Kyle Foreman

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Kyle Foreman

Global health sell-out. Guiltily still subscribed to the NYT for the crosswords. Seattle.
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TWISTER is such a great movie. The good storm chasers have sensors that are balls, which are round and wholesome, and the bad storm chasers have sensors that are cubes, the most evil shape.
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
let this serve as my occasional reminder that even if you think the NYT is consistently outstanding, subscribing to the times to "support journalism" is like giving Harvard thirty bucks to "support education." They don't need your money. Small outlets & independent journalists do.
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You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
if i tried to explain email to whoever did my job in 1925 they would go insane immediately. you receive hundreds of letters a day through this evil machine? ??
my cemetery has tons of historical correspondence by employees going back almost 200 years and i like to read it and make myself insane thinking about how much more shit i am expected to do in a day than these people and how i am not even actually making that much more money than them
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
Found myself a new pickup line
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I’d like to dispute the basis of this kind of meme: it isn’t that there are no longer 30 year olds who look like this, they just aren’t permitted to be on tv or in movies anymore
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
Excellent read from on TikTok, gpt4, and the hollow passivity that is consuming the internet:
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
If you're on a zoom call with a guy and he has guitars hanging on the wall behind him, DO NOT ask him about them, that's exactly what he wants you to do.
why am I supposed to want to talk to my computer
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Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
the private equity acquisition process where they take out huge loans to buy a company, put those loans on the company’s balance sheet and liquidate the company to pay them off (while looting the assets) should be made illegal it is a purely destructive process and it’s absurd that we allow it
Just got a news alert saying Joann Fabrics is going into bankruptcy due to decreasing demand. Article fails to say that it was purchased by a private equity firm a while ago and recently went public and is carrying $2.4 billion in debt. Private equity strikes again.
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
new religion just dropped
My friend's turtle who was DEAD AND BURIED AT CHRISTMAS just came back to life and dug herself out of her fucking grave and is currently having a snack in the kitchen and I'm gonna need to sit down.
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the fanciest restaurant when you're a kid is an italian restaurant which is 40-50 minutes from your house
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
ATTENTION INTERNET OUTFITS: As I have said for the better part of a decade, I truly just want to *read* my little articles and posts, I do not want to watch video of everything.
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so many invaluable moments are lost when you're not around your colleagues. the other day I asked "im gonna make some coffee, anybody want some?", and then one guy said "no" (the rest were wearing headsets, couldn't hear me), and then I said "alrighty". you miss out on that when working from home
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"Everyone’s a sellout now" Naomi Klein is quoted (via The Guardian) saying the biggest change in the world since 1999 is "neoliberalism has created so much precarity that the commodification of the self is now seen as the only route to any kind of economic security."
Everybody has to self-promote now. Nobody wants So you want to be an artist. Do you have to start a TikTok?
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
he should just say this out loud. who even cares. Every rally Trump is like "We Should Put "Them" Into A Wood Chipper Shouldn't We Folks, We Love The 9th Gate, They're Saying I'm The Most Worthy Anyone's Ever Been," who cares anymore, go for it
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
For sale: NEW Unopened Baby Boys&Girls Shoes Baby Walking Shoes First Walking Shoes Infant Sneakers Crib Shoes for Baby Non-Slip Breathable Shoes 6 9 18 Months 2023
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
Oh my god MOST of the scientists I meet have accents, come tf onnnnn
Absolutely, except I think it runs in cycles rather than being “new”. Highly recommend On Speed by Nicolas Rasmussen:
One of my general theories about the world is that our elites being constantly hopped up on amphetamines they perceive to be cognitive performance enhancers is a relatively new phenomenon and something that is causing a lot of really dumb shit to happen
if dogs didn’t love to chew on bones we’d be surrounded by skeletons all the time and imagine how scary that would be
In nature there is no way for sticks to decompose on their own. This is why it's so important for dogs to bring a stick up on the couch and chew it into one million little pieces
Only a few minutes in, but Paul Giamatti talking to Ted Chiang about UFOs and Shoot Em Up is my ASMR
Feeling like a Fool for somehow not knowing about this show
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Reposted byAvatar Kyle Foreman
listening to the "songs where the singer says 'guitar' and a guitar solo appears" playlist again