Nun Ya

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Nun Ya

Today's nude beach weirdness: an iguana
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An increasing body of studies suggests prolonged exposure to noise pollution may cause cardiovascular damage. One local bitcoin mine was producing well over the local allowable noise volume.
"Over the course of several months in 2024, TIME spoke to more than 40 people in the Granbury area who reported a medical ailment that they believe is connected to the arrival of the Bitcoin mine: hypertension, heart palpitations, chest pain, vertigo, tinnitus, migraines, panic attacks."
Inside the 'Nightmare' Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin A Bitcoin mine moved to a small town in Texas. One by one, the residents fell ill.
It went from something I would've expected to see in a video game 30 years ago to something I'd expect to see today. It also is an interesting art commentary on a lot of different axis even if it wasn't intended to be
Ok fine, there are 2 cool Cybertrucks. This and the Halo one
The amount of people liking the wood paneling wrap is deeply concerning. It’s a flat wrap. That car looks like shit and is an affront to all wood paneled SUVs that came before it. If you want to see a decent CT wrap, this one from a shop in Atlanta is honestly solid.
Someone else's boner has nothing to do with who you are inside
Oh just you wait until you find out about the escalators
As an adult, this is exactly what I want when I'm doing my little pebbling thing
When a little kid is showing you every single shell they collected on the beach and you want to keep the process moving along, it's best to reply "That's a good shell" every time.
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🎯 This didn’t just attack me, if I was a cat it would’ve taken a life
You know Boeing isn't going to fuck you right? Not sure who you're trying to impress here
Too bad about those completely unrelated criminal fraud charges about their safety issues in both design and actual manufacture.
I'm not an adoptee but I spent a lot of time avoiding foster care and think about all the different ways things could've gone at various developmental stages. We never got any sort of support and it was traumatic but by the time I was old enough that things fell apart, I knew it could be worse
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The official 2024 GOP platform makes a reference to "Christian-hating Communists" who the Republicans will keep from entering the country. Back in the early days of the America First movement, "Christian-hating Communists" would have just been a longer way of saying "Jews."
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The headline of this article should've been "This story? Thanks, it has pockets"
@WSJ: For decades, a lack of clothing pockets kept women from enjoying themselves—and participating fully at work. Designers are finally catching up to the demand.
People went on dates to see Schindler's List and then went home and had sex.
Eric Adams opened this morning’s press conference by rolling a garbage bin up to the podium, placing a bag of trash in it, and saying “welcome to our trash revolution” while Empire State of Mind played in the background
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Have you heard of the new group on Aurora posting license plates and taking them down in exchange for a "donation to stop trafficking"?
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Same with getting any official documentation sorted out
This may only apply to a small number of you, but if you're in the US and can marry a migrant marry them. And if you're a migrant putting off a green card or citizenship application, get it in now. I know we're not "supposed" to do negativity here right now but Cover Your Bases.
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The speaker of the house is openly saying concentration camps are needed for Latinos if they take power. Make no mistake detention camp is code. This is the smirking face of fascism at the highest levels of government and in the direct line of succession.
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I don't want to derail someone's thread, but the reason I think AITA is one of the greatest things on the 'net is a lot of people do not have good modeling for relationships. A lot of people do not have good people in their life who can give them good feedback. And often even if they have that...
other people, esp if they're being gaslit, to tell them it's okay, they're not crazy or bad, and to goooooo. And esp to help them find resources to do so for many SAHP who may not have financial and personal resources. I mean on the bad ones. I think it's one of the greatest things of the 'net
AITA also helps people who aren't even at the stage of self awareness that would make them post. Reading a post and realizing everyone else disagrees with your assessment and why, can spark introspection if people are willing to listen
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The spouse will watch Hallmark movies when stressed. Not because they are good, but because they are completely predictable and don't require a lot of attention. Gives me time to work thru my Audible backlog when their destressing since I have zero interest in listening.
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Just to be clear, the current NYT home page is 4 stories about Biden's age, plus another editorial board urging him to withdraw, plus about how Trump is moderating the GOP on abortion.
Meanwhile, Trump, the person who has boasted about ending Roe, and whose appointees will seek to use executive authority to make abortion pills illegal to distribute, is a moderate on abortion per the NYT.
So then you know Boeing airplanes are criminally unsafe. Got it.
It's so weird all these safety things keep happening and that Boeing coincidentally pleaded guilty to fraud in claiming their planes were safe. Probably no relation. Must be someone else's fault.
So it's user error if your wheels or door fall off? Or if your rudder has a design malfunction and kills a bunch of people or just stops moving? I guess the company pleading guilty to fraud when claiming their planes were safe is just a coincidence.
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It literally gets so hot in Seattle now that the roads can literally melt or just plain snap apart Now we have to spray down the important bridges with cold water so they keep working
This is going to continue happening as everything gets hotter. Seattle had problems similar to this during the 2021 heat dome. Climate change is an *infrastructure problem* along with all the other types of problems.
Pavement on I-5 buckles in extreme Seattle Heat expands the pavement, which can cause it to heave up and buckle, according to WSDOT.