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Feral classicist
Reposted byAvatar Riley
Amazon Prime Day is actually just a harvest festival reworked to make Christianity more palatable to the pagans
McConnell deserves the credit and blame for today. It was McConnell who shaped the court, by holding open one seat, by hastily filling another, by reviving the Civil Rights Era use of the filibuster. The direction of the court has been set by the last president, but McConnell made that possible.
Reposted byAvatar Riley
Would not have expected this well-reasoned rant from the smug, front-running sports shouter Colin Cowherd but right is right.
Its training data appears to end sometime between March 2023 and March 2024. Note also how it hallucinates the 95th Academy Awards one year forward so that it can still describe them as the "last".
Gemini is worthless
Reposted byAvatar Riley
The treatment of seafarers is such an under-discussed crisis in labor rights, and I hadn’t realized these guys were still trapped, 3km from shore. This is beyond cruel.
I can't believe that not only are the crew of this ship still confined to the ship *because they don't have visas* but they've also had their phones confiscated so they can't be in touch with family
Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge Morale is low for the Dali's crew members, who are stranded on board by the ongoing investigation into the tragedy.
Reposted byAvatar Riley
There's no correct way to protest that is going to stop purposeful misinterpretation by people who do not share the movement's goals.
If you can replace "war in Gaza" with "war in Vietnam/Iraq", maybe your analysis is less trenchanr than your think
Who, then, can interview Sulzberger and his editorial staff to verify that they are competent to play the guardians of the Republic? Last I checked, they thought they did a bang-up job 8 years ago protecting us from the lady with imperfect IT practices.
"In Sulzberger’s view, according to two people familiar with his private comments on the subject, only an interview with a paper like the Times can verify that the 81-year-old Biden is still fit to hold the presidency." This is exactly the problem. The NYT is high on its own supply.
Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask whether there is a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. #fouryearsago
Reposted byAvatar Riley
April 23, 2020 Just before his daily coronavirus press conference, Trump is told by William Bryan, DHS official for science and technology, that bleach, alcohol and sunlight quickly kill the coronavirus on surfaces. Trump then, unprompted, muses publicly about injecting disinfectant into people.
President Trump Suggests ‘Injecting’ Disinfectant as Coronavirus Cure | NBC New During a press conference on Thursday, President Donald Trump asked that the White House coronavirus task force investigate whether a disinfectant could be i...
Abandoning Twitter was a relatively easy decision for me, as someone who doesn't rely on social media presence and following. I worry, however, that the rational self-interest that has prompted many to remain there may lead to unforeseen consequences.
HEY LOVELIES - here's a fresh new blog post for you 😘 X is something entirely new: it has the clout and influence of Twitter, blended with the hate of 4chan and the lies of TruthSocial. And it lingers because its users don't see themselves as the fuel poured into the hate machine.
You are the fuel that energises Elon Musk’s hate Twitter is dead. It has been replaced by something we have never seen before: a blend of highly engaged, influential media/political accounts posting happily inside the newly formed infrastructure of ...
Reposted byAvatar Riley
This NYT article exists to launder right-wing propagandist Chris Rufo’s bad faith attacks on Katherine Maher into news—without sufficient context for readers who don’t already know how Rufo operates to understand what’s happening. It’s an insane way to run a paper. 🎁
NPR C.E.O. Faces Criticism Over Tweets Supporting Progressive Katherine Maher, who took over the public network last month, posted years ago on Twitter that “Donald Trump is a racist.”
Reposted byAvatar Riley
If the New York Times can produce a single example of any presidential campaign in history defining their universe of persuasion targets as "the people running the opposing campaign," I will STFU about the Times forever.
Reposted byAvatar Riley
I can remember when it was a shocking that Joe Wilson yelled "you lie" during Obama's SOTU in 2009. It became so normalized so quickly.
Reposted byAvatar Riley
I agree... No one has figured out how to cover a normal pol vs an abnormal threat to the nation, but it's not like we see them trying through experiment and iteration. No one has figured out how to cover a normal pol vs an abnormal threat, but they had years to plan for this very thing.
I really think the problem is that one candidate is normal, with normal policy ideas and normal virtues and normal flaws, and the other is not and no one has figured out how to cover a normal pol vs an abnormal threat to the nation.
Reposted byAvatar Riley
This would have been enough on its own not too long ago to kill someone’s campaign. Fuck all of this.
Reposted byAvatar Riley
When they’re right, they’re right, I completely agree that conservatives should make “ending recreational sex” their central issue
Had the New York Times not dissolved the office of Public Editor, they might have someone inside the building who could tell them, "Hey, remember 2016 when you got fixated on emails? You're doing that again." Not that they would necessarily listen.
Jebus, the NYT should just officially rebrand as The Biden Is Old Bugle.
It's good to know that newsrooms aren't broken the world over. In the U.S. however, they're actively misinforming the public, and the consequences could be calamitous.
Folks, I am overseas, and this news is spreading like WILD FIRE. It’s been the TOP morning story in both Arabic & French speaking news. I’m not sure how it’s playing in the US, but, my god, I’m watching the news coverage here & I’m literally cringing. What a humiliation!!!
Reposted byAvatar Riley
Why won't NYT step aside and let a younger publication be paper of record for a while
Reposted byAvatar Riley
hopping and spitting mad. JPL is being forced to lay off 8% of the workforce *today* bc they have not secured funding for FY24 to support Mars Sample Return. FY24 started in October of 2023. Congress is too busy failing to impeach cabinet members instead. Clown show
JPL plans to lay off hundreds of employees due to lack of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is poised to lay off 530 employees along with 40 contractors as the federally funded research and development center has yet to secure funding for the 2024 fiscal ye...
Originalism is like Fundamentalism: You start and end with thoroughly modern prejudices, and you tie it all together with historical fiction.
Reposted byAvatar Riley
That will not go well for him.
Reposted byAvatar Riley
one thing i'll add is that there is a "volkish" quality to the notion that trump's voters deserve consideration above and beyond what we extended to every other citizen
Reposted byAvatar Riley
Reposted byAvatar Riley
Intrusive thought today is what if the NYT covered the Thomas & Alito bribery scandal the way they're covering the college presidents. Not just an endless stream of articles but framing it as though it's a shock and an obvious affront that they haven't resigned yet
I love how the New York Times, which ran more than five dozen articles on Gay and almost single handedly maintained the drumbeat for her resignation, switches into Neutral Observer Mode here.
Those of us who grew up in the shadow of Watergate, assuming for most of our lives that the Press was identified with the mission of defending democracy, are stumbling through various stages of grief.