then what do you want?" "Oh, you know what we want."
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
There is a lot of research on this. Learning about racism doesn't make white kids feel guilty. Here is what it does. Summary of some of the studies here: fivethirtyeight.com/features/wha...
Without even clicking the link, I’ll guess the reason — all the talk of racism makes white kids feel guilty. Again, if your kids are reading histories of slavery or segregation and identifying with the racists in the story, that suggests you’ve got your own problems to work through. Leave us out.
I'm getting increasingly tired of entities I work for getting new software, apparently without simply asking, "Is it better?"
How have I just learned of the word "trumpery," meaning "showy but worthless"? I think I can intuit its origins...
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
For all those on the path of Hurricane Beryl, Project 2025 would eliminate the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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Sorry still kinda stuck on the proud originalists entirely making up a new law making us a monarchy, I'm sure I'll get past it soon
Listening to Demon of Unrest (it’s better than the reviews imo), & I can’t stop thinking about what it would mean for the liberal states to secede on the grounds that scotus & the electorate want a theocracy. We get the libraries & they get the guns
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
I keep waiting for the campaign to start spitting facts to counter all this “it feeeeels like crime is out of control” gibberish.
In addition to @smotus.bsky.social tweet on this w/re to Trump Biden has presided over a major economic recovery that has outpaced every other major economy in the world. Domestic violence has decreased. A pandemic is under control. NATO is stronger. That is a great way to govern!
More like scRotus amirite??
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Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
I wrote to the Tractor Supply board today. Here is what I sent. Even if you've only ever bought one thing there, I encourage you to write, as a customer.
Fuck. This one's going to sting, but add another company to our boycott list. x.com/TractorSuppl...
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
Race is still factored in. White applicants get to keep the advantages they've accrued through systemic racism without any countervailing forces.
Reposted byAvatar HammHawk
"If the rabble continues to occupy itself with you, then simply don't read that hogwash, but rather leave it to the reptile for whom it has been fabricated."
einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️