
From Judith Butler's new book
The Vatican has released a new document on human dignity in which it says surrogacy, gender theory and abortion are among the "grave threats" to the human condition.
The Vatican says surrogacy and gender theory are 'grave threats' to human A document called
Religion is the number one threat to human society. It's inherently divisive with each religion claiming a divine knowledge superior to any other. The starting point of every religion is that they know more than you and are superior to you because of this knowledge. It's insulting and baseless.
I don’t know if I’d necessarily go this far—religion has plenty of moments of healing and unity in its rich and diverse history. The INSTITUTIONS of religion on the other hand, where the mysterious and awe inspiring becomes the “obvious moral orthodoxy” have blood all over their hands.
Part of the reason I (very, very loosely) associate with Christianity is because of the laser focus the Bible has on uplifting and protecting the most vulnerable people. I do not find it (personally) productive to attach the flaws of institutions to the religion itself. However, I do find it
Productive to criticize and honestly call out the hypocrisy of people like this who believe that upholding their traditional institutional beliefs (that are nowhere addressed in their holy book) rather than focusing on the actual issues their holy book is concerned on.
Upholding their traditional institutional beliefs is more important than* not rather than, apologies.
Religion is responsible for more death and suffering on the planet than any other belief. It's the antithesis of scientific inquiry and fights every single day to keep archaic institutions in power in almost every corner of the globe. It stands against progress at every turn. It's a net negative.
Seems to me believing that the bibble is laser-focussed about anything represents a selective interpretation
Well yeah, shit is a huge book. But the overall theme is God as an advocate for the marginalized. The Prophets and Writings really speak to this.
I totally agree and so many more met with death; because of any beliefs that got religion whipped into the mix!
I don’t think religion causes war. It has often been the dividing line over which wars were fought. In Europe, nationalism started replacing religion as the dividing line around the 18th C.
Clear and unsparing. And 100% correct.
Catholics are a threat to everyone
Exactly! The church has a lot of nerve talking about child abuse, especially since they are making shit up about others, and ignoring their own well-documented, disgusting history.
These child abusers, these pedofiles at the Vatican can fuck all the way off. The grave threat is and always has been organized religion. They teach hate, they enable racism and bigotry, and they prey on the weak and vulnerable.
I started a post 3 different times and canceled them each time, with basically the same perspective each time. Thanks for putting it better than I could.
The church has repeatedly, throughout history, stomped on, stabbed, burned and raped human dignity. They have no agency here.
I keep underlining/highlighting so much it's ridiculous. loving this book. they just nail the contradictory positions out of the Vatican...
What I'm loving about it (I'm about 15% into it so far) is how very calm and measured their prose voice is while they serve up so much cause for white-hot anger.
It's a mistake to think the Catholic Church is in danger of bankruptcy. They have plenty of properties they can sell off. It's actually a bit obscene, I'd say profane but I wouldn't want to confuse that word with its ecclesiastical use. The Church has more money than God. (very intentional joke)
They are a literal bank and their liquid assets alone are in the (you wouldn’t believe me) billions.
The Vatican saying that every person is made in God’s image and then pretending there are only two genders is so ridiculous and contradictory, they really want to keep tanking enrollment huh
True, there can only be one 😉
Why are all these seemingly straight white men molesting children? Must be the gays. /s /s /s /s /s /s
In other words: every conservative accusation is a confession.
The Vatican is a dinosaur that really needs to become extinct…🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😡
I would like to apologize to JB for being so mad about their writing style when I was a WS minor back in the early 90s. I had a valid point about liberation and language accessibility, but the real failure was the prof stanned JB and wouldn't tolerate critique OR help us access their ideas.
Hey I'm reading that one! It's such a good book and goes to show how much of the rhetoric used today can be traced back to the Vatican.
I feel like the org that signed off on the crusades shouldn't be calling the shots on what's bad for people.
Blaming the LGBTQIA+ is a sure win for them. It pleases their followers They also know that we are a threat to their dogma and the patriarchy they rely so much on.
Hence why there are so many ex-Catholics like me. The Vatican is driving people away from the church.
The Vatican should have had all its assets seized and been turned into a museum years ago.
Trenchant passage there
While their buildings APPEAR to be made from the finest stone, they’re REALLY throwing those stones from glass houses…
They are the fucking best. Hands down.
Toujours assez rigolo de voir les culs-benis pédophiles parler de "dignité humaine" ... Même pas un échantillon sur eux ..
99 words on child abuse, just 2% of its total word count on topics of concern, from abortion, 'gender theory', war, etc. Only 2 of the 5 sentences in this paragraph focus on the church itself.
Oh I’m using next paycheck for this one
Clearly Pope Francis' brain has been warped of late. He's been ill in recent years.