Steve S.

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Steve S.

I'm a retired journalist and policy wonk from western Washington. I tend to post on a mix of national and regional political issues, often from an environmental angle. I mostly share information rather than try to debate in social media sound bites.
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X/Twitter is now just an enormous in-kind campaign contribution to Trump. Are you helping them out?
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Q. What do you call a demagogue who softens his tone when trying to appeal beyond his base? A. A demagogue. Q. What do you call journalists who breathlessly report on it? A. Suckers.
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In New York, Wage Theft Violators Get Millions in Government Contracts We identified 25 employers that, despite histories of wage theft, have received contracts worth more than a collective $500 million from city and state agencies since 2018.
In New York, Wage Theft Violators Get Millions in Government ProPublica and Documented identified 25 employers that, despite histories of wage theft, have received contracts worth more than a collective $500 million from city and state agencies since 2018.
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From Hopium: - European far right underperforms again. Like MAGA here voters understand the danger, keep choosing better options - Good economic news just keeps coming - Biden/Harris is our ticket, but we need better answers on Biden’s health More 👇
The Far Right Underperforms in Europe (Again), New Biden Ad, Legit Questions About Biden's Health, No Letting Welcome new subscribers! Consequential weeks of politics ahead
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Because this is the internet, the replies to this are repeating a claim I directly debunk in the text -- the laughable idea that the Republican Party just welcomed the far right with open arms, unlike the mean ol' Democrats who won't let the left in. That's not how it happened. At all.
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Biden said it himself that democracy is on the line in this election. argues that Biden should have the strength of character to let go of power and step down:
Say It Ain’t So, With democracy itself on the ballot, a statesman with character would know when to let go of power.
Dan Pfeiffer: "Maybe he is putting on a brave face, but Biden seems detached from the crisis enveloping his campaign. He dismissed the mountain of polling that showed him behind.... He dismissed the growing calls for him to step aside and the concerns voters have about his capacity."
Biden Did The Big Interview, Now What? The President's ABC News interview raised more questions than it answered.
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“Remember, even though the term is directed at him a lot, Trump is not an isolationist — he is a mercantilist who prefers using force in this hemisphere.”
World Politics After Trump's Second Spoiler alert: it ain't good.
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One thing I’m noticing: the people in my life who’ve worked in campaigns or politics overwhelmingly think Biden should be replaced (with Kamala). That’s clearly not the majority sentiment on here. Also, noticing how few folks in the above category seem to be on here, which is a bummer for me.
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In their confirmation hearings, the Republican majority swore under oath that the President was not above the law. This week, they insisted that the President is not just above the law, but is entitled to absolute immunity for his actions. Happy 4th!
New, from me: the last week of decisions by the Roberts court present us with a dispiriting vision of American governance: strongman, weak state.
Strongman, Weak The dispiriting vision of American governance offered by the Roberts Court
This is a particularly good overview of a Supreme Court decision that deserves much greater attention than it has received thus far.
The demise of Chevron is being widely interpreted as an expansion of judicial power. It is that, but it also and more profoundly an expansion of power of moneyed interests.
The Money What the fall of Chevron deference means for state capacity
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Shoulda known those PE fuckers had something to do with it
"Veterinary prices have soared more than 60% over the past decade, according to federal stats. Private equity firms and large corps have bought 100s of facilities around the country, an acquisition spree reminiscent of the corporate roll-ups of doctors’ offices."
Why You’re Paying Your Veterinarian So People have grown more attached to their pets — and more willing to spend money on them — turning animal medicine into a high-tech industry worth billions.
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I’m begging reporters to learn what “real wages” means oh my god
Generation Z has been disproportionately pummeled by rising prices, higher housing costs, larger student loan balances and more overall debt than the millennials before them. Gen Z is spending more on necessities than millennials did at the same age, according to a Post analysis.
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At some point in the future will SUV ads be banned in the U.S., much like those for cigarettes? One Scottish city helps to get the ball rolling. (gift article)
This city just made it illegal to advertise SUVs. Here’s Edinburgh became the latest European capital city to ban ads for aviation, SUVs, and more.
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The healthcare workforce shortage isn’t coming, it’s already here. There aren't enough healthcare workers in many sectors & regions, and too many of the ones who are left are sick of bad work conditions. And the consequences? As of today, 83 million Americans don't even have access to primary care.
The health care workforce crisis is already Burned-out health care providers are headed for the exits — or fighting back.
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If they win control, based on a campaign demonizing the elites
Republicans in Congress are preparing to not just extend former president Donald Trump’s 2017 tax cuts if they win control of Washington in November’s elections, but also lower rates even more for corporations, laying the groundwork for a debate over taxes and spending next year and beyond.
Republicans pitch tax cuts for corporations, the wealthy in Trump has asked wealthy donors or donations, promising large tax breaks in return if he retakes the White House.
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"In the same way that Republicans have quietly pushed ballot access for the Green Party across the country for years, there’s concrete evidence ... of an organized Republican effort to get Cornel West on ballots, using Republican consultants and vendors that the West campaign is not paying for."
Operatives with GOP ties are helping Cornel West get on the ballot in a key Documents obtained by NBC News show operatives connected to a Colorado-based GOP firm helped the far-left presidential candidate in North Carolina.
Rising home insurance costs are threatening affordable housing: “Our insurance premium has tripled in the last five years, but what’s really awful is our deductible ... is now $500,000 per incident — which means we do not have insurance unless we have complete building failure.” (Gift article)
‘Not Sustainable’: High Insurance Costs Threaten Affordable Homeowners in areas battered by climate disasters are facing dizzying insurance rate increases. But builders of housing for the homeless and other low-income families are also struggling.
My apologies if you've already seen this story, but I think it deserves maximum exposure. The guy profiled is but one indication that MAGA is a full-fledged, counter-revolutionary movement.
What would you say if you saw it in another country? Could be president again in 226 days
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