
Major employers are using surveillance tools to ensure that no matter where people work, they're at their computers — but polls suggest doing so is risky for morale.
Caught you faking: Wells Fargo firings expose workplace surveillance Some workers aren't working, but snooping is bad for morale.
It’s not just risky for morale, it’s bad for productivity. Our brains need breaks in order to work properly, just like our bodies do.
Also a great way to start a brain drain at your company. Anybody who can will just go somewhere that treats them like an adult.
Same reason a friend of mine left their company after the company decided they wanted that person to come in two days/wk (only one in the department to do so) - knowing the story pretty well, it was obvious it was just an excuse to look over their shoulder. Hard nope.
Employee: do you trust me to do my job? Company: yes, but by yes we mean no. Employee: 🖕
Seriously. And it should be about my productivity not how many times I get up from my desk for a few min.
Because it’s not actually about productivity, it’s about control.
I agree with this to a point, but workers are historically productive! At some point, it should be about more than just productivity. People's quality of life matters. It can't just be that we live in one long rat race to become ever more productive at the expense of everything else.
Yeah. Productivity is def a two-edged sword. I was meaning it in a positive way like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing so don't micro manage my minutes, but it is surely used against folks by mgmt. Quality of life matters big time.
Also in nursing productivity is a pretty crap measurement because it only goes up/ reaches target with more patients and less staff. And more higher acuity patients. Encourages being understaffed.
It’s a loop too. Poor quality of life reduces productivity. And most people feel good about being meaningfully productive (not pro forma corporate productivity).
i still get bill collectors calling me trying to collect on this shit, not only did they steal all my money they then billed me extra and sent me to collections. oh they also sent me a settlement check for $9, but the bill collectors still trying to collect $500 from me
Bill collector phone agents generally won't hang up on you. Radicalize them.
"... does not tolerate unethical behavior that doesn't directly profit upper management and shareholders." Wells Fargo is exhibit A for needing a clear & functional corporate death penalty process.
“we’ve been timing how long it takes you to urinate and by our calculations, your pee time is 5 minutes longer than the average worker’s, here at Wells Fargo, we just dont tolerate this kind of unethical behavior”
Explicitly telling your employees that you think they don’t work hard is bad for morale? The hell you say!
I worked at a company pre-COVID where people who worked for a certain manager would take their laptops into the bathroom because if they didn't respond in a minute he would assume they were slacking off. They were the least productive department in our division for exactly that reason.
Modern-day business practices are the answer to the question, "How can we make the jokes in 'Dilbert' more extreme and less funny at the same time?"
No shit. That shows no trust in employees. I’d never work for a company that used such technology.
It seems difficult to find places that don't use such "bossware." Important to know that many of the higher-ups making major decisions based on the data have barely any understanding of the software's functions, limitations, reliability, or reporting.
Why are axios articles so awful and weirdly written
Breaking news: placing workers in a digital panopticon is bad for morale More at 11
Rich that it is Well's Fargo that is featured since they are one of the largest crooked corporations in America. DOJ should have put them out of business a few decades ago.
Can we try this with management and cattle prods? Jim, your department's numbers were down last quarter. Here's 50,000 volts, you Six Sigma fuck.
Five bucks none of them care about morale.
oh absolutely typical, company hires worker to salary to do X, gets mad they aren't actually doing XYZABCD
What's the plan to replace these people?
Why do we need to do this in the first place? Can't we just measure based on outputs, and not micromanage people? If your job is to "Solve X Problems Per Day", then who cares how you do it?
I wouldn't want to do business (in this case bank) with a co that would do this to their employees. It speaks to their utter disregard for privacy. If they'd do it to their employees, they'll do it to their customers, too. Not that I'd want to bank w WF. We've already seen what they're willing to do
"Risky" for morale? Does it really count as risky if the odds of it being awful for morale are 100%?