Lee Clark

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Lee Clark


KY Boy—CTI Production Manager—Cyber Intel and Policy—Russian and Spanish Folklore and Religion—Comics, Fantasy, Sci Fi—Tattoo Collector—Bad Poet, Worse Guitarist
I'm so sick of the pronunciacion of Appalachia debate. I've heard people in Pike County pronounce it both ways, not always consistently. Yea, most people here say "latch-uh," but it's just a lot of bullshit to focus on people pronouncing it "lay-shuh." People from here don't always get it "right"
You know what I needed today? It was to know what the guy who wrote Love Gun and Christine Sixteen thinks about the election.
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people who believe that the media won’t immediately switch to ripping on a new candidate are just unfathomably gullible
Dumbest idea I keep hearing is that if the Dems oust Biden, the press will stop criticizing them because it satisfies the "old/mental acuity" criticism. They'll just pick whatever is wrong with the next Democrat and make THAT the Most Important Issue In The Campaign like with EMAILS.
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7/ This is why purity tests to irk me. I do not, in fact, give a shit about your purity. I am a literal Pragmatist in the Peirce-ian and James-ian sense. What real world results do your actions cause? All your responsibilities revolve around that.
lmaooo god we're going to create Megacity, OK where we'll all get to work in our VTOL vehicles
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
Anyone left of Biden who thinks that a Democratic megadonor coup against him is going to result in better policy toward Israel is in for a very nasty surprise
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
SCOTUS: “The President has absolute immunity for official acts.” Very astute @nytimes.com pundits: “The laws and courts will surely prevent the possible next president from implementing his ethnic cleansing plan”
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You suffering and damaging yourself in the name of a cause is not going to advance the cause. All it will do is harm you to the point where you can no longer effectively advocate for the cause. Activism involves taking care of yourself, too, so you can continue to be effective for years to come.
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
At the risk of a very fraught comparison, this attempt to oust Biden seems not unlike state legislatures attempting to appoint alternate slates of electors after the voters in their state went the “wrong” way.
If my vote in the primary doesn't matter, if the candidate is not who I chose but who the Disneys and Waltons and Buffets and so on choose, there is no point in me taking part in the mockshow of democracy plastered over oligarchy.
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
12. A lot of you assholes need to do a whole fucking lot of self-examination about the fact that being a fucking asshole to someone in the name of whatever particular policy issue you're badgering people over is not righteous or moral or effective or good. It's just being a fucking asshole.
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a thing i have been thinking about recently is how consistently pro-labor the administration has been from the beginning and how we've seen wealthy donors from industries that have had major labor victories in the last four years suddenly go absolutely barking mad for intraparty chaos
honestly at this point I'm much more concerned that what's actually at heart here is that a lot of high-dollar donors don't have enough of a stooge in Biden. And in that case, there's a pretty significant risk that any replacement, even Harris, will know who they serve at the pleasure of.
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cybersecurity standards in the US are almost all either optional, run by private actors like credit card companies or cloud providers, or limited to certain government contractors the ransomware epidemic is partially a deregulation crisis. many people opted for fast profit over safety, over years
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Hahahahaha great, stellar. Very good for eastern KY. Lovely, gonna go great, no notes
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
"It used to be about the music" isn't a great foundation for political change
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
There is no such thing as a liberal media. American news is institutionally conservative and has been for a long time.
Pretty disgusting what MSNBC did. Just absolute media collapse all around. Totally incapable of handling the moment. Weak. Spineless. Slobbering. Just absolutely ridiculous.
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
This will exacerbate serious morale issue in Clearance Holder Community. Long been distress at asymmetry of consequences based on hierarchy: Workers treated harshly, rules applied strictly. Higher-ups get away with leaking & mishandling classified materials. Contributes to leaks & mishandling.
In all seriousness: the very idea that someone can take highly classified documents, store them in a public place, defy any number of requests, subpoenas, etc., and then face NO CONSEQUENCES AT ALL is genuinely shocking, and should terrify anyone who cares about national security.
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
All the calls for “everyone” to “cool down the rhetoric” etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
Habitat for Humanity Restore find
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Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
I think it's helpful to remember that 95% of the people who yell at other people online about voting aren't doing any electoral organizing at all. Yelling online IS what they think organizing is.
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
After decades of activism, Joe Biden’s administration finally was the one to ban USDA’s Wildlife Services division from deploying cyanide bombs on federal BLM lands. These things have killed pets and injured recreationists, and killing carnivores is bad policy anyway. Biden got it done.
US agency ends use of 'cyanide bomb' to kill coyotes and other predators, citing safety concernsapnews.com The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has halted the use of spring-loaded traps that disperse cyanide powder to kill coyotes and other predators.
Reposted byAvatar Lee Clark
Oh yeah, these are going on the stop signs in the neighborhood
Ya know what job I never knew was as big as it is? Travelling Mark Twain impersonators. I've met 4 in my life (2 also did other characters?, which seems like a disproportionate number?
Update on my parents visiting: my father has watched 3 different films today named Prey hoping one would be a movie he watched part of last year. None of the 3 are the right film.
"We used to make shit in this country. Now we just stick our hand in the next guy's pocket."