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“We should all emulate the virtues of the rattle snake: strong communication and good follow through”

RI/PDX based, politics
13 month year evangelist
Lobbyist. Coworkers DNI
Building Code/Housing/HVAC nerd
No certainty to be had! No ability to influence the thing at all! A bad combo that is driving all politics understanders insane!
Google “home energy efficiency assessment near [your location]” and “home weatherization assessment near [your location]” and “home energy audit near [location]” and that should get you a list of options. Not sure actually what the job title of the guy who comes out is. Probably “assessor”
I hate when I have right of way and a car waves at me to go. Like… yes I know I can go! Because I have right of way! I don’t need your permission! Stop your vehicle or hit me and pay my fucking student loan debt off you speeding swine!
Do not park on a crosswalk after approaching the stop at 60kph with zero roll pure brakeslamming, then wave at me to just go on ahead in front of you.
It’s worth having a pro come over and do an energy efficiency assessment/weatherization assessment. They’re not expensive, and they can do a much more thorough appraisal. Long term, a heat pump is a great investment.
Reposted byAvatar Jakey
Wait I want to go again: most all of your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint are dwarfed by the efficacy of doing a high quality home energy retrofit, and they are not expensive to do!
Wow he cut the 14 words in half
Relatedly: one of the lowest hanging fruits of education reform is to make sure every school has working, energy efficient AC. Children *cannot* learn in 80F heat + 80% humidity!
People underestimate the impact of humidity. A NYC account on insta that was posting NYers videos of the heat and commenters were like “it’s only in the 80s” but the humidity was also in the 80s and the entire city felt like a fucking sauna. The impact of the air is not determined by temp alone.
When you are describing J Bouie as a centrist voice you have lost the fucking plot
playing along with the narrative that Bouie was "bullied" off the site is a red flag in general but i'm really surprised how many people are acting like his presence as a centrist voice is somehow a bulwark against the overwhelming conservatism of the NYT. i bet these folks LOVED Alan Colmes huh
Modern heat pumps work fine in low temps. The age where they got less efficient and then fully failed near freezing is past us. Modern refrigerants are much much better and greener than their aged counterparts. The tradeoff is that they’re a tad flammable.
Wait I want to go again: most all of your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint are dwarfed by the efficacy of doing a high quality home energy retrofit, and they are not expensive to do!
I’m at a point where I’m trying to buy stuff I’ll die with and have buried with me
Depends on the food, and your activity level! If the food is salty and you’re not sweating a lot, then yes most likely! If you’re not eating a lot of salty food and you’re sweating a ton, then probably not, no. Source: I have cramped so bad during tournaments despite eating a ton throughout the day
From toilets to beds to lawn chairs I want to be able to shop with a filter for “I am over six feet tall and over two hundred pounds”
Guaranteed he’s hit a few with his car on purpose
If eating off of a piece wood is what I have to do in order to eat a pasta flight, so be it
love to eat my spaghetti off a 2 x 4
I know it’s the millionth example, but the fact that Trump has not called the widow of the dude who took a bullet meant for him is *wild*
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
Reposted byAvatar Jakey
This is based on vibes only: I think Vance might help Trump with middle class white ppl in PA, WI, and MI.
I worry that in the medium term “Biden is Old” will be played against the image of Trump pumping his fist to highlight the contrast in energy.
Vance being VP is a lock, right?
Reposted byAvatar Jakey
Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
The only thing I’ll ever say to George Bush’s credit: he dodged the fuck out of those shoes
Imo that’s a disguise to blend in with the dozen different LEO agencies at a presidential rally
Can’t be seen driving your giant campaign bus to the funeral and all that
From a Biden campaign official: “The Biden campaign is pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible.” — Matt Viser, WaPo
This reminds me that I need to go to the parlor to get my ear Repierced
Just deleted some very “that shit does not look good on paper” posts
Idk if anyone else is on this part of tiktok but Bistro Huddy is Shakespearean in the actors ability to play multiple women in a scene
We DO exist in the context of all that has come before us while ALSO needing to be unburdened by what has been. How tf did she know it would come to this??
My most common reason to block someone is “I made a joke and they didn’t get it or riffed bad”
“Blocked for mild criticism” I have blocked people for a sentence. I have blocked people for single words, and they weren’t even attacks. I have blocked people for their aesthetics. I can and will block you for my peace and you can do the same to me. That’s what we owe each other; nothing more.