function r(){if(po(n),n.value===pf)throw new I(-950,!1);return n.value} follows

Seth Rockman
Seth Rockman
Historian at Brown University: Author of _Plantation Goods: A Material History of American Slavery_ Nov. 2024,
Daniel Gilmore
Daniel Gilmore
Media studies and communications professor
Larry Glickman
Larry Glickman
Historian at Cornell University and author, most recently, of FREE ENTERPRISE: AN AMERICAN HISTORY. Working on a history of backlash politics in the United States, from Reconstruction to the present.
Michael Hattem
Michael Hattem
Historian, American Revolution and popular memory | Books: "The Memory of '76" (July 2024) and “Past & Prologue” (E210 H38) | Music: National Steel | @Arsenal
Will Jones
Will Jones
Historian of race and class in U.S.; Author: The March on Washington & The Tribe of Black Ulysses; Professor, University of Minnesota; Past President; "Up For Debate" Editor
Moby Dick
Moby Dick
Random lines from Moby Dick. Bot conceived, coded, and curated by Follow the companion bot for sources.
Karin Wulf
Karin Wulf
Historian of #VastEarlyAmerica | Director & Librarian @ JCBLibrary | History Prof @ Brown

#LineageTheBook OUP 2024 | Yes I’m over there, and there, not there but there — and also @
Daily Kos
Daily Kos
Daily Kos is the nation's largest online progressive media and activism hub.
Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman
Coverage of January 6 and other legal investigations. An American-Irish in Ireland.

Legendary potty mouth!
Rural Indexing Project
Rural Indexing Project
Buildings, signs, and symbols indexed by keyword. Original photographic documentation since 2010.
Chicago, IL —
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
Rachel Shelden
Rachel Shelden
Historian & Director of the Richards Civil War Era Center at Penn State. I study U.S. political, cultural, & constitutional history. Writing a book about the political activities & political culture of 19th-century Supreme Court justices.
Rob Rakove
Rob Rakove
Historian at Stanford University, author of "Kennedy, Johnson, and the Nonaligned World" and "Days of Opportunity: The United States and Afghanistan Before the Soviet Invasion." It's good to have options.
Adam Rothman
Adam Rothman
Michelle Goldberg
Michelle Goldberg
New York Times opinion columnist; MSNBC contributor; author.
Stephen King
Stephen King
John Cuneo
Does lots of drawings, regrets some of them.
Randall Stephens
Randall Stephens
American historian, religion, environment, pop culture, the South. Author: The Devil's Music (Harvard, 2018). Prof of Am & Brit Studies, Univ of Oslo. Fulbright alumnus.
Adam Serwer
Adam Serwer
Manisha Sinha
Manisha Sinha
President elect 2024 of Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, author most recently of The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic, Draper Chair at UConn
the Mountain Goats
the Mountain Goats
marsh gas enthusiast
Philip Bump
Philip Bump
Washington Post: National columnist. Newsletter: "How To Read This Chart." Book: "The Aftermath." [email protected]
Dave Winer
Dave Winer
OG blogger, podcaster, developed first apps in many categories.

My blog since 1994:

RSS feed for Bluesky posts:

Old enough to know better.

It's even worse than it appears.
📷 Decades documenting life in the eastern US. Work featured in Luxe Magazine and WaPo.

Name inspired by the journal published by Alfred Stieglitz over a century ago.

Film, hiking, Dylan, Fins fan.
Stephen West
Stephen West
Historian of Civil War & Reconstruction. Bicyclist, baker, 3d favorite human of Banjo the dog. Views=mine, RT≠endorsement
Boyds Historical Society
Boyds Historical Society
Preserving our community's history, including the historic one-room Boyds Negro School (1895-1936), the Boyds Historic District, & the B&O Railroad, in Montgomery County, Maryland. 501(c)(3)
Liette Gidlow
Liette Gidlow
Election worker
Historian of US politics, voting rights, women, race, 19thA
Wrote TheBigVote & Obama,Clinton,Palin
Radcliffe Fellow@Harvard. Swam in RFK's pool
Julia Rose Kraut
Julia Rose Kraut
JD/PhD in NYC | Book: THREAT OF DISSENT: A HISTORY OF IDEOLOGICAL EXCLUSION AND DEPORTATION IN THE UNITED STATES (Harvard University Press) | email: [email protected] | Views=mine/not my employer
Alexandra Petri
Alexandra Petri
I’m not in James Thurber’s attic any more! right now I’m home yay ! I’m the one who writes this column and loves puns
Laura Mammina, PhD
Laura Mammina, PhD
Historian of 19th c. U.S. race and gender at the University of Houston-Victoria. Currently at work on an oral history project, reading Black Feminist Theory, and writing about Federal soldiers and southern civilians in the U.S. Civil War.
Carolyn Eichner
Carolyn Eichner
Historian 19th c. France & empire; gender, race, & sexuality; social movements; Paris Commune;
Dr. Sheri Chinen Biesen📽️🎷📚🌺
Dr. Sheri Chinen Biesen📽️🎷📚🌺
Cinema Professor. Film History. Jazz. Books: Through a Noir Lens: Adapting Film Noir Visual Style. Blackout: World War II & Origins of Film Noir. Film Censorship. Music in the Shadows
Chris Warren
Chris Warren
Studying the history of health & environment. Walking the dogs. Teaching the classes. Writing the books.* Traveling the world, little by little.
*Brush With Death: [Lead Poisoning] (JHUP)
Starved for Light: The Long Shadow of Rickets... (UCP, 2024)
Random photo journeys off the grid and everything else. Posting from the rooftops of a very old city.
Matt Zoller Seitz
Matt Zoller Seitz
Author, filmmaker, book dealer. Bookstore: editor-at-large. New York Magazine writer. Incredible dance moves.
Doug Hayes
Doug Hayes
Boulder, Colorado
Mark Joseph Stern
Mark Joseph Stern
Senior writer at Slate covering courts and the law. There’s usually a parrot on my shoulder.
Timothy Snyder
Timothy Snyder
Levin Professor of History at Yale. Author of "On Freedom," "On Tyranny," with 20 new lessons on Ukraine, "Our Malady," "Road to Unfreedom," "Black Earth," and "Bloodlands"
Don Hood
Don Hood
Big fan of nature and pop culture. Won't bite.
Currently concentrated on opening paragraphs that grab your attention.
Drafting the Past
Drafting the Past
A podcast about the craft of writing history, hosted by Kate Carpenter. Find it at or wherever you get your podcasts.
Kevin M. Levin
Kevin M. Levin
Civil War historian, educator, and public speaker. Author: _Searching For Black Confederates_ Biography of Robert Gould Shaw forthcoming with UNC Press.

Join my Civil War Memory newsletter:
Karen L. Cox 📚🏳️‍🌈
Karen L. Cox 📚🏳️‍🌈
Award-winning historian. Professor Emerita living in the Queen City. I’ve written four books & my share of op-eds. I’m working on a book about the Rhythm Club fire of 1940. I ❤️ jazz.
American Historical Association
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association is the largest professional organization serving historians in all fields and all professions.
Casey Newton
Casey Newton
Email salesman at and podcast co-host at Hard Fork.
The New York Times
The New York Times
In-depth, independent reporting to better understand the world, now on Bluesky. News tips? Share them here:
Eric Deggans
Eric Deggans
NPR TV critic, media analyst and guest host. Adjunct prof at Duke University and Indiana University. Father to four. Blerd. Drummer. Author: Race-Baiter: How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation. Media bloviator.
Jay Rosen
Jay Rosen
I teach journalism at NYU, critique the press, try to suggest reforms. PressThink is the name of my subject and my site.
The Verge
The Verge covers life in the future.