Jeanine Finn

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Jeanine Finn

Librarian and data stuff.
Scholar of online credibility and sci comm and GIS.
Remembers Usenet.
UTexas iSchool PhD, now novice Californian
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️supporter and will be loud about it
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Man i have been saying for a minute that voters everywhere are rejecting fascist shit and it’s only the media that makes us think otherwise, but it’s nice to see that in play right now
Below Deck and I’m not embarrassed.
what’s the most embarrassing show you nevertheless like? for me, it’s the considerable shame I feel about enjoying Big Mouth
Right? Plus you’re missing out on the ability to let the lower half of your face have free reign with snarky facial expressions when you’re masked. There’s no downside.
It’s not that I don’t understand that you’re ALLOWED to huff other people’s pathogens; I just don’t get why you enjoy it
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I could not co-sign this more We need to give each other grace for complicated, messy, poorly-articulated feelings rn more than ever, I know we all have so few spoons but
There's a general problem here, being unable to tell the difference between people publicly processing grief, and people goading you to embrace "why bother, it all sucks" doomerism Often, this isn't anyone's fault. You can't always tell the difference unless you know the poster well, maybe offline
Your honor, with all due respect, I checked into a bargain-priced room on La Cienaga.
Your honor, with all due respect, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
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This. Absolutely. The faculty and staff will know.
Heard about another university going under suddenly this week. Folks, if you are planning or know someone planning to go to college in the next few years, try to find faculty or staff at that institution that can give you the inside scoop, particularly if it’s a smaller or less wealthy school.
Yes! Odds are good there are some reactionary numbskulls running for something in your corner of the U.S. Vote against them!
At the end of the day, I don't need to be excited about the top of the ticket to be excited about this election. The presidential election is a root canal. Unfun but probably important not to avoid. DOWN BALLOT IS WHERE IT'S AT! Let's codify abortion! Let's kick these bitches off school boards!
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Four years ago, Psychological Science published a paper which used a ludicrously poor quality dataset. That paper was retracted, partly in order to avoid “prolonging the use” of the data but the dataset still thrives in the academic literature. Read our article & 🧵 for examples
Journals that published Richard Lynn's racist 'research' articles should retract Richard Lynn's work has been repeatedly condemned for using flawed methodology and deceptively collated data to support racism. It's past time to retract the studies.
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Now would be a very good time to start talking to your friends and your neighbors and the vulnerable people in your communities. Find out what everyone needs. Figure out how to start meeting those needs together. Rage, yes. Please rage. But also build. Care for each other.
Just called Rep. Chu’s office and spoke to a very nice young human. Took under one minute. You can do it!
KOSA's back in the house & senate. it's easily weaponized against marginalized people. it has major support & *will* pass without pressure. what you do at the polls isn't my business; but *now* is the time to threaten to pull votes. it's the only power non-rich people have. call scripts follow.🧵
Chair Rodgers Announces Full Committee Markup of 11 The Committee on Energy and Commerce is the oldest standing legislative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives and is vested with the broadest jurisdiction of any congressional authorizing com...
“Of course, they could have saved their articles via PDF or other methods — and probably would have done so if they’d been notified in advance that the archive was vanishing — but the internet was supposed to make that unnecessary.” Uuuuuuuugghhhh.
MTV News online founding editor Michael Alex pulling zero punches, rightly. "History needs stewards, not owners. Whoever legally owns the archive does not legally own the history."
The Disappearance of MTV News’ Online Archive Is a Tragedy: Guest Post by the Website’s Founding In this guest post, Michael Alex, founding editor of MTV News, laments Paramount's decision to remove the site's archives from the internet.
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Fellow educators, AI isn't, despite Google's marketing, magic. AI is people doing often traumatizing work, and we need to help our students interrogate and intervene with others in these systems. More about data workers' own research and stories at:
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Spit it Delia!
“The decisions that were made in response to these protests continue to show, as I’ve said before, the severe lack of leadership we expect from our leaders, as they continue to prioritize extreme government overreach over actual public safety,” [Travis County Attorney Delia] Garza said.
Travis County Attorney drops charges against 79 more UT-Austin protes… The arrests were the result of the second police crackdown on pro-Palestine demonstrations at UT-Austin. The first protest, on April 24, resulted in 57 arrests, which were also dismissed.
This was the conference that some years ago turned unhoused folks downtown into mobile WiFi hotspots. Which is to say…if SXSW can find it possible to divest…
It’s people! It’s made of PEOPLE!
it's actually extremely funny that we were told we can't use Wikipedia for research in the early 2000s but Wikipedia may be the only reason we even have a somewhat coherent historical record of culture and events from the last 25 years or so and will probably be needed to create future history texts
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A Biden administration specialty: small, quiet, bureaucratic changes that make tens of thousands of people's lives better, but which everyone will forget about in two days
The Social Security Administration will eliminate all but a handful of those unskilled jobs from a long-outdated database used to decide who gets benefits and who is denied, ending a practice that advocates have long decried as unfair and inaccurate.
Social Security to jettison obsolete jobs used to deny disability For decades, Social Security has used obsolete jobs like pneumatic tube operator and nut sorter to deny disabled claimants.
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GPT-5 will suffer four consecutive years of severe emotional breakdown trying to say something new about Foucault
I’m playing in summer slow pitch softball league with a bunch of folks in my academic workplace and one or more person is getting hurt EVERY GAME. Pulled muscles and torn tendons general pain and misery. Y’all. I think we need to really revisit this sedentary desk-based lifestyle we’re all living.
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Juneteenth does not celebrate "When news of the end of slavery finally reached Texas." Juneteenth celebrates when the racist people in Texas that tried to hold on to slavery for as long as they could even after it was abolished, finally couldn't keep up the lie anymore.
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) Juneteenth does not celebrate "When news of the end of slavery finally reached Texas." Juneteenth celebrates when the racist people in Texas that tried to hold on to slavery for as long as they could...
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Texas Juneteenth Celebrations: 1-2 Austin, Eastwoods Park, 1900 3 Houston, Fourth Ward, 1908 4 Corpus Christi, 1913
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People who do surveys of higher educators, I beg you, please realize that many of us are working at multiple institutions. When you assume we have only ONE institution, you're ignoring the adjunct experience. #HigherEd
For-profit academic publishers average profit margins of around 40%.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
I spent A LOT of time studying the 2009 Climate Research Unit lab leak in my early grad school days and boy howdy does that seem kind of like a quaint little mess these days. We learned nothing.
I think a lot about how latour felt when the anti-science rightwing crowd figured out how to weaponise their misreadings of social constructivism before progressives even started to get what he actually meant by it, and somedays I think we've learned absolutely nothing since the science wars.
Started a doctoral program in my late 30s and finished in my early 40s (while parenting 2 little kids.) I haven’t written a book yet, but I’m pretty sure there’s still time. It’s never too late. And oh gosh, especially for women/femmes/nb folks.
I went to graduate school in my 30s (Got my PhD at 37). Published my first academic book at 40. Published my first novel at 43. My second academic book comes out later this year and my second novel is in the works. My teens and 20s were FAR too tumultuous and difficult to do any of this.