
It's crazy to me that, in the year 2024, there isn't a simple way on every online banking app to see all your subscriptions and cancel them directly *at the bank* in one click
My credit union offers this but you can’t join until you agree to be an officer in the US military (or their kid, in my case)
To your point all banks could offer this, we have the technology They just prefer to have you pay money you didn’t want to !
I guess it's just that it's frustrating that banks now exist in a regulatory structure where it's impossible for newcomers to reasonably popup and compete with them on features, so the whole industry mostly isn't interested in giving users what they want
I think it's also that retail banking is generally a loss leader, so they have no incentive to deliver useful features for consumer checking accounts
A huge part of why crypto scams do so well is how trash traditional banks are
Rly? Monzo and Starling seem to be doing OK. There's lots of new online banks. (Examples are from the UK)
It's the same as how the IRS could simply do everybody's taxes for them but corporations are able to extract profits from it not happening like that, so it doesn't happen like that.
I've developed this for internal use before and it's not quite as hard as you'd think, especially if you're willing to eat some false positives.
it's super easy at the technical level; they don't implement it because they don't want/have to
The hardest part for me was segmenting distinct vendor names, but banks have actual vendor ID numbers on credit card transactions, which I didn't, so yeah it's not *that* hard
who would bankroll this though (sorry)
Law that says is you auto pay by bank account or credit card it has to be easily unautoed from the bank website. Give a timeline for when it has to happen and it will. (Yes companies will grumble, but they'll do it if it's a requirement.)
We’re probably gonna need to make that a legal requirement to stop this sort of bullshit.
Most of these problems where industries are not providing good service to customers is lack of competition more than lack of regulation. It's not like banking is under-regulated.
Fair point, although given the breakneck pace of bank mergers and acquisitions (in the US) I don’t see that changing any time soon either.
I mean ... these are directly related
Regulation could be aimed at fixing the issues related to the lack of competition. If necessary regs reduce competition, then there should be regs to address that, too.
I’ll let the experts work out the details but I propose “cancelling must be allowed by the same method and can take no more clicks/steps than subscribing” as a national policy.
Banking is regulated to prevent them from exploiting the "upper class". They're allow to exploit the plebs all they want.
Every banker should have a personal regulator that stands behind them with a gun at all times
If there were, how would RocketMoney make the wrong people rich?
If it's a Direct Debit in the UK, you can. But yeah.
Company known for saying “No, fuck you” has been told “No, fuck YOU”, oh it warms the cockles it does
It was such a good company, once.
What gets me every time is that they were originally the better choice to Quark, a company that became too reluctant to fix and update their $$$$ market-leading layout/publishing application and hence lost to Adobe who had just gotten InDesign in their line-up. And now they do the same shit as well.
Probably in the minority, but I liked Aldus. Was upset when they got scooped up :/
I didn’t get too attached to Serif due to their Affinity suite 1.x to 2.x bugfixing/update policy being lackluster as well, but had they done a little better, I’d be extremely upset about their acquisition. I am disappointed anyway. Every single promising rival gets acquired by some similar evilcorp
OMG. I hadn't realized they'd been bought.
Yeah fuck these guys hard
So when can I get some class action money from them? Lol.
Your .40 cents will show up in 1-1/2 yrs if you first fill out six pages of invasive questionnaires
I was a hardcore Adobe user (multiple hours a day every day) starting from 1996 until they went subscription only. Luckily at that point I had ceased most of my professional design work so after 1 year of subscribing I could say "fuck this and fuck you" to them. A damn shame.
I blame Adobe for the subscription economy we're stuck with, which, IMHO, is a bigger problem than termination issues. I'm not saying this isn't a good first step--it definitely is--but I'd be happier if they'd go after the whole subscription scam itself.
Apparently, if you go to cancel, you can be offered a discount, or the option to switch to a different plan. If you switch to a different plan, once your plan is updated, it starts a 14 day window in which you can cancel the new plan without incurring the early termination fees.
But I don't believe this is obvious to the general user of Adobe products, which is why I have no problem with the lawsuit going forward.
Good luck trying to delete your Instagram account. That page is hidden really, really well. I think they are moving towards forcing you to create a Facebook account in order to delete your IG account.
I appreciate companies with confidence in their own products/services but I will never understand any business model of disrespecting* the very customers who recognise that value/quality and are willing to pay for it. Seems like they mistook being good for being special. (*=understatement)
Change your card to one with only a dollar on it (like an old Visa gift card). They can try to charge it forever.
It’s always good when bad things happen to Adobe.
I feel like also fuck microsoft and mcafee
The thing is, this “trick” has been around for decades. Yes! Fix it already. It’s about f*cking time