
i am so fucking tired of elected dems being handed obvious policy and political wins, usually a rare thing, and throwing them away while we beg and plead and yell at them to just do the obvious thing. it’s exhausting and dysfunctional and symptomatic of a sclerotic and out of touch leadership
💯It shouldn't be on us to have to call our reps nonstop and beg them to do the right thing
To call a rep every day, go to voicemail every time, and have them ignore what you’re saying to the detriment of everyone in your country and worlds is just.
Has Biden said anything about the massive amount of renewable energy built with IRA funds in the last 2 years? It's possibly his biggest policy win, yet I don't remember a mention in his SOTU.
i dont think voters who are primarily concerned about the environment will care much about that considering all the anti-environment stuff biden has done as well. despite any good he’s done, he still prefers to listen to big energy lobbyists rather than climate scientists.
he also designated a chunk of land the size of italy to be used for oil & gas resource extraction. and increased the military (pollutes more than several countries combined) budget. that alone counteracts any good he has done for the environment. we are on a tight deadline (2030) to go net negative.
he has no plan that gets us to that goal, the goal climate scientists from across the globe have determined is the only way to prevent us from a path towards absolute climate destruction. and that says a lot
They are very, very old.
Not only are they very very old (meaning they won't live to see the consequences of their (in)action) but also very very safe (meaning they wouldn't suffer consequences even if they weren't this old). Quite literally NOTHING MATTERS to them. So they can afford to let the world suffer & die.
so am I and that is NO excuse and it isn't the real reason....
Kinda feel like people are overreacting a bit here. We have almost no idea how they plan to use this in the campaign. Plus, the official Biden campaign is not going to be the only source of advertisements here.
eh it’s been 4 years of this man. im tired. we did this same song and dance with j6, with dobbs, with the thomas and alito scandals. if he wins, and i very much hope he wins, things have to change because it’s not sustainable
[not the same personnel, but the same party apparatus] we did this same song and dance with scalia's death and the ensuing vacancy―one party made it a centerpiece of their campaign, the other tried to take the moral high ground even while Mitch was holding them down and hawking a loogie in their eye
my nerves are fucking frayed
same lol. it’s too much!
I would dearly like to be able to stop thinking about genuine existential threats all the time
idk they did hammer on Dobbs pretty relentlessly at least
not at first! they spent the first several weeks if not months trying to change the subject to gas prices and ukraine. it was only after the referendum in kansas that they switched tacks which is a perfect example of what im talking about
It’s worse than that. Dobbs was late june. The opinion was leaked early may. And roe was effectively overturned mid jan when they denied cert in texas sb8. Dems not only didn’t go after the courts then, they didn’t even prepare a plan for when dobbs dropped even when they had advanced notice!
they pretty clearly thought it would land like affirmative action did: pissing off their base but not really changing political dynamics and not an issue they wanted to lead on, and it took months of polls and special elections and referenda to change their minds.
Especially given that we had a leak of the decision???? Like what even
That’s the part that really got me. It leaked! And they didn’t have a statement ready, let alone a strategy
They sincerely believed, and it was absurd to watch in real time, that people cared more about Ukraine than abortion rights.
I guess I forgot that part! I was just thinking of SOTU and stuff
Everything feels so existential and has been the last several years since 2016 and I’m fucking exhausted.
*watching a guy get his ass beaten* This is actually a complicated form of judo
I'm not claiming anything except that he was convicted exactly two days ago and it's barely even campaign season yet. AFAICT people are losing their shit over a Semafor article and a fundraising email.
I can only imagine what you think "he was convicted exactly two days ago" is supposed to mean to someone criticizing the Democrats' rapid response.
Oh, so the rapid response in and of itself is going to swing this election? We're not talking about what we can infer about their longer-term strategy from it? Thanks for clarifying
I believe this is what the kids call "moving the goalposts"
He was indicted a year ago and the trial has been going on for weeks. Democrats didn't have anything in the chamber?
Tbf, Biden at least has the excuse that it's 'his' DoJ that's prosecuting Trump, and therefore if he speaks too much out on it, it could play into Trump's victim narrative ("See, Biden's just out to get me, I'm innocent!") The rest of the Dems, however, have no such limitation or excuse.
Right, this isn't about Biden specifically. It's about the total lack of coordination in responding to an event that everyone knew was going to happen. The Dems haven't taken the bat off their shoulder.
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Criticism is not doomerism. Sycophantic reply tbh.
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This was not the thing to have every little detail planned out in advance. A general strategy for him being found guilty, a hung jury or an acquittal was really all they needed to start with. Right now the goal is plan for the debate. Cuz this is a wildcard there.
prrrrrrobably the same way that have the last 4 years and in the last 3 elections (squeaker and embarrasments)
We are functionally in the campaign. They are using it like THIS in the campaign and it blows.
Obama never missed a chance to miss a chance.
at least a step up from the Clintons calling the rest of the team idiots for trying to score on the "far away goal" on the other side of the field, while they just kept kicking the ball into their own goal every fucking time it came near them, then celebrating like champions as the stadium screamed.
If a liberal justice had billionaire sugar daddy sending them on lavish vacations and buying their parents’ homes and letting them live their rent free, Ted Cruz would cum in his pants . . . then clean himself up and never shut up about it.
I feel the same way, it stinks
The democraty party are the kind of people who know and acknowledge there is a climate crisis and also utterly refuse to make meaningful changes bc of it