function r(){if(po(n),n.value===pf)throw new I(-950,!1);return n.value} follows

Courtney Milan
Courtney Milan
She/her. I write books about carriages, corsets, and smartwatches. Mother of (emoji) dinosaurs 🦖🦕. 羽生結弦 fan. Fan of tea. This biography should not be taken as a complete description.
Mrs. Kleinschmidt
Mrs. Kleinschmidt
Anti-lawn, pro-dandelion. Parody.
Ken White, criminal defense attorney and First Amendment litigator. Co-host of Serious Trouble podcast and writer at The Popehat Report.
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
Josh Busby
Josh Busby
Professor at the University of Texas-Austin. Former Senior Climate Advisor DOD. Climate security, climate governance, clean energy, global health, US foreign policy. Author of States and Nature: The Effects of Climate Change on Security (Cambridge, 2022).
Your Internet Friend Tom Tomorrow
Your Internet Friend Tom Tomorrow
Coach Finstock
Coach Finstock
Football. Basketball. Democracy. Cream cheese.

Editor: Eater, The Feast (RIP), Citypaper (RIP) Writer: LA Weekly, Inky, Ranker, Zagat
Mark Primiano
Mark Primiano
I used to write about sports. Now I do surgeries. I love you. I'm glad I exist.
☀️ Starshine
☀️ Starshine
Ian Hackingpilled
queer eepy lil guy🚰🏳️‍⚧️↙️↙️↙️

New tolkien quote of the day everyday five(ish) days of the week
i RS a lot of mutual aid posts some nsfw🔞
Quinta Jurecic
Quinta Jurecic
I write about law, democracy, and the internet. I'm a senior editor at Lawfare, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the Washington Post's Book World. It's KWIN-ta.
Elon Green
Elon Green
cat enthusiast. public health guy. 5x jeopardy applicant. personal account: all opinions are my own, except for any bad ones
Discontinued Foods!
Discontinued Foods!
Your home for all those culinary delights, anomalies, and misfires that live on only in our memories...You may know me from Twitter, trying things out here now, too!
Daniel Drezner
Daniel Drezner
Political science professor, writer, podcaster, shaker of hands with Mel Brooks — you know, the usual kinks.
she/ella. “the right combination of dependable and reckless”. director of engineering and design @eff.
hannah gais
hannah gais
Senior researcher & journalist at Southern Poverty Law Center. Former internet person at The Baffler. Signal: 334-315-8634 Newsletter:
Dr Anke Marsh
Dr Anke Marsh
Palaeoecology, natural history, science, flora, fauna, microfossils. Researcher, writer, editor, macrophotographer she/her
leftist. former paralegal, current law student. they/them
man it's a hot zone,
man it's a hot zone,
wrote for the guardian, rolling stone, gawker, others. host the "It's Christmastown" Hallmark podcast with david roth & "Quaid in Full" with sarah bunting. he/him. tampa
Mike Drucker
Mike Drucker
Emmy-nominated TV writer and comedian. wrote a book about Silent Hill 2. Newsletter: Email: mikedruckerisdead @ gmail .com
Carl T. Bergstrom
Carl T. Bergstrom
Biology professor at the University of Washington.

I study how information flows in biology, science, and society.

I wrote a book: *Calling Bullshit*:

I love ravens and crows:

Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, internet dog. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail.
Mara Wilson
Mara Wilson
Writer, actor, audiobook narrator, notorious tryhard
James Medlock
James Medlock
Tax enthusiast. Hyperinflation doubter. Soc dem in the streets, market socialist in the sheets. Come for the welfare policy, stay for the cat pics. 🧦🏗️
It’s stunt_bird
It’s stunt_bird
"Captain" "Ruck" "Cohlchez"
"Captain" "Ruck" "Cohlchez"
Ne, ne travaillez jamais
No, never work, that's what they say
Mais ne, ne, ne, nous n'arretons pas
No, don't let's stop until it's done
Bad Medical Takes
Bad Medical Takes
Posting the worst medical takes. Have a submission? DM or @ me.
Luke Plunkett
Luke Plunkett
Co-founder of Aftermath, a very good website about video games, internet culture and beyond. Formerly Kotaku, some other stuff. DMs open.
David Burbach
David Burbach
Prof. of International Relations & National Security. Space, civil-military for work. Cats, science, general nerdistry for fun. Naval War College but strictly personal tweets - don't speak for US Navy or anyone else.
having fun on my phone again :)
Christopher Coffman
Christopher Coffman
“...a good fellow: rather miscellaneous and bric-à-brac, but likable.”

economics, public policy, art and literature, philosophy; recovering full-time college adjunct

(you may have known me as “tex” in the other place)
Andrea Pitzer
Andrea Pitzer
I write stuff. Icebound: Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World. One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps. The Secret History of Vladimir Nabokov. Words in WaPo, NYRB, Slate, etc. Would rather be in the Arctic right now.
Katie Mack
Katie Mack
Cosmologist, pilot, author, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. She/her. Dr.
Jeff VanderMeer
Jeff VanderMeer
Author of the Southern Reach series, out this summer in tenth anniversary editions. Fourth SR novel Absolution: October 22.
Stephen King
Stephen King
software engineer, PLT + FP geek
sometimes musician, often photographer
liberal socialist
views my own
@incrementalized from Twitter
Will Stancil
Will Stancil
Minnesota guy
Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Senior writer, Intelligencer/New York Magazine
Jordan Carlson
Jordan Carlson
Canadian postdoc in Japan.
Energy, sustainability, unrelated ramblings.
Ned Resnikoff
Ned Resnikoff
Policy Director, California YIMBY (

ned at cayimby dot org

Writing occasionally at
Karen “the good kind” Percy
Karen “the good kind” Percy
Project manager in tech.
Singer, person who laughs a lot, Charity board President. (She/her)
Yu-Ming Liou
Yu-Ming Liou
Unfrozen caveman political economist. In my day, we didn't have fancy tools like causal identification, but we knew how to ask: “cui bono?"

Washington, DC
Econ phD, ttrpg enthusiast, he/him
Stephen Nuñez
Stephen Nuñez
Former Lead Researcher on Guaranteed Income
@jainfamilyinst, Current Senior Research Associate at MEF Associates

Sociologist, Dad, Autistic person, Bathos-Enjoyer
Opinions are my own
Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel
Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel
I like to post and see posts. Director of Research at The States Project, the views expressed here are my own.
Tim Mathews
Tim Mathews
Tired dad trapped in an attorney’s body, white-knuckling it until retirement. Dispenser of dog treats. Husband to a superhero wife. ☕️ 🏋️ 📚
Views are mine, not my employer’s.
Read this —>
open can of brainworms 🥫🧠🪱
open can of brainworms 🥫🧠🪱
i post with my heart
he/him/them | bi | critical care medic
rentier classicide stan
drakenier shitposts & pokemon vgc

a future is not given to you. it is something you must take for yourself.
at the end of everything, hold on to anything.
Sharon Kuruvilla
Sharon Kuruvilla
political theologian at the ministry for the future
Senior Scientist | Vaccine Research & Development | NIH | NIAID | VRC | 🧬🧫🦠🔬💉🥼🥽 | 🏳️‍🌈 | 💍